Transition Assessments: Assistive Technology, Career, Employability/Life Skills, Postsecondary, Self-Determination and Transition Planning (2023)
Transition Assessments: Assistive Technology
- Virginia Assistive Technology, Tools, and Strategies (VATTS): Consideration Guide and Resources will guide the IEP team through the consideration and documentation process. (free)
- WATI Assistive Technology Assessment is a process based, systematic approach to providing a functional evaluation of the student’s need for assistive technology. (free)
Transition Assessments: Career
- Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is an assessment used by the military to measure skills needed for military service. This website provides information and links to sample questions. (free)
Career Occupational Preference System Interest Inventory (COPS) is a 20-minute survey used to explore career interests based on likes and dislikes and is appropriate for middle, high, and college students. Additional tests are available for elementary (COPS II), non-readers (COPS-PIC) and those with limited English language skills. (cost)
Career Zone provides several online transition assessments including money choices, interest profiler, work importance and skills profilers along with a quick assessment. (free)
- Discovering Me! (VCU Center on Transition Innovations, CTI) helps students with significant barriers to employment find and maintain employment in careers that align with their strengths and interests. It uses a youth-focused and person-centered transition assessment to build a foundation of work skills and customized work-based learning experiences.
Mapping Your Future is designed to help students, families, and schools navigate the higher education and student loan processes and includes assessments for career exploration. (free)
O*NET Interest Profiler helps students identify career interests are and how they relate to the world of work. (free)
Picture Interest Career Survey offers a visual way to identify career interests in either paper/pencil or electronic formats. (free)
The Riasec Test - What kind of career could be right for me? RIASEC stands for 6 characteristics: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. The RIASEC test asks questions about your aspirations, activities, skills, and interests in different jobs to help you discover careers and fields of study that are likely to satisfy you. (free)
Transition Assessments: Employabillity/Life Skills
- Employability/Life Skills Assessment (ELSA) Format for Transition Team Professionals & Employability/Life Skills Assessment (ELSA) Format for Families Format for Transition Team: ELSA is an informal assessment to gather informal assessment information about a student or youth's current abilities with 24 employability and life skills. (free) Format for Families: ELSA is an informal assessment that family members can use to gather information about their son/daughter's abilities with employabiility and life skills. (free)
Transition Assessment: Postsecondary
- Mapping Your Future is designed to help students, families, and schools navigate the higher education and student loan processes and includes assessments for career exploration. (free)
Transition Assessments: Self Determination
- AIR Self-Determination Scale produces a profile of the student’s level of self-determination, identifies areas of strength and areas needing improvement, and identifies specific educational goals that can be incorporated into the student’s IEP. (free)
- It's My Choice is a self-guided workbook on person-centered planning by William T. Allen published by the MN Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities. (free)
Transition Assessments: Transition Planning
- Age Appropriate Transition Assessment Toolkit-4th edition was developed by NTACT, offers information on selecting transition assessment instruments and methods, and on conducting age appropriate transition assessments. (free)
- Community-based Skills Assessment (CSA): Developing a Personalized Transition Plan (Autism Speaks) was designed to help parents and professionals assess skill levels and abilities of individuals with autism beginning at age 12. (free)
- Transition Assessment and Goal Generator (TAGG) is an online assessment which provides a norm-based graphic profile, present level of performance lists of strengths and needs, and suggested IEP annual transition goals for secondary-aged youth. (free)
- Transition Assessment: Establishing a Foundation for a Successful Transition to Adulthood (VDOE) Transition assessment is the foundation for planning what a student will do after graduation from high school. Transition assessments are tools to help students understand their interests, personalities, strengths, limitations, and their present levels of development in important areas. (free)
- Transition Assessment Process: A Guide for Developing Postsecondary Goals and Transition Services (VCU Center on Transition Innovations, CTI) The transition assessment process should include a variety of methods for assessing the student and potential post-school environments. It is a multi-year process that requires both time and planning to allow for assessment through self-awareness, career awareness, exploration, preparation, and training to confirm interests. (free)
- Transition Planning Inventory- Third Edition (TPI-3) provides a systematic way to address critical transition planning areas that take into account the individual student's needs, preferences, and interests. Information is gathered from the student, parents or guardians, and school personnel. (cost)