Transition Planning

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Description: Based on the work of the CEEDAR Center and Council for Exceptional Children, the GMU TTAC Team has created High Leverage Practice Crosswalks in the areas of Math, Literacy and Transition to support stakeholders in developing personalized professional learning and targeted support, with the goal of bridging research into “practical” classroom practice to improve performance outcomes. The HLP Crosswalks are dynamic documents that will be periodically updated with the most current...
Description: Register for the information session on Wednesday, March 19th at 2:00PM.  Refer an Intern! (Interns must be able to commute daily to the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.) Referral deadline: Friday, March 28, 2025Internship Period: June 2, 2025 through August 24, 2025 The John F.  Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts is accepting referrals for Summer 2025 internships as part of our Experiential Educational Initiative (EEI) and our new Rosemary...
Description: Employment is an important part of our identities. Individuals with disabilities, even the most significant disabilities, can work if they receive the appropriate supports. Sometimes, parents are fearful that if their child works, they will lose their Social Security or Medicaid Benefits. Work incentives can help your child earn a paycheck and keep their benefits. Check out PEATC's new resource:  Work and Benefits – How Your Child Can Work and Keep Benefits to learn more...
Description: The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) has released the following Guidance Documents: The Federal Inclusive Practices Guide discusses how the requirements of the IDEA and ESEA align with inclusive educational practices. The 2024 Guide for Inclusion and Belonging outlines guidance on belonging with Belonging Checklists and Planning. The 2024 Guide for Inclusion and Belonging Communities outlines tips for creating a welcoming place and guides for communities....
Description: What is Consent? Consent means that you agree to something.You say YES.We consent to all kinds of things every day like scheduling appointments or whether to buy the new car that the salesman is showing us. But consent isn’t just saying YES.We need our consent to be “informed.” Informed consent means that when you say YES, you understand exactly what you are agreeing to and what the results may be. Informed consent is especially important in sexual matters.Your child needs...
Description: The I'm Determined Project provides 12 Self-Determination Checklists on various topics for educators and families. The checklists include: Self-Determination Educator Checklist Self-Determination Elementary Educator Checklist Self-Determination Elementary Parent Checklist Self-Determination Elementary Student Checklist Self-Determination Parent Checklist Self-Determination Student Checklist Self-Determination Elementary Parent Checklist - Spanish Exit Survey Parent Exit Survey Student Exit...
Description: Family engagement is crucial during the transition process. Research shows that when families are meaningfully and continuously engaged in their children’s learning and development, they can positively impact their child’s health, development, academic, and well-being outcomes into adulthood. Use these family engagement resources and training opportunities to begin engaging meaningfully with the families of students and youth with disabilities.
Description: Iowa Department of Education SDI Framework for Secondary Transition provides a structure for IEP teams to identify skills that students need to achieve post-secondary transition goals. IEP teams use this information to develop IEP goals for Specially Designed Instruction (SDI).  
Description: Mississippi Department of Education Specially Designed Instruction Guidance Document - SDI for Transition is discussed on pages 43-50. Transition Services Taxonomy for Transition Programming Virtual Work-Based Learning Experiences
Description: Secondary Transition: Helping Students with Disabilities Plan for Postsecondary Settings focuses on helping students with disabilities successfully transition from high school to postsecondary settings. Among other topics, it discusses the various components of transition planning and the importance of engaging students in this process (est. completion time: 1.5 hours).
Description: Transiton POINTS: Across the entire lifespan - Families need realistic, actionable information with which they can make a wide range of decisions as their child grows up. The Arc of Northern Virginia’s Transition POINTS program (Providing Opportunities, Information, Networking and Transition Support) provides critical information on six key decision points in the lifetime of an individual with an intellectual disability. Six Transition Guides are provided: Early Intervention Special...
Description: Predictors of Post School Success shares the latest research on evidence-based practices for SDI in transition skills, activities, and experiences to achieve post-secondary success.
Description: "Skills to Pay the Bills: Mastering Soft Skills for Workplace Success," is a curriculum developed by ODEP focused on teaching "soft" or workforce readiness skills to youth, including youth with disabilities. Created for youth development professionals as an introduction to workplace interpersonal and professional skills, the curriculum is targeted for youth ages 14 to 21 in both in-school and out-of-school environments. The basic structure of the program is comprised of modular, hands-on,...
Description: This ADA, Disability Disclosure, and Self-Advocacy webcast will provide an understanding to participants of how to ensure that their students are treated in an ethical, valued, and courteous way when disclosing their disability and the need for accommodation. Presented by Barry Whaley, the Co-Principal Investigator and Project Director of the Southeast ADA Center and Pam Williamson, the Assistant Director of the Southeast ADA Center. 
Description: Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) Transition Resources - Transition from youth to adulthood is a crucial time for individuals with disabilities to gain important skills for adult life. Individuals with disabilities and/or their families need to learn to successfully navigate the adult disability-services system. When most students with disabilities graduate from high school, they encounter the 'services cliff,' i.e., differing eligibility rules across states and sudden...
Description: Self Directed IEPs - A Parent Factsheet and Self-Directed IEPs - Your child's IEP (Individualized Education Program) is more than a plan for their education—it’s a roadmap to their future. Encouraging them to take a self-directed approach to their IEP can help them develop critical self-advocacy skills, build confidence, and ensure their voice is heard in planning for their goals after high school. PEATC offers a variety of resources to help families and youth navigate...
Description: Your Life Your Voice provides ways for pre-teens, teens, and young adults to get help via call, text and email. Their trained counselors are able to offer advice for real life situations and they can be reached 24/7 via phone at (800) 448-3000 or by texting VOICE to 20121. They also provide tips and tools on their website for a number of issues such as coping skills, transitioning to adulthood, anxiety, abuse, identity, depression and more. It includes information on a Your Life Your Voice...
Description: College Options for Students with Disabilities - College programs for students with disabilities are as unique as the students they support. Programs differ by awarded credentials, admission requirements, costs, and the levels or types of support, just to name a few. There are many different options for students with disabilities to access college. The three main categories of college options for students with disabilities are college accommodations, supported education programs, and Inclusive...
Description: Counseling on Educational and Training Options is one of the five pre-employment transition services (pre-ETS) categories. Providing students with counseling on educational and training options after high school opens multiple pathways for future career and financial stability and success. Students should receive guidance on the full variety of options available to them, such as college, vocational programs, and apprenticeships. Providing students with education and training guidance helps...
Description: College Readiness for Neurodivergent Students shares the results from the 2024 survey of 50 leaders of U.S. college austism and neurodiversity support programs. There is a Summary of College Readiness Survey that is downloadable for free and an e-Book that costs $17.99.
Description: Videos from Youth with Disabilities (Partnership for People with Disabilities, VCU) - These Public Service Announcements can be used during the month of October, which is Disability History and Awareness Month, or anytime throughout the year. Topics include: Ways to Communicate I Want To Be Did You Know? Choice Inclusion Awareness Disability History Museum hosts a Library of virtual artifacts, Education curricula, and Museum exhibits. These programs are designed to foster research and study...
Description: Virginia's Collaborative Model for Pre-Employment Transition Services offers the resources necessary to enrich Pre-ETS initiatives in the state. We provide the tools for collaborating, communicating, and coordinating services with student teams to improve postsecondary outcomes for students with disabilities. Explore resources spanning all five Pre-ETS categories, and join us in empowering every student's journey to success! The five Pre-ETS categories include: Job Exploration Counseling...
Description: Social Security - New 2024 Rules On Calculating SSI Benefits - Effective September 30, new rules are in place for how the Social Security Administration (SSA) decides the amount of your (or your family member’s) monthly SSI payment. Right now, SSA looks at all income and support a person receives. This includes income (from a job or other source), resources you have (there are specific limits and exceptions), and in-kind support and maintenance (ISM). ISM is the support you get for...
Description: Virginia Parent Transition Survey - This updated survey is a way for parents to describe their expectations for their child/youth’s future and their expectations. Completing this survey before or during a transition planning IEP meeting will provide important information that can lead to improved planning and better outcomes after leaving high school. Not all of the sections or choices may be relevant to your child/youth, so please complete those that best describe your concerns and...
Description: Back to Basics: Special Education Law Series was developed from a partnership between the Virginia Department of Education and the Center for Implementation and Evaluation of Education Systems (CIEES) at Old Dominion University (ODU). The Back to Basics: Special Education Law series is designed to support Virginia school divisions in the professional development of teachers and division personnel on basic special education laws and regulations. The following modules and associated documents...
Description: Inclusion Project Voting Infographic - When you turn 18, you have the right to vote in local, state, and federal elections. In a democracy like the United States, voting is how we choose our leaders. This infographic provides information on how you get ready to vote and why voting is important.
Description: Youth Engagement - Youth participation in planning, engaging, and assessing transition services empowers them, increases their self-determination, and gives them the skills and self-confidence needed for success in learning, working, and living. These resources are for students and youth as they prepare for adult living. There are also resources for the professionals and family members who serve as allies with young people. The content has been developed by both young adults with...
Description: The Virginia Department of Education's (VDOE's) Department of Special Populations has recently released Understanding the Special Permission Locally Awarded Verified Credit (SPLAVC) Accommodation for Students with Disabilities one-pager resource for families. In this resource, you will find answers to the following questions: What is the SPLAVC? To whom is the SPLAVC available? How do I know if my high school-aged youth is learning through an accommodated or...
Description: 9 Fascinating Facts: Transportation and Independent Living - Living independently in the community requires transportation skills. Prepare now by determining your needs, identifying your resources, and practicing your skills.
Description: New challenges kids face in middle school Middle-schoolers travel between classes on their own and store their books in lockers. Middle-schoolers usually have a different teacher for each subject. Students in middle school face more social pressure and often worry about their ability to fit in and make friends. New challenges kids face in high school There’s more homework and an emphasis on grades in high school. High-schoolers need to manage time well, stay organized, and take good notes....
Description: 6 steps to prepare your child for changes to routine in middle school - Moving up from grade school to middle school is a big transition — in more ways than one. The work is harder. The social scene is more complex. And often, the school building is much larger and harder to navigate. Kids with and without learning and thinking differences face new challenges. But the greatest adjustment may be to the changes in routine. For most kids, middle school is the first time they have to...
Description: Call PEATC (703-923-0010) for free and confidential help with your special education & disability questions. PEATC's help is now available in over 300 languages!
Description: Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits: Volume 18 Overview - The Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits (ATOB) journal was launched by the Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) in 2004 in effort to advance the assistive technology (AT) field and highlight new information on the outcomes and benefits of AT for persons with disabilities. ATOB is a leading, open access, peer-reviewed journal in the field of AT. Volume 18 includes all three categories of articles published by...
Description: Transition and Court-Involved Youth: Workplace Readiness Skills Assessment is an informal assessment used to gauge early job assets and needs. This assessment can be conducted with a team or independently with a student, teacher, and parent/guardian.
Description: Virginia’s 21st Century Workplace Readiness Skills are personal qualities, people skills, and professional traits that are necessary for employment success. To assess the student, for each skill description select the performance category that best describes the student’s performance level in the classroom and in work-based learning experiences in school and the community. After completing the rubric, analyze the results to determine the student’s strengths and areas of...
Description: Families play a crucial role in preparing their child for college and careers through valuable work-based learning (WBL) experiences. WBL facilitates supervised experiences for students with disabilities organized by schools and vocational rehabilitation agencies in real work settings. These experiences help students develop interests and skills for employment. Work-based learning experiences connect classroom learning and real-world work to improve students’ chances of securing...
Description: Supporting the Educational Goals of Young Adults with Mental Health Conditions - College education or training can be the passport to economic self-sufficiency for young adults with a mental health condition. Research has shown that young adults with mental health conditions struggle to complete high school and college more so than any other disability group. However, post-secondary education or training is possible for anyone, especially accompanied by the proper accommodations, assistive...
Description: This tip sheet provides tips for how students (ages of 3 to 21) who receive special education services in public schools can take a leadership role in their individualized education programs (IEP) and transition planning. Learn more about IEPs and transition services in our "Teens on IEPs: Making My `Transition' Services Work for Me" tip sheet. Learn about the Translating Evidence to Support Transitions (TEST) project at A Spanish version of this tip sheet is available...
Description: ME! Lessons for Teaching Self-Awareness & Self-Advocacy - Self-determination skills, such as self-advocacy and self-awareness, have the potential to increase successful secondary and postsecondary outcomes for students with disabilities. The ME! Lessons for Teaching Self-Awareness and Self-Advocacy curriculum consists of ten units developed for the purpose of teaching critical transition knowledge and skills to high school students with disabilities. Each unit begins with an...
Description: Student Rubric for IEP Participation - This rubric is simply a tool that can help you figure out what you already know and don’t know about the IEP process. The IEP process can get complicated, so this tool helps you know where you can focus your efforts so that you can be more involved in your education. It’s broken into 6 areas: IEP Awareness IEP Participation Knowledge of IEP Content Abilities and Disabilities Awareness Knowledge of Rights and Responsibilities Social and...
Description: Self-determination, looked at through the lenses of competence, autonomy, and relatedness. Competence is feeling like you have the skills needed to complete a goal. Autonomy is the ability to control what happens to you in any given situation. Relatedness is feeling a sense of belonging.
Description: The Career Planning Toolkit is a resource for educators and counselors supporting students with significant  disabilities through the career planning process. The toolkit uses hands-on activities to help students plan for their careers as they prepare for a successful transition to postsecondary education or employment. The toolkit is acompanion resource for the Center on Transition Innovations’ Get Ready for Your Career course.
Description: Student Self-Evaluation Matrix - QIAT-PS has also developed a set of student quality indicators for assistive technology with an accompanying Student Self-Evaluation Matrix tool for students to rate themselves on their AT skills. The tool is useful to both students struggling to manage AT in higher education settings and for K-12 programs to assist students in enhancing self-awareness and problem solving with AT for better transition outcomes. (QIAT-PS = Quality Indicators for...
Description: Transition services is a term used to describe a set of services provided by schools and State vocational rehabilitation agencies. Both are designed improve post-school outcomes for students and youth with disabilities. The specific transition services VR and schools provide are a little different and designed to work together. The information below is about VR Transition Services, which focus on services related to employment. Transition services provided by State vocational rehabilitation (VR)...
Description: Do you support students as they transition to school or work environments? Do you support students as they transition to school or work environments? The following list of webshops and resources can help you learn more about:  The transition process for students, especially those who use assistive technology (AT), from high school to postsecondary institutions such as 2 and 4 year colleges, How to design transition plans that can lead to positive post-school outcomes for students with...
Description: A transition guide to help you or someone you love transition to self-determination across all areas of their life. This includes a list of questions to consider from ages 10-22.
Description: Information on potential Postsecondary Training Options for students with disabilities: Postsecondary Training Options: FastForward Career Training Program Postsecondary Training Options: United States Military Postsecondary Training Options: Registered Apprenticeships
Description: Age of Majority: Rights and Responsibilities - When a person reaches the age of majority they have legally become an adult. The Code of Virginia states “a person shall be an adult, shall be of full age, and shall reach the age of majority when he becomes 18 years of age” (Age of Majority, 1972). Until the age of majority, a person is considered a minor, and their parents or legal guardians are responsible for their rights and responsibilities. Some of these rights and...
Description: A Resource Guide for Inclusive Postsecondary Education for Students with Intellectual Disability - This guide is designed to introduce inclusive postsecondary education (IPSE), or college options for students with intellectual disability (ID). This guide has everything you need to know about IPSE in an easy-to-read format, with helpful tips, information, and resources from the Think College website. Learn about what IPSE is, how colleges include students with ID, and how to find and apply...
Description: Recorded Webinar: Expect, Engage, Empower: Successful Transitions for All - This session targets the recent OSERS initiative 3E: Expect, Engage, Empower. This initiative challenges our field to raise expectations, engage families earlier, and empower all who support students with disabilities to improve postsecondary outcomes. Staff from the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative (NTACTC) shared information and resources about evidence-based transition practices...