How do I help students advocate for their own AT Needs? (VDOE's Assistive Technology Network)
Self-advocacy is an important part of student success with Assistive Technology. The resources below will help you further understand how to incorporate self-determination into AT.
Why is it important for students and families to be involved in AT decision-making?
“Using AT means I can do things myself and I don't have to depend on someone else to help me." ~Olivia Hampton, I'm Determined Youth Summit, 2019
Check out these Professional Learning Possibilities on TTAC Online:
- Resource: AT Tools in Schools - 2nd Edition
- Resource: Information Gathering for AT Consideration
- Resource: 5 self-advocacy sentence starters for grade-schoolers with dyslexia
- Resource: Chapter 1: The Art of Impact: A Handbook for Self-Determined Living (National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities, NACDD)
- Resource: Written expression disorder in middle school: 4 self-advocacy scripts
- **Webshop: Youth and Assistive Technology
- **Webshop: Do it Yourself Assistive Technology at Home
- Website: I’m Determined: Tools to support goals, be heard and reach for the stars! To accomplish goals, you need to be determined and advocate for all your needs, including the AT ones!
- Video Resources: I’m Determined: Educator Pathway to Success - ten bite-sized videos that help Educators become more self-determined
- Video Modules: I’m Determined: Student Involvement in the IEP
- Resource: Elements of I’m Determined
- Resource and Video Resource: Good Day Plan
- AT may be part of having a Good Day. Use this video and resource to support your students.
- Resource and Video Resource: Goal Plan - Striving to Accomplish a Goal
- Goals may include the use of AT in order to accomplish them. Write it down and make it happen!
- Resources: All I’m Determined Tools
**Note: You will need to create a free account on TTAC Online to access these webshops.