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Showing Results 101 - 150 of 2248
Description: Student Rubric for IEP Participation - This rubric is simply a tool that can help you figure out what you already know and don’t know about the IEP process. The IEP process can get complicated, so this tool helps you know where you can focus your efforts so that you can be more involved in your education. It’s broken into 6 areas: IEP Awareness IEP Participation Knowledge of IEP Content Abilities and Disabilities Awareness Knowledge of Rights and Responsibilities Social and...
Description: ME! Lessons for Teaching Self-Awareness & Self-Advocacy - Self-determination skills, such as self-advocacy and self-awareness, have the potential to increase successful secondary and postsecondary outcomes for students with disabilities. The ME! Lessons for Teaching Self-Awareness and Self-Advocacy curriculum consists of ten units developed for the purpose of teaching critical transition knowledge and skills to high school students with disabilities. Each unit begins with an...
Description: Medicaid has a new program starting in January 2024. It's called Brain Injury Services Targeted Case Management (BIS TCM). This program can help you or your family member find and get medical and other services in your community.
Description: In response to feedback and collaboration with the field, as well as to legislation passed by the Virginia General Assembly, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has released the Video Guide to the Special Education Evaluation Process for Families as additional guidance to support accurate and consistent eligibility determinations and access to special education services across school divisions. These video modules will provide parents, families, and other stakeholders with a brief but...
Description: The Career Planning Toolkit is a resource for educators and counselors supporting students with significant  disabilities through the career planning process. The toolkit uses hands-on activities to help students plan for their careers as they prepare for a successful transition to postsecondary education or employment. The toolkit is acompanion resource for the Center on Transition Innovations’ Get Ready for Your Career course.
Description: The Family Resource Center provides information to support children who are struggling with mental health, behavior or learning challenges.
Description: Questions to Ask Your Child's Teacher About Math - Math skills are essential for life– including daily tasks, problem-solving, creativity, career options and more. This resource is intended for parents of students in Grades 3-8, and includes questions to ask your child’s teacher as well as tips and resources to support math at home.
Description: Ultimate Behavior Toolkit: What Works (CIEES at ODU) - The use of evidence-based practices in the classroom is more important than ever. Fortunately, there are many practices that are simple to use. This series will provide a toolkit of strategies to assist school personnel to implement evidence-based practices that promote positive student outcomes.  New - Elementary Videos - These modules will help elementary school teachers with evidence-based strategies for 11 common...
Description: The purpose of ORTIi is to provide technical assistance to Oregon school districts implementing Response to Intervention (RTI) systems that provide targeted, effective instruction to meet the needs of all students and provide the framework to identify students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD). The focus of the project is on literacy, early intervention, and the use of evidenced-based practices.
Description: Local school divisions provide special education services for young children, ages two to five, who have developmental delays or disabilities. Depending on the learning needs of the child, these services may be provided in early childhood care and education (ECCE) settings such as Virginia Preschool Initiative, Head Start, Mixed Delivery, child care, and community-based preschool programs. When special education services are provided in ECCE settings, Itinerant Early Childhood Special Education...
Description: Local school divisions provide special education services for young children, ages two to five, who have developmental delays or disabilities. Depending on the learning needs of the child, these services may be provided in high-quality early childhood care and education (ECCE) settings such as Virginia Preschool Initiative, Head Start, Mixed Delivery, child care, and community-based preschool programs. When special education services are provided in ECCE settings, Itinerant Early Childhood...
Description: Intervention Central provides teachers, schools and districts with free resources to help struggling learners and implement Response to Intervention and attain the Common Core State Standards. (A new, streamlined version of this site will be available soon.)
Description: A Guide to Cross-Cutting Concepts - Cross-cutting concepts are a set of overarching big ideas that look and behave similarly across all STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) domain areas. In this document, we define and describe cross-cutting concepts in STEM learning for all young children, including children with disabilities. We provide definitions and examples. Learning progression steps for each cross-cutting concept have been added as well.
Description: A transition guide to help you or someone you love transition to self-determination across all areas of their life. This includes a list of questions to consider from ages 10-22.
Description: Student Self-Evaluation Matrix - QIAT-PS has also developed a set of student quality indicators for assistive technology with an accompanying Student Self-Evaluation Matrix tool for students to rate themselves on their AT skills. The tool is useful to both students struggling to manage AT in higher education settings and for K-12 programs to assist students in enhancing self-awareness and problem solving with AT for better transition outcomes. (QIAT-PS = Quality Indicators for...
Description: Transition services is a term used to describe a set of services provided by schools and State vocational rehabilitation agencies. Both are designed improve post-school outcomes for students and youth with disabilities. The specific transition services VR and schools provide are a little different and designed to work together. The information below is about VR Transition Services, which focus on services related to employment. Transition services provided by State vocational rehabilitation (VR)...
Description: Do you support students as they transition to school or work environments? Do you support students as they transition to school or work environments? The following list of webshops and resources can help you learn more about:  The transition process for students, especially those who use assistive technology (AT), from high school to postsecondary institutions such as 2 and 4 year colleges, How to design transition plans that can lead to positive post-school outcomes for students with...
Description: Boundaries: What are they and how to develop your own - Setting healthy limits, or boundaries, in our lives allows us to take care of our health and well-being. In this resource, we’ll cover different types of boundaries, how to set them and ways to communicate to others what you will and will not tolerate to protect yourself and take charge of your life. (NAMI = National Alliance on Mental Illness)
Description: Understanding the Wellness Wheel: 7 Dimensions of Wellness - The wellness wheel is a tool for self exploration that promotes the concept that balance is the key to wellbeing. When it was first conceived by Dr. Bill Hettler, he outlined six dimensions of wellness as markers to help individuals accomplish a well rounded, healthy lifestyle and live a life of value and meaning.  Over time, the wheel has grown to include seven categories. Today, the dimensions on the wellness wheel include:...
Description: The Administration for Community Living (ACL) Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Technical Assistance and Resource Center’s (TARC) held a webinar (Sept. 28, 2023) on the need for a trauma informed approach and best practice principles for implementing trauma informed screening for brain injury. A trauma informed guide to screening was reviewed and an example of how to implement trauma informed screening was provided using a trauma informed approach with implementing a modified Ohio State...
Description: Information on potential Postsecondary Training Options for students with disabilities: Postsecondary Training Options: FastForward Career Training Program Postsecondary Training Options: United States Military Postsecondary Training Options: Registered Apprenticeships
Description: Age of Majority: Rights and Responsibilities - When a person reaches the age of majority they have legally become an adult. The Code of Virginia states “a person shall be an adult, shall be of full age, and shall reach the age of majority when he becomes 18 years of age” (Age of Majority, 1972). Until the age of majority, a person is considered a minor, and their parents or legal guardians are responsible for their rights and responsibilities. Some of these rights and...
Description: Recording of Dr. Mitchell Brookins - Keynote ORTIi Virtual Reading Symposium: The Tide is Turning - Literacy is Liberty Virtual Reading Symposium Virtual Reading Symposium - Session Recordings  For each session listed below, you will find: A Session Description and Presenter Bio A YouTube Link to access the recording A Presentation Resources link with access to materials in a Google Folder. Some presenters did not provide handouts.
Description: Recording: Dr. Tim Odegard - Empowering Students with Dyslexia: Effective Support Strategies Virtual Reading Symposium Virtual Reading Symposium - Session Recordings  For each session listed below, you will find: A Session Description and Presenter Bio A YouTube Link to access the recording A Presentation Resources link with access to materials in a Google Folder. Some presenters did not provide handouts.
Description: Recording: Julie Burtscher Brown and Sherry Sousa - No Time to Waste: Structured Literacy with Young Adults  Virtual Reading Symposium Virtual Reading Symposium - Session Recordings  For each session listed below, you will find: A Session Description and Presenter Bio A YouTube Link to access the recording A Presentation Resources link with access to materials in a Google Folder. Some presenters did not provide handouts.
Description: Recording: Lindsay Kemeny - 7 Mighty Moves for Reading Success Virtual Reading Symposium Virtual Reading Symposium - Session Recordings  For each session listed below, you will find: A Session Description and Presenter Bio A YouTube Link to access the recording A Presentation Resources link with access to materials in a Google Folder. Some presenters did not provide handouts.
Description: When making decisions about assistive technology for a student, there is a lot to consider. You need to apply a framework that will help describe the student's needs and abilities and know how to select appropriate tools and strategies. These resources will help you as you navigate through helping a student with their assistive technology needs. Check out these Professional Learning Possibilities on TTAC Online: Getting Started with AT Podcast: AT in 3 - Assistive Technology in Education...
Description: MTSS for All: Including Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities - The purpose of this Brief is to provide suggestions for ways in which MTSS can include students with the most significant cognitive disabilities so that MTSS provides a whole school and whole district approach to be implemented by educators. Ideas for how to make MTSS fully inclusive of all students are presented following a short history of MTSS and a summary of current MTSS models. Resources for Parents on...
Description: What is Data-Based Individualization? (NCII) DBI is a research-based process for individualizing and intensifying interventions through the systematic use of assessment data, validated interventions, and research-based adaptation strategies. DBI is a process, not a specific program or product. The process is driven by data, characterized by increased intensity and individualization, and considers the academic and behavioral needs of the student. In some schools, intensive...
Description: Challenging Behavior Tips for Families - Young children need help from adults to learn how they are expected to behave in social situations. Check out these helpful tips for how families can promote their child’s positive behavior during common routines that can sometimes be challenging. Disabilities coordinators can download and share the handouts with educators to use during home visits and family nights, or directly with families. Coordinators and education staff may consider creating a...
Description: As the Virginia Department of Education is working to issue formal guidance in response to Governor Youngkin’s Executive Order 28: Parental Notification, Law Enforcement Collaboration, and Student Education to Prevent Student Overdoses, the department is sharing best practices to support decision-making protocols that school leaders are grappling with when developing parent notification protocols and also re-enforcing best practices for law enforcement collaboration. Parent Notification:...
Description: Executive Directive 6: Student Safety Resources Considerations for Schools and Families - We recognize the impact of violence and trauma on our students, families, and school staff as we all struggle to process the lives lost, continuing violence and current world events, including the recent outbreak of war in Israel and antisemitic demonstrations around the world. School staff and parents may find themselves fielding questions from students and supporting them in processing what they have...
Description: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Updated Resource to Support the Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Early Childhood Programs (11/2023) Recently, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Education (the Departments) announced the release of an updated joint-policy statement on supporting the inclusion of children with disabilities in early childhood programs. The HHS-ED Policy Statement on the Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Early Childhood...
Description: The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) recognizes the impact that a well-established special education PRC can have on insuring that parents are informed of their rights and responsibilities related to the special education processes outlined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA 2004) and the Regulations Governing Special Education Programs for Children with Disabilities in Virginia and, as such, have a direct impact on increasing outcomes for students with...
Description: A Resource Guide for Inclusive Postsecondary Education for Students with Intellectual Disability - This guide is designed to introduce inclusive postsecondary education (IPSE), or college options for students with intellectual disability (ID). This guide has everything you need to know about IPSE in an easy-to-read format, with helpful tips, information, and resources from the Think College website. Learn about what IPSE is, how colleges include students with ID, and how to find and apply...
Description: Inclusive Principal Leadership - Students with disabilities and other historically marginalized students are more likely to thrive academically and socially when principals are well-prepared, knowledgeable about special education, committed to inclusion, and take specific leadership practices. These Inclusive Principal Leadership tools are intended to advance policies and practices that support principals to lead inclusive schools where students are provided supports needed to succeed and feel...
Description: Recorded Webinar: Expect, Engage, Empower: Successful Transitions for All - This session targets the recent OSERS initiative 3E: Expect, Engage, Empower. This initiative challenges our field to raise expectations, engage families earlier, and empower all who support students with disabilities to improve postsecondary outcomes. Staff from the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative (NTACTC) shared information and resources about evidence-based transition practices...
Description: 24 Tips for Traveling With Children - This article discusses how to make flights and road trips easier for children with autism, anxiety, and other challenges. What You'll Learn: How can families help kids with special needs prepare for air travel? What are some ways to make road trips easier for kids with special needs? How can families make hotel stays work for kids with special needs? Hidden Disabilities Sunflower - Some disabilities, conditions or chronic illnesses are not immediately...
Description: An issue in the Impact series that focuses on the brothers and sisters of children, teens, and adults with intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities (IDD) – what we know about them, their roles and needs across the lifespan, their feelings about themselves and their siblings, and how to support them. Siblings of people with IDD are frequently involved in their brother’s or sister’s life longer than anyone else in their family. They have unique experiences,...
Description: 8 tips for helping kids with social skills challenges cope with the holiday season - Kids who have trouble with social skills can find holiday events stressful. From conversation starters to role-playing, discover simple tips that can help your child cope. Download: Help your child get ready for an event - Help make holiday events less stressful. Fill out this worksheet with your child. It breaks down key event details so that kids feel more comfortable about attending new events.
Description: In this practice-based learning opportunity (PLO), a description of how to use Mixed reality simulation (MRS) to teach candidates to use strategies for actively engaging students (HLP #18). Specifically, candidates play the role of a teacher in an inclusion sixth-grade science class. One of the students in the group is Nate; he has high-functioning autism. The candidates are asked to first complete pre-work activities and then plan an explicit instruction lesson that focuses on a science...
Description: The Building Connections Webinar Series explores how social and emotional learning (SEL) connects to topics to strengthen the many systems that support young people.
Description: Educator Webinar: Self Care Tips for Teachers - In this digital workshop, Breathe For Change’s Founder & CEO, Dr. Ilana Nankin, will guide you through transformative wellness practices you can draw on in your daily life to sustain a personal self-care practice! Take this precious time to fill up your own cup - and learn to give to yourself the way we know you so generously give to your students and community every day. You deserve it! At the end of the workshop, we will share...
Description: Webinar: Happy Teachers, Happy Classroom -  Many teachers are simply and understandably burning out! The fire and passion that once sparked for teaching are simply becoming extinguished. In this highly-engaging webinar, based on the book by the same title, educators will not only learn how to restore their passion for teaching, they will also explore 12 specific ways to look five to ten years younger, become and remain healthier, and live a longer life! This webinar has been...
Description: Making Educator Wellness a Priority: Simple Self-Care Strategies - Teaching is one of the most stressful professions. That stress can affect your health, your job satisfaction, and even the quality of your teaching. However, decades of research show that when teachers feel better, they perform better. View this edWebinar to: Hear why educator wellness is so important Gain simple self-care strategies you can use immediately to reduce stress and improve your wellness Participate in a...
Description: Level Up Virginia (LUV) is a statewide initiative led by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) and the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). Their mission is to increase postsecondary readiness, enrollment and completion for all students in the Commonwealth. They are committed to making college access information easily understandable and accessible for students of all backgrounds. Timeline: What Level Are You On? (Infographic)   Prepare - Students with Disabilities...
Description: Digital Books can help students who have difficulty reading print independently.  The following resources allow students to listen or read books in a digital format.  Digital Books, from AIM-VA and Bookshare, are free for students to use. Review their information for how teachers can get students enrolled. Other websites listed here can provide digital books that students can use from home as well as school. Check out this list of digital book options to determine which your student...
Description: 10 Podcasts for Dyslexia Awareness - Podcasts are a great way to incorporate media consumption into your daily life. Unlike video or reading from books, podcasts are made to be listened to “on the go”. The listening format is particularly accessible for people with dyslexia and those who find themselves super busy. I enjoy listening to podcasts in the car and while exercising. While you can find podcasts about virtually ANY topic, it is worthwhile for teachers to listen to dyslexia...
Description: The IDA Dyslexia Handbook What Every Family Should Know provides necessary information regarding: definition of dyslexia characteristics of dyslexia appropriate assessment tools evidence-based interventions, suggestions for managing a dyslexic’s educational process In addition, helpful resources and a glossary of terms are provided to better understand dyslexia and its relateddisorders.
Description: If we don’t implement critical components of an intervention with consistency, we cannot link student outcomes to the instruction provided. Fidelity can help us to determine the effectiveness of an intervention, and identify if a student requires more intensive supports. This resource outlines five elements of fidelity and provides guiding questions for each.