ZERO TO THREE Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Policy Convening Report
In October, 2016, ten states convened around the topic of infant and early childhood mental health (IECMH), with a specific focus on strategies to improve assessment, diagnosis and treatment. Teams from Alaska, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Virginia participated, as well as a team of expert contributors from Minnesota. The summary of proceedings from that work, Aligning Policy and Practice: Mental Health Assessment and Treatment of Infants, Young Children, and Families, is now available for download. The proceedings describe presentations from national experts, cross-state and cross-sector discussion sessions, and development of state action plans focused on IECMH financing policy. This new report also summarizes the content of four expert presentations and 20 tabletop discussions on a variety of related topics, and outlines highlights from the two days as well as next steps identified by the participants. A list of participating state team members and expert contributors is also included. This report will be a valuable resource for all states.