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Description: What is Consent? Consent means that you agree to something.You say YES.We consent to all kinds of things every day like scheduling appointments or whether to buy the new car that the salesman is showing us. But consent isn’t just saying YES.We need our consent to be “informed.” Informed consent means that when you say YES, you understand exactly what you are agreeing to and what the results may be. Informed consent is especially important in sexual matters.Your child needs...
Description: Mississippi Department of Education Specially Designed Instruction Guidance Document - SDI for Transition is discussed on pages 43-50. Transition Services Taxonomy for Transition Programming Virtual Work-Based Learning Experiences
Description: Predictors of Post School Success shares the latest research on evidence-based practices for SDI in transition skills, activities, and experiences to achieve post-secondary success.
Description: Instruction in Behavior & Academic Domain Checklist - Elementary (Pillar HLPs 7 & 16) and Instruction in Behavior & Academic Domain Checklist - Secondary (Pillar HLPs 7 & 16) were designed to help teachers grow in their classroom management and instruction skills. GMU TTAC task analyzed skills in HLPs 7 (classroom management & PBIS) and 16 (explicit instruction) to identify key HLP components and skills. The elementary and secondary checklists can be used to...
Description: This resource includes Free VESOL Literacy Instruction Materials: Reading Comprehension Files Core, Fringe and Robust AAC Vocabulary Alternatives Pencils/Manual Boards with Alphabet Math Social Emotional Learning, Social Stories & Visual Supports Cooking Files Art and Music Files Talker Power Files
Description: Autism Q & A: Designing Instructional Programs for Skill Acquisition - There are a number of things that teachers should consider when developing an instructional program to teach a new skill. First, they must decide what to teach by evaluating the student and setting an instructional objective. Second, teachers needs to identify the instructional or natural cues that signal the student to perform the skill. Third, behavior change procedures must be selected, which can include...
Description: Your Life Your Voice provides ways for pre-teens, teens, and young adults to get help via call, text and email. Their trained counselors are able to offer advice for real life situations and they can be reached 24/7 via phone at (800) 448-3000 or by texting VOICE to 20121. They also provide tips and tools on their website for a number of issues such as coping skills, transitioning to adulthood, anxiety, abuse, identity, depression and more. It includes information on a Your Life Your Voice...
Description: Creating an Autism-Friendly Holiday: Strategies for a Joyful Season - The holiday season can be overwhelming for many. Disrupted routines, travel, increased social gatherings and expectations, can contribute to stress and dysregulation. This article shares ideas on how to reduce stressors to contribute to a more joyful season for the entire family.
Description: This Microlearning Training provides small bites of learning on hot topics focused around foundational knowledge and easy-to-implement skills and strategies. Microlearning is always available and take just 10-15 minutes to review. This Microlearning series includes: Social-Emotional Learning Early Childhood Toolkit Classroom Essentials: Schedules Strategies to Support Autistic Learners Strategies to Support Everyday Transitions Foundational Five for Families
Description: Using Functional Behavioral Assessments to Create Supportive Learning Environments - What is a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)? What are the Common Characteristics of an FBA and Behavioral Support or Intervention Plans (BSP/BIPs)? How Can an FBA Be Used to Inform Instructional Strategies? What Guiding Principles Support the Effective Development and Implementation of FBAs and BSP/BIPs? How Can FBA's Support Students with Disabilities? And more...
Description: Recorded Webinar: From Data to Action: Supporting Students With Behavioral and Mental Health Challenges - Data-based decision making is a critical part of a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS), but what does problem solving look like in the context of youth behavior and mental health? In this webinar, Dr. Elizabeth Talbott, Professor and Associate Dean for Research & Faculty Development at William and Mary School of Education; Dr. Allison Bruhn, Professor of Special Education and Executive...
Description: Text and Online Acronyms Parents Need to Know - When it comes to texting, parents and children don’t speak the same language. Texting often includes acronyms. An acronym is an abbreviation, that consists of the initial letters of the other words and is pronounced as a single word. When you look at your child’s text messages or online chats, you likely won’t understand these acronyms. But they are popular on the internet and found mostly on social media platforms because they...
Description: People with disabilities often encounter challenges when seeking out effective and accessible mental health care, whether it’s in-person or virtual communication barriers making it difficult to interact with a mental health professional or the lack of reliable transportation for a person with a mobility-related disability. Warning Signs and Symptoms - Trying to tell the difference between what expected behaviors are and what might be the signs of a mental...
Description: Autism and Challenging Behaviors: Strategies and Support - Challenging behaviors represent some of the most concerning and stressful features of autism. These behaviors can often cause harm or damage, family and staff stress, isolation, and caregiver burnout. Parents may feel guilty or responsible, but it is important to know that you should not blame yourself for behaviors that you find difficult. Sometimes, the extraordinary steps parents go through for their children with complex needs...
Description: Basic FBA to BIP - The Behavior Specialist Training includes all 7 modules and is for those who will be the leading behavior support efforts in the school. The School-wide Training consists of two modules for all staff in the school.
Description: In this Webinar: Functional Behavior Assessment: Principles for Success, you will learn: What an FBA is and why is it needed Basic principles of behavior and how they relate to the four functions of behavior The steps in the FBA process—utilizing indirect and direct assessment measures to analyze antecedents and consequences to determine function How to apply data gathered in the FBA process to develop a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
Description: This Using FBA for Diagnostic Assessment in Behavior (DBI Professional Learning Series Module 6) serves as an introduction to important concepts and processes for implementing functional behavior assessment (FBA), including behavior basics such as reinforcement and punishment. Throughout this module, participants will discuss both real world and school based examples to become familiar with the FBA process and develop a deeper understanding and awareness of the functions of the...
Description: Functional Behavior Assessment - Behavior Intervention Plan (FBA-BIP) - Training sessions will focus specifically on the process and tools needed to assist coaches, facilitators and problem-solving teams in planning, implementing, and evaluating FBA-BIP to support students with challenging behavior. Participants will be able to: Identify when an FBA-BIP is necessary Identify the essential systems needed for an effective FBA-BIP process Identify the steps for conducting an effective FBA,...
Description: Webcast: Function Matters! How to Determine Why a Student Demonstrates Problem Behavior - Problem behavior such as aggression, yelling and noncompliance is common with individuals with a spectrum disorder. To provide appropriate intervention and support, it is critical to understand why a behavior occurs and what may trigger it or cause it to happen. In this webcast, Dr. Schall will describe how to complete a Functional Behavior Assessment, a problem solving approach that assist teams in...
Description: The EIS intervention hub connects to interventions across 7 risk areas known to be related to later mental health problems. Within each area, you will find prevention strategies and interventions for elementary, middle, and high schools across three tiers. Tier 1 is universal, meaning that it benefits all students. Tier 2 (selective) offers interventions for a targeted group of students. Tier 3 (indicated) interventions are aimed to provide individualized support for students who have increased...
Description: Factsheet for Virginia’s Parents Supporting Positive Behavior in Young Children - Addressing challenging behavior in a positive manner brings results. Strategies for young children will be different than those for older children, but families and schools, including preschool, benefit from using the nationally recognized approach called Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS). PBIS is an approach to resolving challenging or disruptive behaviors that recognizes that behavior is...
Description: How to Help Your Child Get Motivated in School - What You'll Learn: Why do some kids have trouble getting motivated in school? How can parents help their children try harder in school? It’s common for kids to lack motivation in school. Sometimes, this happens because the child has ADHD, anxiety, social challenges, or a learning disability. But other times, kids without a diagnosable problem still have trouble living up to their potential in school. This article provides a few ways that...
Description: Manifestation Determination Reviews (MDRs) Toolkit - PEATC has developed another Toolkit to help parents navigate complex special education processes. An MDR is a process used when a student with an IEP has violated the Student Code of Conduct at their school and a change in placement is being considered. The MDR review determines whether the student’s behavior is a manifestation of their disability. If it is, then certain protections under IDEA apply for that student. Our toolkit provides...
Description: Self-Paced Modules - Behavior Progress Monitoring: Selecting Target Behaviors, Aligning Tools, and Creating a Plan is intended to help educators learn about behavior progress monitoring. By completing this course, you will be able to: Summarize the process for identifying target behaviors. Describe two behavior progress monitoring approaches that can be used across behaviors. Align a progress monitoring tool with a target behavior. Summarize the key features of a behavior progress monitoring...
Description: The VDOE T/TAC at VA Tech will be adding new Spotify podcasts for 2024-2025. Their podcasts from 2023-2024 are also available.
Description: What should educators keep in mind when engaging with families of students with intensive needs? - In this video, Lindsay Jones the CEO of the National Center on Learning Disabilities, shares some considerations and strategies that educators can use to support partnering with families of students with intensive needs. Lindsay E. Jones is the President and CEO of the National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD), a national nonprofit organization that seeks to improve the lives of the 1 in 5...
Description: Parents and families are critical partners in supporting students with intensive academic and behavioral needs. It is important to recognize that every parent and family member is different, with varying levels of knowledge and comfort with school; they may not consider their involvement in the school in the same way that the school perceives it. As a result, our approach to parent and family engagement should be differentiated. It is important to: share information about the school’s...
Description: Back to School 2024 - As we welcome students back to school, we can all benefit from a brief refresher on the basic practices that will set our students (and ourselves) up for social, emotional, behavioral, and academic success. This article provides the "Top Ten" Tips and Resources.
Description: How to help your child manage back-to-school anxiety - Going back to school can be a stressful time for kids and families. There may be big changes like switching to a new school or having more than one teacher. Kids who learn and think differently can be particularly anxious about keeping up or fitting in. Experts weigh in: "How can I get my young child less anxious about starting school?" - Starting school can be exciting for young kids. It can also be scary. That’s true whether this is...
Description: Self-Care Exercises and Activities- The topics provided cover ways to maintain your physical health, decrease stress, increase relaxation and equanimity, and deal with challenging emotional situations (including work situations). We invite you to find the ones that are applicable to your life and situation.
Description: The 3 R’s for Teacher Self-Care: Reflect. Release. Recharge Consider these prompts for your daily reflection: What has been a challenge for you today? What is one win or a joyful moment that you had today? Think about one person that helped you out today and send them a thank you email or text expressing your gratitude.
Description: 3 Self-Compassion Exercises - Self-compassion involves treating the self with care and concern when considering personal inadequacies, mistakes, failures, and painful life situations. This product contains 3 different self-compassion tools. Each tool is structured in the same way, consisting of abackground section, a goal description, advice for using the exercise and suggested readings.
Description: Here are some strategies to relax and reset this summer: Focus YouTube: One Minute Pinky-Thumb Breathing Sheetali (Rolled Tongue Breathing) YouTube: Colour Breathing Square Breathing for Stress Reduction Muscle Relaxation Progressive Muscle Relaxation Stress Management: Doing Progressive Muscle Relaxation Mindfulness Mindfulness podcasts Guided Meditations and Scripts from UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center
Description: Prioritizing your Mental Health with Summer Self-Care - Pause for a moment. Take a breath. You’ve made it to the end of a school year unlike any before. You’ve dealt with new developments, mastered new technologies, and likely found your students to be more resilient than you’ve ever imagined. You deserve this summer to rest, recover, and find new ways to further your craft as a valued educator. No matter how you are feeling, as an educator and as a person, this summer is a...
Description: The Healthy Minds, Thriving Kids Pre-K Project is a video series, based on mental health research, created to make important mental health skills available to preschool children (age 3 to 5). These videos introduce important ideas, taught the way young children learn best: through entertaining, relatable stories set in a vivid, imaginary world. Each video features a memorable song that reinforces the key messages. We invite you to watch the complete series with your children or students. You can...
Description: Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. Youth Mental Health First Aid is primarily designed for adults who regularly interact with young people. The course introduces common mental health challenges for youth, reviews typical...
Description: This is a collection of featured resources from the Trauma Support for Schools Virtual Summit 2021. Selecting the Right Interventions to Support Students' Mental Health Needs (881 KB) PDF Menu of Trauma-Informed Programs for Schools (360 KB) PDF Common Trauma Symptoms in Students and Helpful Strategies for Educators (349 KB) PDF Community-School Collaboration to Address Opioid-Related Trauma (401 KB) PDF Glossary: Common Terms for Frameworks, Initiatives, and Approaches that Address Trauma (172...
Description: Children and Mental Health: Is This Just a Stage? - Raising a child can be challenging. Even under the best circumstances, their behaviors and emotions can change frequently and rapidly. All children are sad, anxious, irritable, or aggressive at times, or they occasionally find it challenging to sit still, pay attention, or interact with others. In most cases, these are just typical developmental phases. However, such behaviors may indicate a more serious problem in some children. Mental...
Description: Teen Depression: More Than Just Moodiness - Being a teenager can be tough, but it shouldn’t feel hopeless. If you have been feeling sad most of the time for a few weeks or longer and you’re not able to concentrate or do the things you used to enjoy, talk to a trusted adult about depression. Do I have depression? How do I get help for depression?
Description: The focus of the March 2024 Natural Resources listserv is play for each and every child and family.
Description: Behavioral Health & Wellness - Helping schools address the unprecedented rise in mental health and behavioral challenges facing Virginia students post-pandemic, Behavioral Health and Wellness helps to focus resources and attention to our students who are struggling with these evolving challenges. Sharpening the focus on the “Right Help, Right Now” resources available to Virginia students, Behavioral Health and Wellness will assists schools with teams of...
Description: Best Practices in Universal Screening for Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Outcomes: An Implementation Guide - Universal social, emotional, and behavioral (SEB) screening is increasingly being recognized as a foundational component of a comprehensive, multi-tiered system of school-based supports. As schools strive to develop a systematic approach to meeting the SEB health of all students, often with limited resources and competing priorities, there is a need for responsive, efficient,...
Description: Mental Health/Social-Emotional-Behavioral Well-Being - The term ‘mental health’ refers to how we think, feel and behave; it is a critical part of our overall health. Current rates of mental illness, substance misuse and opioid abuse are alarming and require significant societal shifts. Mental health is now recognized as a critical part of education, but schools struggle with how to establish a comprehensive system of mental health support. The Interconnected Systems Framework...
Description: The topics included are: Attention and Focus Communication Collaboration Language Development Math Memory Motivation Organization Problem Solving Positive Relationships Reading Reading Comprehension Remote Learning Resilience/Flexibility Self-Monitoring Writing
Description: The Positive Parenting, Thriving Kids Project is a series of 20 free videos that feature more than 150 caregivers, kids, and experts talking about some of the most pressing, confusing, and challenging questions that parents face. With support from California Governor Gavin Newsom, First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom, and the Department of Health Care Services, these videos are designed to help every parent and caregiver in California and beyond support their kids’ mental health...
Description: Classroom Management Strategies to Support All Learners - Well-structured, organized classroom environments can reduce behavior problems and promote academic learning for all students, including students with disabilities and those with intensive needs. In this webinar, Dr. Caitlyn Majeika discusses classroom management strategies and supports educators can apply in their own classroom settings. The strategies presented can help educators create a predictable, structured, and organized...
Description: 10 Key Policies and Practices for Social-Emotional Learning provides guidance for district and school administrators considering adopting a SEL program. Individual teachers in schools without schoolwide or districtwide programs will also find these basic principles helpful in promoting a positive classroom environment.
Description: Fostering Student Engagement - Sense of belonging and a supportive classroom and school community are the foundation of student engagement. Building onto that foundation with strategies to support SEL, cognition, and content factors is a great next step. Engage students in digital learning environments, either in-school or virtual, by supporting their social and emotional development, fostering relationships with you and classmates, involving families, and building practices such as...
Description: Resilience for Kids With Dyslexia, Learning and Attention Issues - Hear from Fumiko Hoeft, M.D., Ph.D., a psychiatrist and a cognitive neuroscientist, about how resilience can help kids with dyslexia succeed in school and in life. Learn how you as a parent can build resilience by showing support, providing mentorship, focusing on strengths, and building social/emotional resilience. With these tips, you can create a resilience framework for your child with learning and attention issues....
Description: Using Children’s Literature to Teach Social Skills - Children with disabilities, particularly learning disabilities, do not always make friends as effortlessly and easily as do their nondisabled peers. Through the use of children’s literature, children with learning disabilities can be taught valuable skills that will enable them to make and maintain friendships. This article (a) describes a strategy incorporating children’s literature for teaching friendship skills and...