Literacy (Reading & Writing)
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Description: Based on the work of the CEEDAR Center and Council for Exceptional Children, the GMU TTAC Team has created High Leverage Practice Crosswalks in the areas of Math, Literacy and Transition to support stakeholders in developing personalized professional learning and targeted support, with the goal of bridging research into “practical” classroom practice to improve performance outcomes. The HLP Crosswalks are dynamic documents that will be periodically updated with the most current...
Description: During the ORTIi 2024 Virtual Literacy Symposium, Dale Webster introduces and provides the rationale for each step of CORE’s explicit phonics lesson sequence. The importance of this explicit phonics lesson sequence to multilingual learners’ successful reading acquisition will be the focus of this presentation. Multilingual learners learning to read in English may need additional language support during phonics instruction to understand the words that they are learning to decode....
Description: A series of WEGO (Writing Efficiently with Graphic Organizers) projects have involved the development and effective integration of a technology-based writing intervention package including technology tools for students as well as instructional resources and professional development for teachers. WEGO tools for students feature technology-based graphic organizers with embedded evidence-based self-regulated learning strategies, mnemonics, video models, and Universal Design for Learning (UDL)...
Description: This resource includes Free VESOL Literacy Instruction Materials: Reading Comprehension Files Core, Fringe and Robust AAC Vocabulary Alternatives Pencils/Manual Boards with Alphabet Math Social Emotional Learning, Social Stories & Visual Supports Cooking Files Art and Music Files Talker Power Files
Description: Virginia's students, families, and educators have long deserved a system that prioritizes high expectations for every child and provides clarity on how each school is preparing students for success. Virginia’s new accountability system, the School Performance and Support Framework, builds trust among schools, parents, and communities through transparent, easy-to-understand reporting on a school’s performance. The Framework shows how students are mastering grade level content,...
Description: MTSS-R Implementation Guide - Multi-tiered systems of support in reading (MTSS-R) are comprehensive and integrated systems of instruction and intervention designed to ensure that all students meet essential literacy academic and behavior goals and objectives. The purpose of this guide is to lead schools through the process of implementing MTSS-R focused on five major MTSS-R elements. The MTSS-R implementation process occurs across multiple years and is fueled by a continuous...
Description: Evidence-Based Reading Instruction for Grades K-5 - This paper features an innovation configuration (IC) matrix that can guide teacher preparation professionals in the development of appropriate use of evidence-based reading instruction for grades K-5. Evidence-Based Reading Instruction for Grades 6-12 - This paper features an innovation configuration (IC) matrix that can guide teacher preparation professionals in the development of appropriate use of evidence-based reading instruction...
Description: Teaching Vocabulary - This article provides some excellent lesson models for teaching vocabulary, explaining idioms, fostering word consciousness, instruction for English Language Learners, and mnemonic strategies.
Description: Five Research-Based Ways to Teach Vocabulary - What Research Says about Effective Vocabulary Instruction: Vocabulary instruction must be explicit. Explicit vocabulary instruction includes an easy-to-understand definition presented directly to students along with multiple examples and nonexamples of the target word, brief discussion opportunities, and checks for understanding. Vocabulary instruction must include multiple practice opportunities for using words within and across subjects....
Description: Vocabulary words: An evidence-based literacy strategy - In this article, you’ll learn how to explicitly teach vocabulary using easy-to-understand definitions, engaging activities, and repeated exposure. This strategy includes playing vocabulary games, incorporating visual supports like graphic organizers, and giving students the chance to see and use new words in real-world contexts. The goal of this teaching strategy isn’t just to increase your students’ vocabulary....
Description: 4-8 Years Old Brilliant Bea: A Story for Kids with Dyslexia and Learning Differences: Despite her struggles with reading and writing, Beatrice is a natural and brilliant storyteller. With the help of a kind-hearted teacher, Beatrice uses an old-fashioned tape recorder so she can speak her words and then play them back, as a technique for learning in whole new way. With her new approach, Beatrice is able to show her classmates who she really has been all along. 6-8 Years Old A Walk in the...
Description: Questions to Ask Your Child's Teacher About Math - Math skills are essential for life– including daily tasks, problem-solving, creativity, career options and more. This resource is intended for parents of students in Grades 3-8, and includes questions to ask your child’s teacher as well as tips and resources to support math at home. Questions to Ask Your Child's Teacher About Reading - This resource includes questions to ask your child’s teacher as well as tips...
Description: Monarch Reader - The Tar Heel online library of accessible books for beginning readers is now part of the Building Wings family of literacy instruction solutions. You can Find Books (using the search function) or click on: Top Books or Latest Published Books, Explore Topics, and Review Popular Book Collections.
Description: Made by Dylexia is a global dyslexia charity, led by successful dyslexics. We’ve built the world’s largest community of dyslexic people and our allies. Our purpose is to help the world to understand the value of Dyslexic Thinking (This is recognised in the dictionary as an innovative way to think. 1 in 5 are dyslexic and their thinking skills are vital to the workplace.) We believe in the game-changing power of Dyslexic Thinking. After all, everything from the lightbulb to the...
Description: What is Dyslexia? - Reading is complex. It requires our brains to connect letters to sounds, put those sounds in the right order, and pull the words together into sentences and paragraphs we can read and comprehend. People with dyslexia have trouble matching the letters they see on the page with the sounds those letters and combinations of letters make. And when they have trouble with that step, all the other steps are harder.
Description: What is dyslexia? - Dyslexia is a learning disability in reading. People with dyslexia have trouble reading at a good pace and without mistakes. They may also have a hard time with reading comprehension, spelling, and writing. But these challenges aren’t a problem with intelligence. What you’ll learn Snapshot: What dyslexia is Dyslexia signs and symptoms Possible causes of dyslexia How dyslexia is diagnosed?
Description: Dyslexia Basics answers the following questions: What is dyslexia? What causes dyslexia? How widespread is dyslexia? What are the effects of dyslexia? How is dyslexia diagnosed? What are signs of dyslexia? How is dyslexia treated? What are the rights of a person with dyslexia?
Description: 25 Hands-on Ideas for Teaching Syllabification of Words - Rebecca from the blog Adventures in Speech demonstrates 25 different activities to make teaching and learning syllabication fun and easy!
Description: On Eating Elephants and Teaching Syllabication - Shanahan on Literacy presents this informative blog on syllabication. Shanahan states that “syllables matter in English. The consistency of spelling patterns and their relationship to phonemes and pronunciations is determined, in part, by where particular letters appear in syllables rather than where they appear in words (Venezky, 1967). The syllable is an essential unit in phonological processing (Ecalle & Magnan, 2007) and...
Description: The Big Five: Phonics-Teaching Syllabication - Many children have difficulty reading multisyllabic words. Some can decode fairly well at a one-syllable level but do not know how to read words accurately and fluently when reading longer words. Most decoding instruction stops by second grade; children are not being directly taught how to read multisyllabic words when they begin to become frequently used in text.
Description: 6 Techniques for Building Reading Skills—in Any Subject - Without a repertoire of reading strategies that can be applied to any text, students are being shortchanged in their education. In order to teach students to read effectively, teachers must be sure that they are not simply suppliers of information on a particular text but also instructors of techniques to build reading skills.
Description: Knowledge and Skills for Teaching Reading - The following is the proposed core curriculum for teacher candidates presented in Teaching Reading is Rocket Science: What Expert Teachers of Reading Should Know and Be Able to Do, published by the American Federation of Teachers. This curriculum can also serve as a roadmap for practicing teachers’ professional development experiences. The curriculum is divided into four parts. The psychology of reading and reading development Knowledge of...
Description: Beginning Reading - The National Center for Improving Literacy has gathered its best resources for beginning reading into one convenient link. Topics include: Alphabetuc Principle & Phonics Coaching Steps for Families Engaging Children: Interactive Literacy Activities for Preschool and Kindergarten Fluency with Text And much more!
Description: On course for reading success: Best practices for teaching beginning readers - The early literacy skills that students develop set them on course to gain reading proficiency by grade 3, which is a strong indicator of later academic success. This quick reference draws on What Works Clearinghouse™ practice guides to identify research-based instructional practices for supporting beginning readers, along with the level of evidence behind the practices and core literacy skills to target for...
Description: Recorded Webinar: The Writing Rope – A Framework for Explicit Writing Instruction - In this 2022 webinar hosted by EdWeb and Brookes Publishing, Joan Sedita (creator of the The Writing Rope framework and author of the book, the Writing Rope: A Framework for Explicit Writing Instruction in All Subjects) summarizes the writing skills and strategies that student writers must integrate in order to successfully write.
Description: For two decades, Speech to Print has been a bestselling, widely adopted textbook on explicit, high-quality literacy instruction. Now the anticipated third edition is here, fully updated with ten years of new research, a complete package of supporting materials, and expanded guidance on the how of assessment and instruction in today’s classrooms.
Description: 19 Essential Science of Reading PD Books for Teachers - Teachers of all grades need to know about the science of reading. From making sense of phonics and how the English language really works to figuring out what research says about how to best build kids’ background knowledge and comprehension skills, there’s lots to learn. Luckily there are tons of great science of reading PD books available to help you. Of course, you’re beyond busy, so we vetted both classic and new titles...
Description: Teaching, Reading, and Learning: The Reading League Podcast elevates important contributions to the educational community, with the goal of inspiring teachers, informing practice, and celebrating people in the community who have influenced teaching and literacy to the betterment of children. The podcast features people whose life stories are compelling and rich in ways that are instructive to us all. The podcast will focus on literacy as we know it (reading and writing) but will also connect to...
Description: Triple R Teaching provides simple strategies and practical tips for educators in grades PreK-3. Anna Geiger, M.Ed., author of Reach All Readers, will show you how to make small changes to improve how you teach literacy concepts.
Description: Gleans Research to Practice- Reading Fluency and Instruction Podcasts - All the best reading research hot off the presses, brought to you by some of the best reading researchers in the country. Weekly topics and researchers provide variety and interest to all listeners.
Description: The Top Literacy Podcasts of 2024 - Player FM chooses the best literacy podcasts they feel are worth listening to. Read each summary and choose the podcast that best suits your needs and interests.
Description: This article discusses how a University of Virginia professor shaped Virginia’s Literacy Act. The new laws address teacher training, screening for reading risk, the provision of evidence-based curricula, funding for intervention services and other aspects of effective literacy instruction.
Description: VLA Implementation Playbook - The Virginia Department of Education is excited to collaborate with school divisions as they work diligently to implement the Virginia Literacy Act over the next six months. To assist school divisions in creating a vision for what literacy instruction looks like in every classroom, the Department of Education has created a playbook. This document will act as a framework for decision making and help provide a roadmap for a successful 2024-2025 school year. This...
Description: Recorded Webinar: Instructional Practices for Students with Significant Disabilities - The Office of Student Assessment, in collaboration with the Department of Special Populations, is pleased to offer another resource for teachers providing instruction to students with significant cognitive disabilities. This resource is a recorded presentation, Instructional Practices for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities, featuring educators from three Virginia school divisions. The...
Description: This webpage provides every episode of Melissa & Lori Love Literacy starting with the most recent episodes. You can even search for any guests or topics you are interested in to find all the episodes you want to listen to!
Description: Podcasts - Sold a Story: How Teaching Kids to Read Went So Wrong - There's an idea about how children learn to read that's held sway in schools for more than a generation — even though it was proven wrong by cognitive scientists decades ago. Teaching methods based on this idea can make it harder for children to learn how to read. In this podcast, host Emily Hanford investigates the influential authors who promote this idea and the company that sells their work. It's an...
Description: Literacy Talks, a podcast series from Reading Horizons, is where reading momentum begins. Each episode features our trio of literacy champions: Stacy Hurst, an assistant professor of reading at Southern Utah University and Chief Academic Advisor at Reading Horizons; Donell Pons, a dyslexia specialist, educator, presenter, and writer, who now works with adults who struggle with reading; Lindsay Kemeny, an innovative, dedicated elementary teacher who is a CERI certified Structured Literacy...
Description: Together in Literacy - focuses on the science of reading, which, at its heart, is also a dyslexia podcast. Many episodes support children and teens with dyslexia and their families, featuring topics such as working with older students and the legal aspects of dyslexia advocacy. These podcasts are hosted by Emily Gibbons & Casey Harrison. They connect the science behind reading to the social-emotional connections for our students.
Description: The topics included are: Attention and Focus Communication Collaboration Language Development Math Memory Motivation Organization Problem Solving Positive Relationships Reading Reading Comprehension Remote Learning Resilience/Flexibility Self-Monitoring Writing
Description: It is never too early to consider assistive technology supports and services. Providing children with supports to access play, communication, and books is essential to their early development. The following resources will assist you in exploring AT and AAC for young children. Check out these Professional Learning Possibilities on TTAC Online: Considering Assistive Technology Course: Asynchronous Virtual Virginia Course - Virginia Assistive Technology, Tools, and Strategies (VATTS): Consideration...
Description: Quick Guide For Reading Assessment - When assessing emerging readers, this progression should be utilized from the bottom of the progression up, with new assessment measures added and analyzed as they become developmentally appropriate. When assessing older students in third grade or beyond, the analysis should start at the top of the progression with reading comprehension and fluency measures, then down through the foundational sub-skills as needed.
Description: The Reading League Compass: Providing Direction in the Science of Reading - The science of reading marketplace is difficult to navigate and digest. It is often full of misinformation that makes educators, educational leaders, and decision-makers vulnerable to implementing practices that are somehow labeled as “science of reading,” yet they are not aligned with the scientific evidence base. The Reading League Compass provides reliable and understandable guidance for a variety of...
Description: Dott, Alphabott, and the Alphabotteers are teaching Dusty the Dog to read. That’s what makes them Reading Buddies! Combining the science of reading with lots of laughs, Reading Buddies is the fun way to teach aspiring readers the foundational components of reading.
Description: This section provides Parents & Families with practical ideas and strategies to help with reading and writing based on what works. Topics include: Dyslexia, Beginning Reading, Intervention, Screening, Advocacy and Partnerships.
Description: Management and Routines includes: Managing Materials Be Kind Beginning of the Day Communication Independent Work Time Safety & Transitions
Description: Resilience for Kids With Dyslexia, Learning and Attention Issues - Hear from Fumiko Hoeft, M.D., Ph.D., a psychiatrist and a cognitive neuroscientist, about how resilience can help kids with dyslexia succeed in school and in life. Learn how you as a parent can build resilience by showing support, providing mentorship, focusing on strengths, and building social/emotional resilience. With these tips, you can create a resilience framework for your child with learning and attention issues....
Description: Using Children’s Literature to Teach Social Skills - Children with disabilities, particularly learning disabilities, do not always make friends as effortlessly and easily as do their nondisabled peers. Through the use of children’s literature, children with learning disabilities can be taught valuable skills that will enable them to make and maintain friendships. This article (a) describes a strategy incorporating children’s literature for teaching friendship skills and...
Description: Using Read-Alouds to Support Social and Emotional Learning - In elementary school, interactive read-alouds are commonly used to build various literacy skills, such as students’ listening comprehension, background knowledge, vocabulary, and understanding of language structures. Beyond their academic benefits, however, read-alouds can also serve as a support for developing social and emotional learning (SEL) skills. In fact, teachers can integrate read-alouds related to SEL into...
Description: The purpose of ORTIi is to provide technical assistance to Oregon school districts implementing Response to Intervention (RTI) systems that provide targeted, effective instruction to meet the needs of all students and provide the framework to identify students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD). The focus of the project is on literacy, early intervention, and the use of evidenced-based practices.
Description: Intervention Central provides teachers, schools and districts with free resources to help struggling learners and implement Response to Intervention and attain the Common Core State Standards. (A new, streamlined version of this site will be available soon.)