Self-Paced Modules - Behavior Progress Monitoring: Selecting Target Behaviors, Aligning Tools, and Creating a Plan (National Center on Intensive Intervention, NCII)


Self-Paced Modules - Behavior Progress Monitoring: Selecting Target Behaviors, Aligning Tools, and Creating a Plan is intended to help educators learn about behavior progress monitoring. By completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Summarize the process for identifying target behaviors.
  • Describe two behavior progress monitoring approaches that can be used across behaviors.
  • Align a progress monitoring tool with a target behavior.
  • Summarize the key features of a behavior progress monitoring data collection plan.

To access this content you will need to log in or register for an account in the PROGRESS Center and NCII Learning Module Library. In addition to the self-paced module, the course includes a collection of resources highlighted in the module and a course completion certificate. You will only be able to access the course completion certificate once you have completed the module.


Behavior Professional Development Professional Resources