See Me, Hear Me, Touch Me, Read Me: Adapting Books and Creating Lit Kits (Part 1 of 3)


Judith Schoonover, Sally Norton-Darr


This webshop was originally created by assistive technology specialists Judith Schoonover, an occupational therapist, and Sally Norton-Darr, a speech-language pathologist, based on the book "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" as well as a "space" theme. Our rich collection of literacy and thematic resources for parents and educators has grown over the years and changed based on availability of new technologies, and the experiences of the authors. Our strategies and styles have evolved, and we have gone from adapting single books, to creating kits, to theme specific kits, to establishing lending libraries and leading workshops. In this webshop, we have kept the best of the original webshop, but have also provided new information, resources, and examples of a range of adapted books with emphasis on free, inexpensive, and easily found websites and materials. The essential intent remains. Adapting books means everyone can have meaningful literacy experiences.

Start Here


  1. See Me, Hear Me, Touch Me, Read Me:
  2. Literacy is…
  3. Objectives: Participants will…
  4. Literacy is
  5. Early Theory
  6. Emergent literacy
  7. A Literacy Bill of Rights
  8. Rights include...
  9. Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
  10. Making language and literacy accessible
  11. SETTing them up for success regardless of environment
  12. Presume Potential!
  13. Let’s communicate!
  14. SETT -> UDL -> Adapted Book/Lit Kits
  15. When planning proactively, we SETT up positive literacy experiences
  16. Adapted books
  17. Who benefits from
  18. Good starting points:
  19. Making books
  20. Increase participation by
  21. Choose books with...
  22. To enhance language learning, consider adapting books with repeated lines
  23. Use technology to
  24. Incorporate language opportunities in adapted books
  25. United States Copyright Act
  26. Is it OK to adapt a book? The Chafee Amendment
  27. Adapting to engage learners
  28. Simplify
  29. Cognitive rescaling
  30. Scaffolding: Adaptations are for everyone...
  31. Use word to scaffold text
  32. See me: text considerations
  33. Hear me
  34. For example...talking photo albums
  35. Got reading pen?
  36. Adapting with sign!
  37. Touch me
  38. Reading with Franz (all about accessibility)
  39. Book adaptations for access
  40. Extending adapted books into a kit with a theme
  41. Expansion activities
  42. What does an adapted book Lit Kit look like?
  43. Who doesn’t love a pizza party?
  44. Pick your book, pick your focus
  45. The perfect pizza
  46. Easy as (pizza) pie!
  47. Think outside of the box
  48. Many already done for you!
  49. Read me
  50. One-stop shop for adapting books resources and more!
  51. Consider building an adapted library of supports