HLP Highlight Tools: 1 - 22 (VDOE TTAC at GMU)
HLP Pillars:
- HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 1: Collaborate with Professionals to Increase Student Success,
- HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 3: Collaborate with Families to Support Student Learning and Secure Needed Services
- Embedded HLPs
Data-Driven Planning
HLP Pillar:
- HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 6: Use Student Assessment Data, Analyze Instructional Practices, and Make Necessary Adjustments that Improve Student Outcomes
- Embedded HLPs:
- HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 4: Use Multiple Sources of Information to Develop a Comprehensive Understanding of a Student’s Strengths and Needs,
- HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 5: Interpret and Communicate Assessment Information to Collaboratively Design and Implement Educational Programs,
- HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 11: Identity and Prioritize Long- and Short-Term Goals,
- HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 12: Systematically Designed Instruction Toward a Specific Learning Goal
Instruction in Behavior and Academics
HLP Pillars:
- HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 7: Establish a Consistent, Organized, and Respectful Learning Environment,
- HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 16: Use Explicit Instruction
- Embedded HLPs:
- What to Teach
- HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 9: Teach Social Behaviors,
- HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 14: Teach Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategies to Support Learning and Independence,
- HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 21: Teach Students to Maintain and Generalize New Learning Across Time and Settings
- How to Teach:
- HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 8: Provide Positive and Constructive Feedback to Guide Students’ Behavior,
- HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 22: Provide Positive and Constructive Feedback to Guide Students’ Learning
- HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 13: Adapt Curriculum Tasks and Materials for Specific Learning Goals,
- HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 15: Provide Scaffolded Supports,
- HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 17: Use Flexible Grouping,
- HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 18: Use Strategies to Promote Active Student Engagement,
- HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 19: Use Assistive and Instructional Technologies
Intensify and Intervene as Needed
HLP Pillar: