Our Lives: Safe and Strong Program Toolkit (Funded by a grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation, NIDILRR)


The Our Lives: Safe and Strong Program Toolkit is a set of two web-based tools for abuse awareness, support, and safety planning. One is specialized to the abuse experiences of male-identified individuals, and the other for female-identified individuals.

The programs feature people with diverse disabilities and identities speaking about their own abuse experiences.

These tools can be used privately, or in the company of a trusted person(s).

They can be used as educational information for the family, friends, or support providers of a person who is or may be experiencing interpersonal violence.

For information about the Our Lives: Safe and Strong Program Toolkit, please contact Mary Oschwald (oschwald@pdx.edu).


Mary Oschwald


Behavior Parent/Family Professional Resources Safety Self-Determination Transition