IRIS Module- Functional Behavioral Assessment: Identifying the Reasons for Problem Behavior and Developing a Behavior Plan, Case Study- Encouraging Appropriate Behavior, and Activity- Behavior Assessment: Conduct an A-B-C Analysis (IRIS Center)


This IRIS module, Functional Behavioral Assessment: Identifying the Reasons for Problem Behavior and Developing a Behavior Plan, explores the basic principles of behavior and the importance of discovering the reasons that students engage in problem behavior. The steps to conducting a functional behavioral assessment and developing a behavior plan are described.

IRIS Center Case Study Encouraging Appropriate Behavior discusses:

  • Behavior-Specific Praise
  • Criterion-Specific Rewards
  • Choice Making
  • Rules
  • Contingent Instructions
  • Group Contingency

IRIS Center Activity - Behavior Assessment: Conduct an A-B-C Analysis - A functional behavioral assessment (FBA) is an evaluation technique used to determine the function of a student’s behavior and the factors that maintain it. It helps teachers to understand the reason(s) (i.e., the function or functions) for a student’s behavior and then to use this information to design an intervention that will help the student learn a new, more acceptable method of getting what he or she wants. The process of conducting an FBA consists of seven steps.


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