Early Childhood

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Showing Results 151 - 200 of 339
Description: About the Training Curriculum Title |  Building the Legacy for Our Youngest Children with Disabilities: A Training Curriculum on Part C of IDEA 2004 By Whom? | This training curriculum was produced by NICHCY at the request of the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) at the U.S. Department of Education. The Center for Parent Information and Resources is pleased to house this curriculum and to make it continuously available. For Whom? |  The curriculum is intended to...
Description: Kids grow fast, don’t they? And early intervention is designed for children from birth up to age three.  At that point, services under EI end. If the child will need continued support once he or she moves on to preschool, it’s very important to plan ahead so that the transition is smooth.  The resources below will help you do just that.
Description: Promoting Self-Regulation in the First Five Years: A Practice Brief provides guidelines to promote self-regulation development in children from birth through five years old. By proactively teaching and supporting self-regulation skills across settings, we can help children from all backgrounds enter kindergarten ready to learn. This brief is one of several from a series on self-regulation from the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S....
Description: Healthy brain development is essential for realizing one’s full potential and for overall well-being. For children and youth who experience child abuse or neglect and associated trauma, brain development may be interrupted, leading to functional impairments. Ongoing maltreatment can alter a child’s brain development and affect mental, emotional, and behavioral health into adulthood. Frontline child welfare professionals are in a unique position to recognize developmental delays in...
Description: Supporting transitions can have positive effects on children and families, and collaboration is key to effective transition. Each brief in this series focuses on a different partnership level: the child and family, early educators, early care and education (ECE) programs, and ECE partners. The Head Start Program Performance Standards outline transition requirements in 1302 Subpart G—Transition Services.
Description: Helping Young Children Who Have Experienced Trauma: Policies and Strategies for Early Care and Education - In almost every early care and education (ECE) program across the country, there are children who have experienced trauma or who will, during their early childhood, experience traumatic events. Trauma in early childhood takes many forms, including abuse or neglect, witnessing violence, and having prolonged separation from or loss of a parent. An extensive body of research has documented the...
Description: Virginia Family Special Education Connection provides a one-stop-shop for parents, families and caregivers of children with special needs to: Access local school system contacts and disability services in your community Explore an abundance of resources, including assistive technology and behavioral supports to help your child succeed. Learn about and plan your child's educational program Understand your legal rights and responsibilities POWER (Parent Organizer with Educational...
Description: What you do and say matters! Explore and practice everyday strategies to develop Positive Goal-Oriented Relationships with a family. These relationships are key to our work with children and families, including the journey toward school readiness. Simulation 1 allows you to practice building bonds with families, beginning with an intake visit. Simulation 2 explores the process of developing and implementing goals with families. Simulation 3 explores using strengths-based attitudes to partner...
Title: Read to Them
Description: Read to Them programs show schools and families the wide array of benefits that come from reading aloud together. A child’s positive relationship with literacy provides the basis for a lifetime of learning. Our school-wide reading programs support reading together at home and learning together at school by providing schools with the necessary tools, resources, and guidance to create a culture of literacy in their community.
Description: The National Child Traumatic Stress Network - Terrorism and Violence Families and children may be profoundly affected by mass violence, acts of terrorism, or community trauma in the form of shootings, bombings, or other types of attacks. The impact will vary depending on the nature of the event and on the experiences of children and families during and afterwards. . American Academy of Pediatrics - Talking to Children About Tragedies & Other News Events The American Academy of...
Description: NAEYC culled excerpts and articles from their publications and online content about anti-bias approraches, strategies to counter bullying, ways to guide children's behavior, build positive classroom communitites, and support the range of diverse children and families in EC programs.  Resources are listed below Anti-Bias Education: Now online you can read the first chapter of the book Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves and find self-reflection exercises for...
Description: This book has an emphasis on assessment in mathematics and encouraging children to construct knowledge. Developmentally appropriate activities, suggestions to teach mathematics, and ways to encourage children to explore and play with numbers, measurements, and operations are included.
Description: Many collaborative strategies, sample interagency agreements, planning tools, and funding sources exist to assist states and communities in providing inclusive preschool special education services. Included within the Preschool Inclusion Finance Toolkit 2018 are the following: Early Childhood Programs Comparison Worksheet Determining Costs Inclusive Worksheet Braiding Funds: How Districts Can Create Inclusive Placement Opportunities for Young Children with Disabilities
Description: Child-adult relationships that are responsive and attentive—with lots of back and forth interactions—build a strong foundation in a child’s brain for all future learning and development. This is called “serve and return,” and it takes two to play! Follow these 5 steps to practice serve and return with your child.
Description: Aligning and Integrating Family Engagement in Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Concepts and Strategies for Families and Schools in Key Contexts includes the following  chapters: Enhancing Progress for Meaningful Family Engagement in all Aspects of Positive BehavioralInterventions and Supports (PBIS) and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Family Engagement Foundations: Supporting Children and Families Engaging Families Through School-Wide Positive Behavior Support: Building...
Description: The Virginia Department of Education is the administrative agency for the commonwealth’s public schools. VDOE works in partnership with Virginia’s 132 school divisions to support and improve teaching and learning, set high expectations for all students, and promote student safety, wellbeing, and health.
Description: This video illustrates how inclusive practices should begin as early as possible. In the first part, Janelle describes her two year old daughter’s birth, early weeks in the NICU, and her stroke at four months old. In the second part, Janelle is joined by Lydia Rose's child development center teacher and her early interventionist as they discuss and illustrate a range of topics including inclusion, collaboration and teamwork between general and special educators, family-centered early...
Description: The ZERO TO THREE Policy Center is also delighted to announce the release of a new planning tool, Expanding Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Supports and Services: A Planning Tool for States and Communities.  This new resource provides a set of questions that can help to: inform and organize cross-system, multi-sector planning efforts; inventory existing resources, policies, and programs; identify gaps and missing linkages; and align policy with best practice. This action-oriented...
Description: Baby Talk is a free, one-way listserv that is distributed monthly. Each issue features resources that are high quality, readily available and free. To join the listserv, send an email with no message to subscribe-babytalk@listserv.unc.edu  
Description: In October, 2016, ten states convened around the topic of infant and early childhood mental health (IECMH), with a specific focus on strategies to improve assessment, diagnosis and treatment. Teams from Alaska, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Virginia participated, as well as a team of expert contributors from Minnesota. The summary of proceedings from that work, Aligning Policy and Practice: Mental Health Assessment and Treatment of...
Description: How to Identify and Support Children Experiencing Stress - Recent social and political changes have brought up feelings of fear and anxiety in many communities. In some communities, protests or even violent conflicts may be happening near children. It is not surprising, then, that these communities’ children may be exhibiting signs of anxiety. Child care providers can take steps to help children cope with worry and the uncertainty that change brings. First and foremost,...
Description: It is important that children have high-quality, developmentally appropriate math experiences from an early age. In this learning deck, we will discuss how engaging learning activities can be developed and implemented in preschool classrooms to help children learn a variety of math skills, from counting to patterning and beyond! We also will discuss how intentional, systematic instruction can be used in the context of engaging activities to ensure student learning. Facilitators: Jessica Hardy,...
Description: This guide provides human services leaders at the local, State, Tribal, and Territorial levels with information and resources on recent advances in our understanding of trauma, toxic stress, and executive functioning. It especially highlights what these advances mean for program design and service delivery. The guide helps professionals learn about trauma-informed care and helps those currently engaged in trauma-informed work to improve their practice.
Description: The POWER (Parent Organizer With Educational Resources) web app provides parents and families with online resources to answer questions about child development, disabilities, community services, Special Education, diploma options in Virginia and transition to life after high school.  The questions and potential resources are separated into age levels: Early Childhood, Elementary School, Middle School and High School. This project is a collaborative effort between the Parent Resource...
Description: The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) has released a Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) related to Preschool Least Restrictive Environment. The letter reaffirms the position of the U.S. Department of Education (ED or Department) that all young children with disabilities should have access to inclusive high-quality early childhood programs where they are provided with individualized and appropriate supports to enable them to meet high expectations. The guidance provided in the DCL covers:...
Description: Celebrate the uniqueness of each and every child! In the U.S., 1 in 68 children is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In fact, almost every school and university in the country has students with autism. While the diagnosis is common, public understanding of autism is not. The lack of understanding around the condition contributes to discrimination, verbal abuse, even physical violence. A recent study reveals that children with autism are five times more likely to be bullied than...
Description: BULLYING BASICS in Early Childhood: Bullying can emerge in early childhood. If you don’t know that bullying happens among young children, you won’t see it or stop it. If you don’t stop bullying, it will grow and spread. When early childhood educators are prepared, they can nip bullying in the bud. Find out how to stop bullying before it starts.
Description: This resource landing pad highlights research, policies, and position statements (What Does the Evidence Say?), print materials (Read All About It), videos and DVDs (See for Yourself), and web resources (Find It Online) to provide supports and services that facilitate smooth, seamless transitions into, within, and out of early intervention services. Featured resources are high-quality, readily available, and no-cost or low-cost. A special section (Virginia Guidance) features competencies,...
Description: Included in this video clip directory are a series of video clips that have been carefully vetted and selected by staff from the Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning (CASTL). Video clips on specific topics can be narrowed down using the categories on the left. Please note: The links below direct you to a website not associated with the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). The VDOE does not necessarily endorse the views expressed or the data and facts presented...
Description: Hyperactive, non-compliant, and disruptive behaviors in the classroom are often challenges for early childhood educators, regardless of whether a young child is diagnosed with ADHD or not. Understanding the rationale for and principles of behavior management and self-regulation approaches can help you support positive development for young children with challenging behaviors using evidence-based strategies.  This "Ask the Expert" video is full of information and strategies that you may find...
Description: A variety of one hour professional development archived webinars focused on early intervention and early childhood topics.  These are hosted by the Division for Early Childhood and can be purchased $35.00 for non-DEC members; $25.00 for DEC members.
Description: A DaSy resource features short videos (2-3 minutes) describing some of the ways that key stakeholders are using data in their work to support children with disabilities and their families. Hear how important data are to program staff, data managers, coordinators, families, and more. The Perspectives on Data Use videos were part of the 2016 Improving Data, Improving Outcomes conference closing plenary session.
Description: The Virginia Federation of the Council for Exceptional Children (VA CEC) has been active since 1958.  We have continued in CEC's mission of excellence by adding local resources for teachers, administrators, parents and other special education professionals.  Resources include state and regional conferences and workshops, VA CEC Newsletters, and other professional development support.  We also advocate for individuals with disabilities, their families, and their...
Description: This website currently supports the Virginia Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) leaders responsible for administrative oversight of local ECSE programs. The primary focus is to provide consistent information statewide to improve the collection, reporting, and use of ECSE indicator data; and connect, support, and empower local leaders to build capacity and provide high-quality programs and services throughout the state for young children ages 2-5 years with IEPs.
Description: This brief builds on the research review and policy recommendations in the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and US Department of Education (DOE) joint policy statement on inclusion. It highlights research relevant to three questions: 1) What are the effects of inclusive preschool on children’s early learning and development? 2) What is known about the quality of inclusive preschool programs? 3) What is known about how to improve the quality of inclusive preschool? In a...
Description: The DaSy Center is a national technical assistance center funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). DaSy works with states to support IDEA early intervention and early childhood special education state programs in the development or enhancement of coordinated early childhood longitudinal data systems. DaSy provides technical assistance (TA) and resources to state agencies to assist with the development or enhancement of data systems for Part C early...
Description: The mission of the Center on the Developing Child is to drive science-based innovation that achieves breakthrough outcomes for children facing adversity.You can find useful scientifically based resources and videos on this site.  This center, based at Harvard, believes advances in science provide a powerful source of new ideas focused on the early years of life. Founded in 2006, the Center catalyzes local, national, and international innovation in policy and practice focused on...
Description: The National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) improves the learning and development of young children by producing and communicating knowledge that transforms policy and practice. We collaborate with a network of local, state, national, and international leaders to design, conduct, and disseminate rigorous research, evaluation, and policy analysis. NIEER also helps prepare the next generation of inspirational leaders and researchers in early education.
Description: This policy brief promotes developmentally appropriate use of technology in homes and early learning settings. It was created by the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to help those who care for 0-8 year olds make wise decisions about technology use.  It provides four guiding principles for families and early educators, and includes a call to action for researchers and technology developers, highlighting topics for further research and...
Description: Please scroll down on the website link to see Part 1 and Part 2 webinar. These recorded webinars are viewed through Blackboard Collaborate and a link is provided to use Blackboard Collaborate Launcher. Powerpoints and handouts are available. Transition services assist a toddler with a disability and his or her family to experience a smooth and effective transition from the early intervention program under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to early childhood...
Description: This video shows how siblings of people with disabilities have a wide range of experiences and emotions that impact them in different ways.  There are personal stories of insight, appreciation and pride as well as examples of embarassment and fear/worry.
Description: If you have just recently found out about your child’s hearing loss or know of a child who has been recently diagnosed with a hearing loss you are on the right track to finding more information for Virginia residents. Knowledge is power! Being informed in the area of deafness/hearing impairment and teaching your child or children with hearing losses to be independent is important. On the Center for Family Involvement website, go to the Deaf/Hard of Hearing: 1-3-6 Family Educator Page and...
Description: Virginia’s Definition of School Readiness describes the capabilities of children, families, schools and communities that promote student success in kindergarten and beyond. Each component – children, families, schools and communities – plays an essential role in developing school readiness. Ready Children are prepared socially, personally, physically and intellectually to meet literacy, mathematics, science, history/social science and developmental standards for...
Description: The I’m Determined project, a state-directed project funded by the Virginia Department of Education, focuses on providing direct instruction, models, and opportunities to practice skills associated with self-determined behavior. This project facilitates youth, especially those with disabilities to undertake a measure of control in their lives, helping to set and steer the course rather than remaining the silent passenger. Much of our work comes from research around three...
Description: All children are born with the need and desire to connect with those around them. Neuroscience tells us that brain development unfolds rapidly in the first three years of life, and that social and emotional development begins in the earliest days of life. When children feel secure in their relationships and have their needs met in responsive and consistent ways, they begin forming strong social and emotional foundations. They begin to learn to pay attention, regulate their emotions and behavior,...
Description: The Virginia Family Special Education Connection Website provides Local Disability Services information for all of the Counties/Cities in the Commonwealth of Virginia. These services include: Arc (The Arc)  Autism Spectrum Disorder Resources Brain Injury Services Care Connection for Children (Health Department Program)  Centers for Independent Living  Child Development Services Program - Clinics  Child Find Community Services Board (CSB)  Department for Aging and...
Description: People with Special Health Care Needs includes: Care Connection for Children Bleeding Disorders Program Child Development Services Sickle Cell Programs Metabolic Formula and Food Program
Description: These materials are available for Professionals Who Work with Birth – 6 Year-Olds with Deafness/Hearing Loss, Blindness/Visual, or Deaf-Blindnes. They are provided by Outreach Services, VSDB to the TTAC Lending Libraries and the VA Hearing Aid Loan Bank. (Funding provided by the Virginia Department of Education)
Description: The School Community Network (SCN) provides resources, training, and tools to build strong school communities focused on student learning. SCN is sponsored by the Academic Development Institute (ADI), a not-for-profit organization located in Lincoln, Illinois. SCN's work draws from ADI's over 30 years of experience and extensive research in family and community engagement. What is a School Community? A school community consists of the people intimately attached to a school - students, their...
Description: The VCU-ACE Statewide Goal Committee on Transition recognized that there are distinct domains that comprise this complex concept.  Appropriately named, “The Three T’s of Transition”, these areas are as follows:  Transition from grade-to-grade, level-to-level, teacher-to-teacher, transition to and from out-of division placement, and the transition that takes place when students leave from secondary education and embark into adulthood.    This webcast will...