Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits (ATOB): Volume 18 (Assistive Technology Industry Association, ATIA)


Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits: Volume 18 Overview - The Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits (ATOB) journal was launched by the Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) in 2004 in effort to advance the assistive technology (AT) field and highlight new information on the outcomes and benefits of AT for persons with disabilities. ATOB is a leading, open access, peer-reviewed journal in the field of AT.

Volume 18 includes all three categories of articles published by ATOB: Voices from Academia, Voices from the Industry and Voices from the Field.

Voices from the Field includes:

Shared Reading with Core Vocabulary: Creating Interactive Experiences at Home (page 124)
Colleen McIndoe and Aftynne E. Cheek, Ph.D.

Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology: How an Idea Grew (page 137)
Penny Reed, Ph.D., Gayl Bowser, M.S., Diana Carl, M.A., Kelly Fonner, M.S.,
Terry Foss, M.Ed., Jane Korsten, M.S., Kathleen, Lalk, M.S., Joan Breslin Larson, M.Ed.,
Scott Marfilius, M.A., Susan McCloskey, M.S., Matthew Newton, Ed.S, Shannon Paige, M.S.,
Stacy Springer, M.S., and Brian Wojcik, Ed.D.

How Far We’ve Come: How Assistive Technology Changed the Game (page 156)
Jan Shea, MSW, Kelly Ligon, M.Ed., and Katherine Martinez, B.S.


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