Tips for Going to College With ADHD (Child Mind Institute) Available in Spanish


College is an exciting time! You’re surrounded by new friends and new opportunities, and have more independence than ever before. However, college life also presents unique challenges to a student with ADHD. Managing classes, a social life, and extra curricular activities without day-to-day support from parents and a structured school schedule isn’t easy. But there are plenty of things you can do to set yourself up for success. This article provides top ten tips that are a great place to start.

1. Go to class

2. Be realistic

3. Work first, play later

4. Be proactive

5. Use a calendar

6. Think before you drink

7. Join a club

8. Sleep!

9. Use your ADHD medication as prescribed

10. Call, text, or email your parents


ADD/ADHD Independent Living Postsecondary Education Transition