Topical Paper: Developing Work-Based Learning Internships (VCU Center on Transition Innovations, CTI)


Topical Paper: Developing Work-Based Learning Internships - 

High-Quality Work-Based Learning (WBL) experiences are integral to career development and planning. WBL experiences relate to career interests, are informed by instructional preparation, and collaborate with community businesses and organizations. These experiences promote career awareness, exploration, and preparation. Virginia identified twelve different types of WBL experiences. One of the twelve types of experiences is a WBL internship which typically occurs in grades 11 and 12.
A WBL internship is an experience that is school-coordinated. Schools collaborate with local businesses to identify, evaluate, and establish student internship sites. Internships allow for hands-on work experiences and skill development while translating classroom learning into practice. Securing a strong internship takes planning. The five steps guide the first phase of creating WBL internships.


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