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Showing Results 101 - 138 of 138
Description: Head Start is a national child development program for children from birth to age 5, which provides services to promote academic, social and emotional development for income-eligible families. Created in 1965, Head Start is the most successful, longest-running, national school readiness program in the United States. Head Start is a child-centered, family focused, comprehensive and community-based program. Head Start provides comprehensive education, health, nutrition, dental, mental health,...
Description: For many administrators and educators working in early childhood programs, inclusion is filled with complex and puzzling issues. Administrators hold a powerful role in creating and maintaining inclusive classrooms for young children. Over the past 5 years, we have talked with many administrators who set program policy. These admininstrators exert key influences over whether or not inclusive classrooms exist and how successful the programs are for children, teachers, and families. The purpose of...
Description: The goals of the English Standards of Learning are to teach students to read and to prepare students to participate in society as literate citizens, equipped with the ability to communicate effectively in their communities, in the work place, and in postsecondary education. As students progress through the school years, they become active and involved listeners and develop a full command of the English language, evidenced by their use of standard English and their rich speaking and writing...
Description: Pre-K Language & Literacy Screener looks at alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness, language: passage comprehension, name writing, and print concepts. PALS-K Assessment is a measure of children's knowledge of several important literacy fundamentals: phonological awareness, alphabet recognition, concept of word, knowledge of letter sounds and spelling. PALS-K provides a direct means of matching literacy instruction to specific literacy needs and provides a means of identifying...
Description: Welcome to EZ AT II, a guide for parents and professionals who want to help infants and toddlers with disabilities participate more fully in daily activities. This guide shows how using simple assistive technology (AT) can help children with disabilities from birth to age 3 reach that goal. AT refers to a wide range of products, devices and strategies that help increase or improve a person’s ability to participate in life activities such as playing, reading, communicating, etc. AT opens...
Description: The National Professional Development Center on Inclusion (NPDCI) is working with states to ensure that early childhood teachers are prepared to educate and care for young children with disabilities in settings with their typically developing peers. The Web site provides resources, training modules, news, and a blog for discussions related to inclusive practices. (Inclusion)
Description: The Blind Children’s Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 1938 by Southern California Delta Gammas. Each year the Center serves approximately 80 children who are blind or visually impaired and provides an array of support services for more than 300 family members. Our goal is to optimize each child’s development and opportunities to lead a meaningful life through a comprehensive program beginning with early intervention, followed by an educational curriculum...
Description: The Office of Head start (OHS) launched the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) in 2006 with a clear and innovative mission: to provide timely information and learning opportunities relevant to the Head Start and Early Head Start community, and to serve as a comprehensive resource for anyone involved in early childhood education. Head Start programs and parents visiting the ECLKC will find the latest information on OHS priorities, policies, and programs. The ECLKC also offers...
Description: Mission: Provide free tools to maximize all children's motor, sensory, and communication development. Vision: Empower parents to understand and encourage their baby's development to keep them on track or catch potential delays early. Goal: Ensure every child is screened for motor, sensory, and communication development by 4 months of age, taking advantage of baby's neuroplasticity.
Description: Their mission is to help you grow your assistive technology (AT) knowledge, enhance your instruction and build capacity using today’s best practices and implementation strategies.
Description: Our mission is to ensure that all babies and toddlers have a strong start in life. At ZERO TO THREE, we envision a society that has the knowledge and will to support all infants and toddlers in reaching their full potential. During the first three years of life, emotionally nourishing relationships lay the foundation for lifelong health and well-being. By supporting the caring adults who touch the lives of infants and toddlers, we hope to maximize our long-term impact in ensuring all infants and...
Description: Here you will find information to support your work in helping infants and toddlers with disabilities, ages birth to three, achieve their full potential. All about Part C of IDEA Early intervention programs and contacts, by state How IDEA describes early intervention Basics of early intervention (training module)  2011 Part C regulations Parent notification, consent, and involvement Writing the IFSP Transitioning a child to preschool Differences and Disabilities Developmental milestones...
Description: Do2learn provides thousands of free pages with social skills and behavioral regulation activities and guidance, learning songs and games, communication cards, academic material, and transition guides for employment and life skills. In addition, we offer premier products including View2do, JobTIPS, and books. We believe that simply telling busy teachers, parents, and professionals what they should be doing is not enough.  Within each topic, we provide the hands-on resources needed to...
Description: These videos of young children engaged in typical activities have been produced for use in professional development programs to build the skills of practitioners in observation, documentation, and assessment in early childhood settings. You can watch the clips online or download QuickTime versions of the videos for use in training.  The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) produces these videos for professional development activities and obtains voluntary written permission from all...
Description: Teaching Tools are designed to provide easily accessible ideas and materials so that you can support children in the classroom and other learning environments. The tools will provide you and other teachers with practical strategies known to be successful in helping young children with problem behavior. (Early childhood)
Description: Here are segments selected from Between the Lions, the series that helps kids "Get Wild About Reading!" This special collection provides a set of early Reading/Language Arts resources, organized by early elementary and preschool literacy skills.
Description: Research and recommended practices to conduct authentic assessment during children’s natural routines, involve families, inform effective program planning, and aligning with DEC and NAEYC recommendations are provided in this book. Includes vignettes, classroom examples, and sample checklists and assessment tools for children with and without disabilities. (Paul H. Brookes Publishing)
Description: Our mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access. Student Loans Grants & Programs Laws & Guidance Data & Research
Description: For young children with and without disabilities, positive outcomes depend on smooth, effective transitions between and within early intervention programs, preschool programs, and public school programs. Now there's a how-to guide that helps professionals across programs work together to make these transitions happen. Co-authored by top expert Beth Rous, this book gives readers a step-by-step model that's been field tested across the country and shaped by feedback from state and local agencies....
Description: The Virginia Early Childhood Foundation serves as Virginia’s public-private partner in building strategic and sustained focus on the healthy development and school readiness of our youngest children. VECF is the non-partisan steward of Virginia’s promise for early childhood success, working in tandem with diverse stakeholders to ensure equitable opportunities for all families with young children to thrive.
Description: Professional Standards Virginia’s Competencies of Early Childhood Professionals (PDF) – This document provides the core body of knowledge and skills professionals need in order to support optimal growth and learning of children from birth to kindergarten.   
Description: The goal of the Center for Early Literacy Learning (CELL) is to promote the adoption and sustained use of evidence-based early literacy learning practices. This site has resources for early childhood intervention practitioners, parents, and other caregivers of children, birth to five years of age, with identified disabilities, developmental delays, and those at-risk for poor outcomes. This site includes CELLvideos for use with parents and by teachers.
Description: This website is dedicated to promoting inclusive schooling and exploring positive ways of supporting students with autism and other disabilities. Most of Paula Kluth's work involves collaboraing with schools to create environments, lessons, and experiences that are inclusive, respectful, and accessible for all learners. You will find articles, web links, and resources that can be used to inspire positive change in schools and communities. You will find the following beliefs reflected in the...
Description: The Division for Early Childhood (DEC) promotes policies and advances evidence-based practices that support families and enhance the optimal development of young children (0-8) who have or are at risk for developmental delays and disabilities. DEC is an international membership organization for those who work with or on behalf of young children (0-8) with disabilities and other special needs and their families.
Description: Combating the effects of homelessness becomes an even more pressing and critical mission when children are involved. Horizons for Homeless Children is leading the fight in Massachusetts to help alleviate the trauma and stress of homelessness on both children and their families by providing world-class early education, vital opportunities for play, support for parents, and crucial advocacy on behalf of some of our most marginalized citizens.
Description: AEPS is a comprehensive, reliable system that seamlessly links assessment, goal development, intervention, and evaluation for children from birth through age six who are at risk for a delay or have a disability. Trusted for decades by early childhood programs across the country, AEPS is used to accurately assess children’s current skill levels, target instruction, monitor child progress, and aid in identifying disability and determining eligibility.
Description: The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) is a professional membership organization that works to promote high-quality early learning for all young children, birth through age 8, by connecting early childhood practice, policy, and research. We advance a diverse, dynamic early childhood profession and support all who care for, educate, and work on behalf of young children. The association comprises nearly 60,000 individual members of the early childhood community and 52...
Description: Family Guided Routines Based Intervention (FGRBI) and Caregiver Coaching is an early intervention model that incorporates the Part C of IDEA mandates and the recommended evidence-based practices for supports and services for young children with delays and disabilities and their families. Caregiver Coaching research documents strategies that facilitate the implementation of FGRBI by caregivers with their children in everyday routines and activities and validates coaching strategies for...
Description: Pics4Learning is a curated image library that is safe and free for education. Teachers and students can use the copyright-friendly photos and illustrations for classroom projects, web sites, videos, portfolios, or any other projects in an educational setting. (pictures, graphics, AAC Resource)
Description: CONNECT Modules are FREE practice-focused instructional resources for faculty and other professional development providers. CONNECT modules are designed using a 5-Step Learning Cycle, an approach for making evidence-based decisions about practice dilemmas, based on the integration of multiple sources of evidence. Topics (available in English and Spanish) include: Embedded Interventions Transition Communication to Collaboration Family-Professional Partnerships Assistive Technology...
Description: The RMC Research Corporation's Center on Instruction (COI) website is your gateway to a cutting-edge collection of research-based resources on instruction.While these resources are useful for improving the achievement of all students, they particularly target students in the lowest performing schools, students with difficulties learning mathematics, students needing intensive instruction, or special needs/diverse learners, including English language learners. This site includes information on...
Description: Speech-Language Pathology Services in the Schools: Guidelines for Best Practice  - The development of communication skills is important for all students and can impact school success The school-based speech-language pathologist (SLP) plays an important role in education and may serve on both the special education and general education teams SLPs may serve students directly or work with educators and families to address communication and language needs This guidelines document is designed to...
Description: We are a small staff of researchers and special educators who work for the Oregon Institute on Disability and Development, a program of the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) in Portland, Oregon. We specialize in developing effective assessment and teaching strategies for children and adults with low-incidence disabilities. We have special expertise in addressing the educational needs of children who are deaf-blind and children with autism spectrum disorders. Our approaches and...
Description: This site includes coloring, games, videos and music for early learning. (Early Childhood)
Description: The IRIS Center offers a wide variety of resources and services to suit a diverse set of instructional needs and circumstances. In this section, you will learn more about those services and resources, including how they are created and disseminated to IRIS users and educational programs in the United States and around the world. 
Description: Starfall was developed in the classroom by teachers and opened in August 2002 as a free public service to teach children to read. Since then it has expanded to include standards in language arts and mathematics for preschool through fifth grade and above. The program emphasizes exploration, play, and positive reinforcement—encouraging children to become confident and intrinsically motivated. Due to the engaging content that “feels like play,” Starfall serves as an educational...
Description: Online Tools - As part of their barrier-busting mission, CAST offers a number of robust (and often free) learning tools. These tools—many designed and tested as part of CAST’s research projects—help educators, developers, families, and other individuals experience the power of flexible learning environments. Note: CAST UDL Book Builder is one of CAST's online tools from the past. This is no longer maintained as stand-alone application.
Description: Vision Statement SHAV – The recognized voice and leader in audiology and speech-language pathology, setting the highest standard of ethical practice and quality care. Mission Statement Promote awareness, diversity and collaboration in the professions of audiology and speech-language pathology through empowerment and advocacy for members and the community in order to ensure best practices.