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Description: Recorded Webinar: Instructional Practices for Students with Significant Disabilities - The Office of Student Assessment, in collaboration with the Department of Special Populations, is pleased to offer another resource for teachers providing instruction to students with significant cognitive disabilities. This resource is a recorded presentation, Instructional Practices for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities, featuring educators from three Virginia school divisions. The...
Description: A Guide to Cross-Cutting Concepts - Cross-cutting concepts are a set of overarching big ideas that look and behave similarly across all STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) domain areas. In this document, we define and describe cross-cutting concepts in STEM learning for all young children, including children with disabilities. We provide definitions and examples. Learning progression steps for each cross-cutting concept have been added as well.
Description: Ever since it was first published, Teaching Chemistry to Students with Disabilities: A Manual for High Schools, Colleges, and Graduate Programs has served as a vital resource in the chemistry classroom and laboratory to students with disabilities as well as their parents, teachers, guidance counselors, and administrators. In a changing time of technology, rapid access to information, accessibility tools for individuals with disabilities, and publishing, Edition 4.1 is being published...
Description: Beginning in the 2021-2022 school year, the portfolio-based VAAP was replaced with a new multiple-choice assessment in the content areas of reading, mathematics, and science that was administered to students in an online or paper format. The new VAAP is based on academic content standards derived from the Standards of Learning (SOL) in reading, mathematics, and science that have been reduced in depth, breadth, and complexity. These content standards are referred to as the Virginia...
Description: CHOICE is an innovative professional learning model being developed by Virginia Ed Strategies and partners, and it is funded by a 5-year, $10.8 million EIR grant from the US Department of Education. The goal of CHOICE is to build the sustainable teacher effectiveness capacity of 1600 or more high school mathematics, science, computer science, and career and technical (CTE) teachers statewide through teacher-directed selection of professional learning experiences within a virtual professional...
Description: Locate VESOL Instructional Resources for Reading, Mathematics and Science - TTAC Online (including Mathematics Vertical Articulation Grades 3-HS VESOL by Strand Concept and VESOL Educator Videos) VESOL Instructional Resources for Reading, Mathematics and Science - TTAC Online VESOL Documents & Resources (T/TAC at Virginia Tech) New! Sample Integrated Lesson Plans for Virginia Essentialized Standards of Learning (VESOL) Find Additional VAAP Resources on TTAC Onlne Virginia Alternate...
Description: This website is designed as a home base for attendees of CTERM, AMSET, the Content Teaching Academies, Creating Connections to Shining Stars, and the Journey Into Teaching Academy to find resources, demonstrations, and trial information related to UDL (Universal Design for Learning) and assistive technology (AT) tools described in our sessions. Use the category tabs (UDL, Reading AT, Writing AT, Math AT, Science AT and Early Childhood) at the top of the screen to begin your playtime!
Description: Significant Cognitive Disabilities - This program serves as a resource to local education agencies, including charter schools. The program supports LEAs in curriculum adaptations to address the Extended Content Standards, methodology and best practices, and other issues regarding students with severe/profound or multiple disabilities. NC Extended Content Standards Extended Content Standards Support Tools
Description: Stop Learning Loss: Resources for Parents & Teachers - This is a place for parents and teachers across the United States to work together, to collaboratively build out a database of educational resources, materials, and activities so that no parent or teacher is on their own. Resources can be searched by: Type Grade level Subject Review This site was created by two current and former teachers: Rose Sebastian, a post-doctoral fellow in education at the University of Virginia and Kendal...
Description: "Helping Your Kid With..." Videos - The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk (MCPER) is dedicated to generating, disseminating, and supporting the implementation of empirically validated, evidence-based practices to significantly affect student outcomes and support educators, researchers, policymakers, families, and other stakeholders who strive to improve academic, behavioral, and social outcomes for all learners. Educational experts at MCPER have created videos to help...
Description: eMediaVA is Virginia’s premier digital media content library for educators and students, providing access to thousands of free, relevant, SOL-aligned digital learning resources for your classroom. Engage and inspire students through the use of videos, audio recordings, images, interactives and labs, lesson ideas, and special collections. eMediaVA features content from state and national leaders in educational content like PBS LearningMedia, Library of Congress, National Geographic, Khan...
Description: Virtual Virginia is a program of the Virginia Department of Education that provides flexible digital education opportunities to students and educators throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. Virtual Virginia offers online professional learning opportunities for all Virginia Public school educators at no cost. VVA's fully online professional learning opportunities include webinars, courses, certifications, workshops, conferences, and the VVA Professional Learning Network.
Description: Across the United States, educators are changing the way they teach STEM courses. Students collaborate to investigate local phenomena in science class and work out intriguing problems in mathematics class. Across STEM courses, students attempt explanations, justify their positions, question and challenge one another’s ideas, and build new understanding together. This focus on students’ meaning-making represents an important shift. Rather than focusing on memorizing formulas and...
Description: These free 10-minute video challenges engage students in real-world problem-solving and professional skills. The challenges are created by employers and include professionals from organizations. Each video allows teachers to select a lesson plan or create one using a three-segment format. Spark 101 offers teachers access to: Interactive video challenges Teacher-created lesson plans Student engagement resources
Description: As part of its barrier-busting mission, CAST offers a number of robust (and free) learning tools. These tools—many designed and tested as part of CAST’s research projects—help educators, developers, families, and other individuals experience the power of flexible learning environments. Clusive®?: An Accessible, Digital Reading Platfort Corgi: Co-organize Your Learning Biofab Explorer TIES Lessons for All: The 5-15-45 Tool CAST Figuration®? Learning Designed™ UDL...
Description: Virginia Family Special Education Connection provides a one-stop-shop for parents, families and caregivers of children with special needs to: Access local school system contacts and disability services in your community Explore an abundance of resources, including assistive technology and behavioral supports to help your child succeed. Learn about and plan your child's educational program Understand your legal rights and responsibilities POWER (Parent Organizer with Educational...
Description: The DEA and Discovery Education have joined forces to combat a growing epidemic of prescription opioid misuse and heroin use nationwide. Operation Prevention's mission is to educate students about the true impacts of opioids and kick-start lifesaving conversations in the home and classroom. Operation Prevention's School Resources include: Opioid And Prescription Drugs Multi-Drug Exploratory Virtual Field Trips Webinar Student Videos Parent Toolkit: Parents can join the conversation with this...
Description: Make & Play Quiz (Google Play) is a free app that allows teachers to design their own unique board game or "quiz", where students can learn or strengthen their skills by playing a game. Each square can have a Question (Multiple Choice, Fill in the Blank or True/False) or an Event (Stop-skip turns, Go forward, Go Back or Get Points). One to four players can play at a time and the games can be shared with others.
Description: The Virginia Department of Education is the administrative agency for the commonwealth’s public schools. VDOE works in partnership with Virginia’s 132 school divisions to support and improve teaching and learning, set high expectations for all students, and promote student safety, wellbeing, and health.
Description: The Applied Studies Diploma is a diploma option available to students identified as having a disability who complete the requirements of their individualized education programs (IEPs) and meet certain requirements prescribed by the Board of Education pursuant to regulations, but do not meet the requirements for any named diploma. This includes a Webinar Series on the Applied Studies Diploma: Applied Studies Diploma Overview Applied Studies Diploma Part 2: The Curriculum Map Applied Studies...
Description: This online Applied Studies Curriculum Progress Report generator enables teachers to document progress on the domains and competencies contained in the Applied Studies Curriculum Map. Domains: Employment English History and Social Science Independent Living Mathematics Science Competencies: Employment Career Awareness Employability Job-Seeking Skills Problem Solving Self-Advocacy Social/Communication English Community Literacy Composition Comprehension Documents and Forms Self-Selected...
Description: This series of webshops showcases the products created by real co-teachers of Virginia, select teams of middle and high school co-teachers participating in the Virginia Department of Education’s Excellence in Co-Teaching Initiative. These co-teachers established demonstration sites and opened their doors to visitors wishing to observe quality co-teaching; they also developed co-taught lesson plans and videos to share through these webshops. In their videos, teachers model not only...
Description: ClassDojo's Mission: To bring communities together, and give their kids learning experiences they love. We think every kid on Earth should get an education they love. We don’t believe there is some “ideal” education, a one-size-fits-all model that all kids must fit. Instead, we believe every community of teachers, kids and families should be able to get the learning experiences that they want and love. And we believe the way to do that is from the ground up. This is...
Description: You don’t have to choose between engaging content and standards-aligned instruction. Use Newsela to easily select relevant, accessible content that supports state standards and real-time instructional decision-making. Newsela is proud to deliver instructional materials that aim to benefit every student, specifically those with disabilities. Our conformance to WCAG 2.1 AA standards reflects our efforts to provide content that is accessible to all learners.
Description: This is a section of the Smithsonian website that includes links to Encyclopedia Smithsonian: Kids' Favorites, Smithsonian Students, and Visiting the Smithsonian. This includes: Art, History, and Culture: Activities and Games Science and Nature: Activities and Games Arts Meets Science in the Collections Art, History, and Culture in the Collections Science and Nature in the Collections
Description: The new Library of Congress Student Discovery Sets bring together historical artifacts and one-of-a-kind documents on a wide range of topics, from history to science to literature. Interactive tools let students zoom in, draw to highlight details, and conduct open-ended primary source analysis. Full teaching resources are available for each set.
Description: These research summaries covering instructional strategies and interventions offer information that includes level of effectiveness as well as the age groups for which a given strategy or intervention is designed. Links to the original reports are also provided for those who might wish to explore further. Summaries are available on the following topics: Assessment (includes progress monitoring), Behavior and Classroom Management, Content Instruction, Diversity, Early intervention/Early...
Description: Science Sample Activities are now available under the Teaching Resources section of the VAAP. They are searchable by grade or ASOL number.
Description: 1. Value your child's questions. 2. Explore and find the answers together. 3. Give children time and space to explore. 4. Acceot that explorations are often messy. And more...
Description: A National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) article focused on early science inquiry learning.
Description: The Best Evidence Encyclopedia (BEE) is a free website created by the Johns Hopkins University School of Education’s Center for Research and Reform in Education (CRRE). It is intended to give educators and researchers fair and useful information about the strength of the evidence supporting a variety of programs available for students in grades K-12. The BEE mostly consists of systematic meta-analyses of research on effective programs in reading, mathematics, writing, science, early...
Description: The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) reviews the existing research on different programs, products, practices, and policies in education. Our goal is to provide educators with the information they need to make evidence-based decisions. We focus on the results from high-quality research to answer the question “What works in education?” Topics include: Literacy, Mathematics, Science, Behavior, Children and Youth with Disabilities, English Learners, Teacher...
Description: This site is intended for students age 14 and up, and for anyone interested in learning about our universe.
Description: These resources are available on the VDOE website to support instruction and assessment.
Description: Wonderopolis - The excitement of learning that comes from curiosity and wonder is undeniable, and Wonderopolis helps create learning moments in everyday life—ones that fit in with dinner preparations, carpool responsibilities, a stolen moment between breakfast and the bus, or within school curriculum and education programs. With multi-disciplinary content that purposefully aligns to Common Core State Standards (CCSS), the STEM Educational Quality Framework, and Bloom's Digital Taxonomy,...
Description: Team Nutrition is an initiative of the USDA Food and Nutrition Service to support the child nutrition programs through training and technical assistance for foodservice, nutrition education for children and their caregivers, and school and community support for healthy eating and physical activity.
Description: This includes News & Announcements, Science Instructional Plans (SIPs), VDOE Science Teacher Webinars and Resources: Standards of Learning, Instructional Resources, Assessment Resources and Professional Resources.
Description: Morphonix™ LLC has been developing award-winning games, apps, songs, and stories for more than 25 years. Morphonix was a pioneer in recognizing the huge need for alternative educational tools that stimulate children to learn about their brains in schools and at home. Morphonix has become known as the “Brain Game” company. Its energies have been focused on developing a series of computer games and mobile apps that make the abstract concepts of brain science more fun and...
Description: What is BrainPOP? Engaging learning games, animated movies, and activities. Designed with relevance, depth, and humor to encourage kids on their unique learning paths. Supporting teachers' roles and needs with classrooom-optimized tool, shaped by millions of hours of use by students and teachers in diverse learning settings. Learning made visible thourgh tools that challenge students to reflect, make connections, and engage in deeper, curiosity-driven learning. Covering universal topics with...
Description: The Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) Content Literacy Continuum (CLC) focuses on helping secondary schools develop and sustain comprehensive and integrated literacy programs. This school improvement process is led by a SIM Implementation Team with extensive experience in secondary literacy. The team works with administrators, teachers, and staff to develop and implement a standards-based plan to improve literacy and content area learning tied to student performance on state assessments. SIM...
Description: Carol Ann Tomlinson is William Clay Parrish, Jr., Professor Emeritus at the University of Virginia’s School of Education and Human Development. Her experience as an educator includes 21 years as a public school teacher working with preschoolers, middle school students, and high school students. At the secondary level, she taught English, language arts, German, and history. She also administered district-level programs for struggling and advanced learners and was Virginia's Teacher of the...
Description: This site is a collection of contains nearly 800 ideas to help educators add interest, relevance, fun, and novelty to classroom instruction. Specifically, I compiled these materials to support teachers in diverse classrooms who want to meet the needs of students with a wide range of needs, interests, challenges, and strengths, including learners with disabilities and unique learning profiles. It’s my hope that this page makes the work of teaching and including all students easier and more...
Description: Bookshare makes reading easier. People with dyslexia, blindness, cerebral palsy, and other reading barriers can customize their experience to suit their learning style and find virtually any book they need for school, work, or the joy of reading.
Description: Explore their collection of resources and gain access to a veritable library of content ranging from presentations, tutorials, workshops, courses, lesson plans and more
Description: The RMC Research Corporation's Center on Instruction (COI) website is your gateway to a cutting-edge collection of research-based resources on instruction.While these resources are useful for improving the achievement of all students, they particularly target students in the lowest performing schools, students with difficulties learning mathematics, students needing intensive instruction, or special needs/diverse learners, including English language learners. This site includes information on...
Description: Online Tools - As part of their barrier-busting mission, CAST offers a number of robust (and often free) learning tools. These tools—many designed and tested as part of CAST’s research projects—help educators, developers, families, and other individuals experience the power of flexible learning environments. Note: CAST UDL Book Builder is one of CAST's online tools from the past. This is no longer maintained as stand-alone application.
Description: The Visual Dictionary Online is designed to help you find the right word at a glance. Filled with stunning illustrations labeled with accurate terminology, it is the ideal language-learning and vocabulary dictionary for use at school, at home or at work.