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Description: VDOE's Virginia Literacy Act (VLA) webpage - With the passage of the Virginia Literacy Act (VLA) in the 2022 General Assembly, Virginia is taking the lead nationwide to improve early literacy outcomes for Virginia’s young learners. Through the VLA, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) will support school divisions through a multi-year effort with tools, resources, technical assistance and funding. Updates from VDOE **NEW May 2024** Virginia Literacy Updates Division...
Description: The Science of Reading Professional Learning Series - These Science of Reading slide decks are intended to be a resource for school leaders who provide professional development for staff in the area of literacy. We know that each educator is in a different place in their understanding of what is meant by the phrase The Science of Reading and how that science informs what we teach and how we teach it. These slide decks provide a brief overview of each of the topics. These serve as a starting...
Description: 2022 Virtual Reading Symposium Recordings Keynote by Emily Handord: Discovering The Science of Reading: A Reporter's Story Concurrent Sessions: Resha Conroy- Literacy Achievement: Historical & Systemic Barriers to Equity Holly Lane- Practical Strateies for Decoding an Encoding Margie Gillis - The Syntax Attuned Educator: Supporting Students' Ability to Comprehend and Write Sentences Claude Goldenberg - Literacy for English Learners: What's "Reading Science" Got to Do With It? Kim St. Martin:...
Description: Teachers and Administrators, do you and your team want to learn more about morphology instruction? Do you need classroom materials for morphemic analysis? If so, this resource is for you! The intention of this document is to compile resources for your professional learning and classroom use. It is broken into three sections that could be used for individual exploration, or as a collaborative learning team. Section 1 provides quick reads to build background knowledge and essential understanding...
Description: Structured Literacy Intervention Book Study - Comprehensive and evidence-based, Structured Literacy (SL) approaches place a high value on explicit, systematic, and sequential instruction. This book brings together leading experts on key components of literacy to help K–6 teachers design and target SL interventions for particular student profiles. Chapters identify effective features of instruction for supporting phonological awareness, basic and multisyllabic word decoding, spelling,...
Description: In this practical webinar, kindergarten teacher and education writer Kate Winn will outline five key changes she made in her classroom to move from balanced to structured literacy, resulting in all students leaving the class reading. As a webinar attendee you can look forward to a candid presentation, Q & A, and a shared slideshow packed full of links and ideas to help you bring evidence-based literacy practices to your classroom, school, board or home.
Description: Science of Reading: The Podcast - S6 E3: Focused implementation: Doing less to do more with Dr. Doug Reeves - On this sixth season of the show, they are focusing on what it takes to transition to the Science of Reading. They are looking at how all levels of education from the individual classroom up to the state level can most effectively begin and sustain a transition to the Science of Reading. So early in this season, we wanted to be sure to bring you an expert on implementation science....
Description: The RTI Component Module Series are provided by Oregon Response to Instruction & Intervention. These modules provide an overview of a Multi-Tiered System of Supports in Reading (MTSS-R), also sometimes referred to as Response to Intervention (RTI).  Each module consists of a short (15-20 min) video describing the general features of each RTI Component, along with additional resources and reflection questions to ask about your school's RTI system. All modules are intended for staff...
Description: What is Reading Expression?  YouTube Video: Read With Expression - Reading Strategy 2nd Grade YouTube Video: Fluency: Reading with Expression How to assess Reading Expression: Fluency Rubric Instructional Activities to build Reading Expression: The Florida Center for Reading Research, FCRR, offers several activities to build reading expression. Visit the 4th and 5th grade page then scroll to find FLUENCY. Impressive Expressive Visit the 2nd and 3rd grade page then...
Description: These are some interactive apps/websites that could be used to support literacy skills practice.
Description: Module One: Virginia Legislation Related to Dyslexia and Reading, and the Definition of Dyslexia, Module Two: Prevalence and Characteristics of Dyslexia, Module Three: Screening and Assessing Students Around the Basic Foundational Skills of Reading, Module Four: Appropriate Instructional Match, Module Five: Social Emotional Impact of Dyslexia, Module Six: Accommodations and Assistive Technology to Address the Needs of Students with Dyslexia
Description: The Learning About Your Child's Reading Development toolkit helps parents and families understand the many different skills involved with teaching your child to learn to read and how to support your child's reading development at school and home. You will learn: How to tell if your child is getting high-quality reading instruction at school. Questions to ask about the reading program in your child’s school. How to tell if your child has reading difficulties and how you can help. This...
Description: Families and Schools Partnering for Children’s Literacy Success - This toolkit helps families and schools work together to support children’s literacy success in and out of school. You will learn: Tips for starting or enhancing discussions about literacy instruction and intervention Ways to increase your joint understanding of evidence-based literacy practices Strategies for addressing concerns about children’s literacy development together This toolkit includes: An Online...
Description: The Reading League is a national not for profit that promotes knowledge to reimagine the future of literacy education and accelerate the global movement toward reading instruction rooted in science. How do our brains learn to read? What are the underlying causes when students have difficulty? How do we prevent those difficulties? How do we remediate those difficulties? The scientific evidence base has converged to answer all of these questions. By leveraging the existing research in ways that...
Description: Here are segments selected from Between the Lions, the series that helps kids "Get Wild About Reading!" This special collection provides a set of early Reading/Language Arts resources, organized by early elementary and preschool literacy skills.
Title: Bookshare
Description: Bookshare makes reading easier. People with dyslexia, blindness, cerebral palsy, and other reading barriers can customize their experience to suit their learning style and find virtually any book they need for school, work, or the joy of reading.
Description: The RMC Research Corporation's Center on Instruction (COI) website is your gateway to a cutting-edge collection of research-based resources on instruction.While these resources are useful for improving the achievement of all students, they particularly target students in the lowest performing schools, students with difficulties learning mathematics, students needing intensive instruction, or special needs/diverse learners, including English language learners. This site includes information on...
Description: This site includes coloring, games, videos and music for early learning. (Early Childhood)
Description: Starfall was developed in the classroom by teachers and opened in August 2002 as a free public service to teach children to read. Since then it has expanded to include standards in language arts and mathematics for preschool through fifth grade and above. The program emphasizes exploration, play, and positive reinforcement—encouraging children to become confident and intrinsically motivated. Due to the engaging content that “feels like play,” Starfall serves as an educational...
Description: AdLit is a national multimedia project that provides educators and families with resources to support readers and writers in middle school and high school. We are an education service of WETA, the flagship public broadcasting station in our nation’s capital.