Frequently Asked Questions About Career Exploration for Youth with Disabilities (PACER Center)


Frequently Asked Questions About Career Exploration for Youth with Disabilities

Career exploration is an important step in helping a student fulfill long term employment goals. This exploration can help a student connect to a path that is appealing, fulfilling, and leads to a desired career. The following key questions and answers will help with decision-making and information gathering concerning academic and career choices.

What is career exploration?
Career exploration is one way to find out about multiple career options. During the different phases of exploration, students take part in a variety of activities that can assist in figuring out their unique interests, skills, and talents. Students who have this knowledge are better prepared to identify next steps in postsecondary schooling or other means leading to a future career.

Why is career exploration important?
Career exploration is an important tool in helping to find a desired career. The steps students take in career
exploration can help guide in making positive, well informed educational and career decisions.

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