Carol Gray Social Stories


What is a Social Story? Social Stories are a social learning tool that supports the safe and meaningful exchange of information between parents, professionals, and people with autism of all ages. The people who develop Social Stories are referred to as Authors, and they work on behalf of a child, adolescent, or adult with autism, the Audience.

Authors follow a defined process that begins with gathering information, discovering a topic that ‘fits’ the Audience, and the development of personalized text and illustration. Most frequently associated with short, simple Stories, there are also Social Articles for use with older or more advanced individuals.

Social Story Sampler - It is no surprise that some of the most frequently requested Social Stories are among the most difficult to write. The Stories in this Sampler address a few of those challenging topics.  These are models that parents and professionals may use to develop Social Stories for a specific child, adolescent, or adult.


Assistive Technology Autism Spectrum Disorder Behavior Communication - AT Communication/Language Curriculum/Instructional Methods Elementary High School Instructional Strategies Literacy Middle School Parent/Family Preschool