Project HOPE-Virginia (Virginia's McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Program)
Project HOPE-Virginia, Virginia's McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Program, has developed new resources for young children experiencing homelessness. HOPE invites you to visit their new website:
Here are several links that will take you directly to early childhood resources:
- McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth (EHCY) Program: Training for Early Childhood Educators in Virginia - This video provides an overview of the homeless education program in Virginia and how it intersects with programs for young children.
- Module 8: Supporting Students Experiencing Homelessness: Considerations for Head Start and Virginia Preschool Initiative Administrators & Staff - This three-minute animated video targets the intersection for VPI and Head Start programs.
- Module 9: Supporting Students Experiencing Homelessness: Considerations for Early Childhood Special Education & Early Intervention Providers - This three-minute animated video focuses on the intersection with IDEA.
- The Project HOPE Parent Pack also has been revised. This sturdy folder to keep important documents while a family is highly mobile is free to any Virginia program and can be ordered at: Project HOPE - Virginia Materials Order Form ( All materials are available in English and Spanish and can be tailored for infants and toddlers or preschoolers. Parent Pack content includes:
- Early Intervention and Public Preschool Programs Card (English)
- Early Intervention and Public Preschool Programs Card (Spanish)
- Project HOPE-VA Parent Brochure (English)
- Project HOPE-VA Parent Brochure (Spanish)
- CDC Card with Link to Milestone Tracker (English/Spanish)
- A children's book (English or Spanish) - select infant/toddler or preschool level.