HLP 16 Checklist: Explicit Instruction (VDOE TTAC at GMU & CEC High-Leverage Practices Implementation Guide)


Explicit instruction is an evidence-based practice (EBP) that improves student achievement in academics and behavior.  Explicit instruction provides a framework for delivering high quality instruction across grade levels and content areas to students with and without disabilities.  Designated by the CEEDAR Center and CEC as a pillar HLP, explicit instruction is comprised of defined teacher practices, referred to as embedded HLPs. Embedded HLPs are divided into two parts: What to teach and how to teach.

Below are four checklists that outline teacher practices within the explicit instruction framework. 

  • GMU TTAC Co-teacher Explicit Instruction (HLP 16) Checklist & Accessible Version - The TTAC Co-teacher explicit instruction checklist outlines general and special education teacher roles in planning for, delivering, and assessing within the explicit instruction framework.
  • CEC Explicit Instruction (HLP 16) Checklist & Accessible Version - Based on the HLP resources (High-Leverage Practices in Special Education: The Final Report of the HLP Writing Team and High-Leverage Practices in the Inclusive Classroom) and the information shared at the workshop on March 8, 2019, by Dr. Michael Kennedy the following is a checklist to guide school leaders as they address key elements that comprise effective collaboration. This checklist is being shared with permission.

Reference: Council for Exceptional Children. (2018). CEC’s High-Leverage Practices Institute: Collaboration Implementation Guide.

Note: We are aware that the hyperlinks are not working for the Web Resources, Books, and Video Clips to Analyze and Discuss. We have contacted the authors and are working on this issue.


Curriculum/Instructional Methods Instructional Strategies Professional Resources