Instruction in Behavior & Academic Domain Checklist - Elementary (Pillar HLPs 7 & 16) and Instruction in Behavior & Academic Domain Checklist - Secondary (Pillar HLPs 7 & 16), VDOE TTAC at GMU


Instruction in Behavior & Academic Domain Checklist - Elementary (Pillar HLPs 7 & 16) and Instruction in Behavior & Academic Domain Checklist - Secondary (Pillar HLPs 7 & 16) were designed to help teachers grow in their classroom management and instruction skills. GMU TTAC task analyzed skills in HLPs 7 (classroom management & PBIS) and 16 (explicit instruction) to identify key HLP components and skills. The elementary and secondary checklists can be used to identify a teacher’s strengths and areas of growth related to these skills and components of instruction in academics and behaviors (Pillar HLPs 7 & 16). These checklists can be used for self-assessment or observations to provide targeted professional learning unique for each teacher. Teachers can use the checklist to identify professional growth goals to achieve mastery in HLPs 7 & 16.   

The column on the left represents HLP components, the next four columns are ratings, and the final column includes resources for professional learning. 

Please use the following rating scale: 

Rating Key: 0 - practice not present; 1 - practice sometimes present (1/2 of opportunities or less); 2- practice often present (51 – 90%) 3 - practice consistently present (91 - 100%). 


Behavior Curriculum/Instructional Methods Elementary High School Middle School Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Professional Resources