11 Research-Based Classroom Management Strategies (Edutopia)


Discover these "kernels" - simple, quick, and reliable ways to deal with behavior challenges.

1. Nonverbal Cues: A teacher can use subtle body movements (like proximity) or more explicit hand signals to cue self-regulation. One popular cue involves moving to the front of the room and making eye contact with the high schooler who is acting out, then pausing until you have the individual’s attention. Younger students are less familiar with social cues and might require a verbal signal to accompany the nonverbal cues. Example: “What should you be doing right now?”

2. Nonverbal Transition Cues: Kids can become so immersed in an activity that they might not notice your attempts to shift them into the next learning event. Ringing a bell or turning lights on and off are unmistakable signals that shift attention to the teacher or a new task. Asking a class to collectively decide what signal to use can be a community builder.

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