Dr. Anita Archer: Explicit Instruction Video Presentations
This is a compilation of Dr. Archer's presentations on Explicit Instruction.
Explicit instruction expert, Dr. Anita Archer, provides the rationale and overview of explicit instruction and its benefit to students.
Applying the Principles of Explicit Instruction to ONLINE Teaching of Strategies, Concepts, and Vocabulary Terms.
Applying the Principles of Explicit Instruction to ONLINE Teaching of Facts, Knowledge and Content-Area Passage Reading.
Dr. Archer's Presentation:
To optimize our implementation of the Science of Reading to ensure that all students read accurately and fluently with good comprehension, we must draw from the Science of Instruction. In this session, Dr. Archer will discuss the critical variables in instruction: clear lesson purposes, structured lessons including demonstration, guided practice and checking for understanding, embedded formative assessment, active participation, effective feedback, and judicious practice. When these elements are consistently and effectively used, learning results.