State Events
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Description: Information & Registration for Hybrid Training Series: Transportation - Bus drivers and transportation staff work directly with students with autism and are responsible for their and others' safety during the routes. Drivers and assistants are the first faces students see in the morning and the last ones in the afternoon. They are critical liaisons between home and school and often have more interaction with parents than other school staff. Beyond simply driving, transportation...
5/13/2025 - 5/15/2025
Description: The 2025 International Early Childhood Inclusion Institute will be held Tuesday, May 13 through Thursday, May 15, 2025 at the Friday Conference Center, Chapel Hill, NC. Celebrating 25 years this year, the Inclusion Institute is a premier educational experience focused on evidence-informed inclusive practices. The theme is Honoring Our 25 Year History: Reflecting, Celebrating, and Advancing. The keynote speaker is Jordyn Zimmerman, an educator and disability advocate. She uses her personal...
7/14/2025 - 7/17/2025
Description: The Youth Leadership Academy (YLA), formerly known as the Youth Leadership Forum, is one of the Virginia Board for People with Disabilities flagship training programs. Rising high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors who are interested in becoming leaders in their school communities are strongly encouraged to apply as YLA delegates. To be eligible, a student must: have a disability, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (60% of participants must have...
7/29/2025 9:00 AM ET - 7/29/2025 1:00 PM ET, 7/30/2025 9:00 AM ET - 7/30/2025 1:00 PM ET
Description: Save the date for the 19th Annual Opening Doors-Unlocking Potential: Creative Partnerships to Elevate Success on July 29-30, 2025. This two-day, virtual, statewide professional development event will continue its strong focus on effective strategies to positively impact academic outcomes for students who are deaf, hard of hearing, and deafblind from birth to age 21.We will be using the Whova platform for this event, which will provide an interactive experience for attendees, including...