Introduction to Real Co-Teachers of Virginia (Middle & High)


VDOE Excellence in Co-Teaching Initiative


Before viewing the videos and lesson plans in the webshops below, some background information would be helpful. How is co-teaching impacting the education of students in Virginia? Why was the Excellence in Co-Teaching Initiative begun? How can visits to co-teaching demonstration sites be arranged? What tool can teachers and administrators use to assess the current state of co-teaching in their class/school – or their readiness to begin providing co-teaching services? This webshop will help you begin your journey to excellence in co-teaching.


ADD/ADHD Autism Spectrum Disorder Curriculum/Instructional Methods Deaf-Blind Emotional Disability Hearing Impairment High School History/Social Science Instructional Strategies Intellectual Disability Learning Disability Literacy Math Middle School Mild/Moderate Disabilities Multiple Disabilities Orthopedic Impairment Other Health Impairment Professional Development Professional Resources Science Speech/Language Impairment Traumatic Brain Injury Vision Impairment