Phonemic Awareness, Phonemic Deletion and Phonemic Isolation (Florida Center for Reading Research, FCRR, & Wisconsin Department of Education)


PHONEME DELETION is a strategy that helps develop students’ phonemic awareness, which is part of phonological awareness. Phoneme deletion involves having students manipulate spoken words by deleting specific phonemes. If this task is too difficult initially, you can begin by having students delete syllables in compound words. Phoneme deletion tasks take place orally without the written word. Phoneme deletion should be taught using direct and explicit instruction, but after such instruction, it can also be reinforced with educational games/activities.

Phoneme Isolation

  • YouTube Video: Teaching Phonemic Awareness with Puppets using Sound Isolation-This short video shows the basics of using sound isolation and how to model some activities using a puppet. This is best done in a small group where the teacher can monitor student responses. You also want to focus on one type of sound isolation. The activity is enhanced by using pictures, too. 
  • Phoneme Isolating: Bag-of-SoundsThis is a comprehensive description of phoneme isolation with a lesson plan.    


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