English Learners (EL)
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Description: Self-Paced Professional Learning - SDI: Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD): An Inclusive Meta-Cognitive Strategy for Solving Equations (HLP 14) -General and special education teachers will have the opportunity to learn a research based meta-cognitive strategy (HLP 14) for teaching students how to solve multi-step equations. The Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) for Solving Equations, a 5-hour professional learning session, provides all the materials and resources necessary to...
Description: What is SRSD?Self-regulated strategy development (SRSD) is a research-based six-step instructional framework that explicitly teaches meta-cognition while integrating cognitive strategy instruction (HLP 14) to improve students’ academic and self-regulation skills. Explicitly taught across multiple academic domains, SRSD improves students’ writing, mathematics, reading comprehension, and self-advocacy. The power of SRSD + cognitive strategy instruction occurs when instruction is...
Description: This report is comprised of two sections: Section I: Building a Successful PLC Framework overviews best practices for creating district conditions and frameworks to support effective PLCs. This includes practices for directing the mission of PLC work, fostering teacher leadership and collaboration, and supporting data usage throughout the district. Section II: Scaling PLC Implementation Across the District overviews best practices for implementing cohesive PLC strategies across the district....
Description: Hanover Research is a brain trust designed to level the information playing field. We are hundreds of researchers who support thousands of organizational decisions every year. Their Research & Insights include K-12 Education - Insight Blogs, Infographics, Reports & Briefs, Case Studies, & Webinars.
Description: National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII) is housed at the American Institutes for Research and works in conjunction with many of our nation's most distinguished data-based individualization (DBI) experts. It is funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) and is part of OSEP's Technical Assistance and Dissemination Network (TA&D). The mission of the NCII is to build knowledge and capacity of state and local leaders, faculty and professional...
Description: Solving K-12 Professional Learning Challenges in 2023 - Although school districts have made significant investments in educator professional learning over the past decade, these efforts have not always resulted in improved outcomes for students or increased retention rates for teachers and staff. For professional learning to advance employee growth and positively impact students, it must be meaningful, ongoing, and tied to real practices. So, how can district leaders be assured their...
Description: Mentoring Virginia: Asynchronous Modules Overview - Mentoring Virginia is a statewide mentoring initiative intended to prepare exceptional school-based teacher educators for work in a variety of mentoring roles, including but not limited to work with 1) teacher candidates in preparation for the profession, 2) new teachers who are completing on the job internships, 3) teachers in their first three years of teaching, and 4) veteran teacher engaged in coaching cycles. This site houses the...
Description: This webinar provides information and strategies to support children with disabilities and their families through planned transitions. Learn how to use relationship-based practices to strengthen family engagement and contribute to successful adjustments.
Description: As we get to know the children and their families in our program, we share their joys as well as their challenges. And sometimes there’s a child who we feel worried about. Maybe it’s something about their behavior, or maybe their development and skills. We all know it can be challenging to talk about worries like these with parents. But we also know how helpful intervening early can be when we have a concern. We’re going to look at raising a concern with a parent about their...
Description: In this 1-hour webinar, learn how you can flatten the learning curve for new teachers through a system intentionally designed to promote accelerated—yet effective—professional development. Review aspects of effective professional development for new hires who may not have had the benefit of a traditional teacher preparation program. Attendees will explore how to plan appropriate content for a “teacher acceleration program” that scaffolds learning quickly and effectively.
Description: In this webinar, we’ll discuss how to multiply the value of the time you spend on professional development by becoming part of a learning “team” known as a professional learning community. Professional learning communities (sometimes called PLCs) offer a range of benefits, including empowering leaders to harness the experience and expertise of their own faculty and staff members while also tailoring the experiences to meet the specific needs of their program. We will explore...
Description: When children can fully access their learning environment, they participate and learn. Discover how disability services coordinators can help program staff think about ways to give children with disabilities or suspected delays access to a full range of learning experiences and activities. Explore how to support educators to recognize each child's level of participation. Learn how to set up the learning environment for full participation and when to modify activities and materials, including...
Description: This is a compilation of resources from NCII. Progress Monitoring Progress Monitoring Overview, Academic Progress and Behavior Progress Monitoring Tools Chart & Student Monitoring Tool for Data Collection and Graphing (Excel) (NCII) Self-Paced Modules: What is Progress Monitoring?, How Do I Select an Academic Progress Monitoring Measure? & Graphing and Analyzing Academic Progress Monitoring Data (NCII) Intensive Instruction Intensifying Literacy Instruction: Essential Practices &...
Description: Addressing Challenging Behaviors (Part 1, Secondary): Understanding the Acting-Out Cycle Developed specifically with middle and high school students in mind, this module—the first in a two-part series—discusses challenging behavior in terms of the phases of the acting-out cycle and offers strategies and tips for responding to students in each phase (est. completion time: 2.5 hours). Addressing Challenging Behaviors (Part 2, Secondary): Behavioral Strategies The second in a two-part...
Description: This module offers a general overview of the concepts that principals should consider when creating inclusive schools (est. completion time: 2 hours).
Description: Sign up for MTSS 101 Course - This course shares information about MTSS implementation in VA (Virginia Department of Education, VDOE).
Description: This module defines and discusses the purpose of interagency collaboration and addresses the importance of partnering with agencies to improve outcomes for students with disabilities who are transitioning from high school (est. completion time: 2 hours).
Description: The Virginia resources include: Virginia Events 2022-2023, Articles & Reports, Books, Websites, Podcasts.
Description: Literacy is the cornerstone of all learning and the key to lifetime success. Every child has the right to learn to read. The Equitable Access to Literacy (EAL) plan ushers in a new era of literacy education to ensure all students have the skills and confidence they need to succeed. It provides an action plan for continuous improvement in PreK -12 literacy by: Using evidence-based practices grounded in science based reading research. Expanding learning opportunities that intentionally support...
Description: Value Series: Virginia Assessment for Literacy - Updated and Expanded - Learn about topics grounded in science-based reading research. This series scaffolds learning about each topic by presenting short introductory videos, infographics, recorded webinars, instructional resources, and finally additional readings for each of the key components of effective instruction. A Professional Learning Guide is included for each topic. This guide provides a step-by-step comprehensive implementation...
Description: Behavior Change: Professional Learning Opportunities - Some students in our classrooms have challenging behavior. Teachers and parents can address those behaviors in positive and powerful ways that improve the behavior and the lives of the students we support. This website is intended to help teachers and families create a positive behavior support plan to address challenging behaviors in effective and helpful ways.
Description: Teacher Resources & Training for VAAP - Beginning in the 2021-2022 school year, the portfolio-based VAAP was replaced with a new multiple-choice assessment in the content areas of reading, mathematics, and science that was administered to students in an online or paper format. The new VAAP is based on academic content standards derived from the Standards of Learning (SOL) in reading, mathematics, and science that have been reduced in depth, breadth, and complexity. These...
Description: The 2021 Virginia General Assembly passed Senate Bill 1288 that amended Section 22.1-298.1 of the Code of Virginia. Every person seeking renewal of a license as a teacher shall complete training in the instruction of students with disabilities that includes (i) differentiating instruction for students depending on their needs; (ii) understanding the role of general education teachers on the individualized education program team; (iii) implementing effective models of...
Description: Enroll in the VATTS Virtual Virginia Course - The AT Network has developed a short professional learning course on Virtual Virginia that provides an overview of the new Virginia Assistive Technology, Tools, and Strategies (VATTS): Consideration Guide and Resources. IEP team members can access this course at any time and complete the modules at their own pace. A certificate of completion can be earned by those that finish the course requirements.
Description: In this practical webinar, kindergarten teacher and education writer Kate Winn will outline five key changes she made in her classroom to move from balanced to structured literacy, resulting in all students leaving the class reading. As a webinar attendee you can look forward to a candid presentation, Q & A, and a shared slideshow packed full of links and ideas to help you bring evidence-based literacy practices to your classroom, school, board or home.
Description: Adapted books are a great way to increase student engagement in books, which leads to better reading comprehension. The resources below provide a great way to get started with adapted books. Check out these Professional Learning Possibilities: Webshop Title: [TechKnowledgy 2023-24] Assistive Technology for Early Learners & Learners with Complex Disabilities Webshop Title: [TechKnowledgy 2021-22] Augmentative and Alternative Communication Instruction for Highly Impacted Students with...
Description: The RTI Component Module Series are provided by Oregon Response to Instruction & Intervention. These modules provide an overview of a Multi-Tiered System of Supports in Reading (MTSS-R), also sometimes referred to as Response to Intervention (RTI). Each module consists of a short (15-20 min) video describing the general features of each RTI Component, along with additional resources and reflection questions to ask about your school's RTI system. All modules are intended for staff...
Description: More Information & Recordings of the K-12 SOL Institutes in English Language Arts - K-12 SOL Conferences in English Language Arts utilize a train-the-trainer model featuring demonstrations by classroom practitioners, reading specialists, school and division administrators, higher education partners, the Virginia Literacy Partnerships Office (PALS), and the VDOE Office of Student Assessment. Presenters will provide professional development that focuses on continued implementation of engaging...
Description: CHOICE is an innovative professional learning model being developed by Virginia Ed Strategies and partners, and it is funded by a 5-year, $10.8 million EIR grant from the US Department of Education. The goal of CHOICE is to build the sustainable teacher effectiveness capacity of 1600 or more high school mathematics, science, computer science, and career and technical (CTE) teachers statewide through teacher-directed selection of professional learning experiences within a virtual professional...
Description: This webinar, Better Together! Keys to Creating Collaborative, Efficient, and Effective Intensive Intervention Team Meetings, shares the important role teams can play in implementation of intensive intervention and identifies strategies to improve meeting efficiency and effectiveness. Presenters, Sarah Benz, Amy Peterson, and Nicole Bucka, will introduce participants to a series of data teaming tools designed to help facilitators and participants before, during, and after their intervention...
Description: Addressing Challenging Behaviors (Part 1, Elementary): Understanding the Acting-Out Cycle - The first in a two-part series, this module discusses challenging behavior in terms of the phases of the acting-out cycle and offers strategies and tips for responding to students in each phase (est. completion time: 2.5 hours). Addressing Challenging Behaviors (Part 2, Elementary): Behavioral Strategies - The second in a two-part series, this module describes strategies that teachers can implement to...
Description: Each of the following National Association of Special Education Teachers' (NASET) professional development courses entitle you to CE Study Hour. Each NASET CE Study Hour is based on the requirements of each course which are rated in hour(s) for reading, comprehension and the completion of an exam at the end of the course. Topics include: Classroom Management Disorders and Disabilities in Special Education IEPs Inclusion/Integrated Co-Teaching New Teacher Courses And many more!
Description: Recorded edWebinar: New Teachers: Surviving the Schedule - New teachers are inundated with demands on their time. This edWebinar provides practical tips for balancing the demands on your time before and after school and during planning. Learn how to organize time for easy communication with paraprofessionals, general educators, co-teachers, administrators, and parents. Learn what time wasters to avoid so that you can focus and prioritize what must be done when. Know when an investment of time...
Description: Teacher Induction: Providing Comprehensive Training for New Special Educators This module emphasizes the importance of administrative support for beginning special education teachers. It also demonstrates how teacher support can increase the teacher's effectiveness in the classroom (est. completion time: 1 hour) What are some typical challenges faced by new special education teachers? Page 1: Experiences of New Special Education Teachers The first few years of a new teacher’s time in the...
Description: The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) is announcing a Fall 2022 cohort of the Journey into Teaching Academy. This is a yearlong professional development initiative for teachers completing their second year of teaching at the end of the 2021-2022 school year (SY) and entering their third year of teaching during the 2022-2023 SY as a provisionally licensed special education teacher. The Journey into Teaching Academy has been designed as a program to provide teacher support beyond mentorship...
Description: These educational resources were created by and for educators and instructional leaders. They include: eBook: How to Create a Coaching Program That Works eBook: Feedback Strategies for Coaches & Administrators eBook: Using Video to Achive High Performance And More!
Description: Arts integration can inspire children with a lifelong love of learning and of the performing arts. When you bring the arts into the classroom, you create joyful, active learning experiences that engage children in ways that can increase academic and social-emotional development for all kinds of learners. Wolf Trap Institute’s professional development empowers infant, toddler, preschool, and kindergarten teachers to integrate the performing arts into their classrooms. For more than 35...
Description: This self-guided webinar series provides professional development intended to help teams new to creating positive behavior support plans to address challenging behaviors. Each webinar focus area addresses different aspects of the behavior change process. Complete the questionnaire at the end of each section to receive a Certificate of Completion.
Description: Learning Paths are small collections of curated activities that focus on an early intervention topic. To learn about the topic, you will complete each activity on the path. Activities might include reading an article, taking an online module, watching a video, etc. Once you complete the learning path, you will take a final quiz to earn a certificate documenting the professional development hours earned. Autism Pathways Functional Assessment Pathways Transition from Early Intervention Pathways...
Description: In this recorded webinar, Carla Mazefsky, Ph.D., discusses emotion dysregulation, or difficulty managing the intensity and duration of emotional reactions, in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This talk covers the landscape of emotion regulation research in ASD and highlights key findings from the Regulation of Emotion in ASD Adults, Children, and Teens (REAACT) Program at the University of Pittsburgh. Topics to be covered include the assessment of emotion dysregulation in ASD, the impact of...
Description: Virginia Commonwealth University received a grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) to fund the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) on Employment of Transition-Age Youth with Disabilities. The RRTC will conduct six studies to generate evidence-based interventions to assist youth to enter competitive integrated employment. The training materials and events focus on meeting the needs of stakeholders including...
Description: AOTA partnered with CEC to provide two webinars to help those in the special education field deepen their understanding of self-regulation and best practices for collaboration between teacher and occupational therapy practitioner. Who is this program for? Special education teachers Occupational therapists Special education administrators Building/district administrators General education teachers Pricing Free for everyone You will need to create a free CEC account to access these webinars....
Description: A revision of Addressing the Revolving Door: How to Retain Your Special Education Teachers, this module highlights the key elements for school administrators who seek to support special educators and increase teacher retention (est. completion time: 1 hour).
Description: Virginia Higher Education Accessibility Partners, or VHEAP, a member-driven organization was established in 2018 to promote collaboration and partnership between accessibility-focused professionals throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. Looking at accessibility from a holistic perspective, events and resources supported and offered by VHEAP are broad, encouraging collaborative solutions. Our focus is on offering shared opportunities for those who are tasked with improving access to...
Description: This webinar was sponsored by NTACT. Nellie Aspel, NC, Jennifer Williams, Fran Ennis, and Crissie Parks, AR, provided information about implementation of CIRCLES (Communicating Interagency Relationships and Collaborative Linkages for Exceptional Students) in their own region/school district. You will learn about the program, how to get started, as well as sustainability.
Description: In episode 101 of Classroom Conversations, Hall County teachers Jessica Mobley and Kerri Thomas join the podcast to talk about how they create a positive climate in their elementary classroom. Their discussion with host Ashley Mengwasser includes real stories from their classroom and effective strategies they use to create that positive environment.
Description: The recordings include the opening, closing and concurrent sessions for: Day 1- Building Multi-Tiered Systems on a Foundation of Equity, Day 2- Ensuring Inclusive Practices for Students with Disabilities and Day 3- Effective Instruction Based in the Science of Reading. On Day 3, Dr. Sylvia Linan-Thompson models how to infuse language rich activities to promote literacy.
Description: Pathways to Community Life is a seven-session course that will assist educators with understanding the importance of preparing students for independent living and community participation after graduation. The Supports & Partnerships course provides information about services supports, and resources available to students with disabilities. Note: You must create a free account to access these courses.
Description: The webinar will address how remote supports can provide the needed safety and opportunities for independence and self-determination for people with disabilities. SafeinHome Remote Support Staff is available 24/7 providing a consistent and responsive environment that encourages decision-making and learning. This person-centered remote support system can provide privacy, safety, guidance, wellness check-ins and more. The following are some of the many solutions SafeinHome successfully supports:...
Description: This webinar provides information on how to submit a referral for housing, the Housing Action Plan, and how to work with a Support Coordinator to get help. Jeannie Cummins, Senior Regional Housing Coordinator with the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) and Blaire Lee of the Loudoun County Community Services Board (CSB) review the Housing Referral process. This is the process for referring someone with a developmental disability to independent housing...