HLP 16 Checklist: Explicit Instruction (VDOE TTAC at GMU & CEC High-Leverage Practices Implementation Guide)


Explicit instruction is an evidence-based practice (EBP) that improves student achievement in academics and behavior.  Explicit instruction provides a framework for delivering high quality instruction across grade levels and content areas to students with and without disabilities.  Designated by the CEEDAR Center and CEC as a pillar HLP, explicit instruction is comprised of defined teacher practices, referred to as embedded HLPs. Embedded HLPs are divided into two parts: What to teach and how to teach.

Below are four checklists that outline teacher practices within the explicit instruction framework. 

  • GMU TTAC Co-teacher Explicit Instruction (HLP 16) Checklist & Accessible Version - The TTAC Co-teacher explicit instruction checklist outlines general and special education teacher roles in planning for, delivering, and assessing within the explicit instruction framework.
  • CEC Explicit Instruction (HLP 16) Checklist & Accessible Version - Based on the HLP resources (High-Leverage Practices in Special Education: The Final Report of the HLP Writing Team and High-Leverage Practices in the Inclusive Classroom) and the information shared at the workshop on March 8, 2019, by Dr. Michael Kennedy the following is a checklist to guide school leaders as they address key elements that comprise effective collaboration. This checklist is being shared with permission.

Reference: Council for Exceptional Children. (2018). CEC’s High-Leverage Practices Institute: Collaboration Implementation Guide


Curriculum/Instructional Methods Instructional Strategies Professional Resources