Free Webinar: Inclusive Mental Healthcare for Individuals with Down Syndrome, April 19, 2024, 12:00pm (National Down Syndrome Society)

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Registration is required! Webinar: Inclusive Mental Healthcare and Down Syndrome - Join the National Down Syndrome Society, Dr. Ruth Brown, and Morgan Stohlman as they share our newest resource: Practicing Inclusive Mental Healthcare for Individuals with Down Syndrome. Individuals with Down syndrome and families can use the resource to advocate for and educate others about the importance of inclusive mental healthcare. Common mental health concerns experienced by youth and adults with Down syndrome and strategies for evaluation and treatment will be discussed. Individuals with Down syndrome, caregivers, and mental health professionals will all find value in this live webinar which will also be recorded and shared after the event.


4/19/2024 12:00 PM ET - 4/19/2024


Behavior Intellectual Disability Mental Health Mild/Moderate Disabilities