ASOL Sample Activities

Showing Results 1 - 50 of 81
5E-WE 1a Writing Grade 5
The student will use simple question words (interrogatives) (e.g., who, what).
5E-WE 1b Writing Grade 5
The student will produce all letters.
5E-WE 1c Writing Grade 5
The student will capitalize the first letter of a familiar place.
5E-WE 1d Writing Grade 5
The student will use spelling rules when writing by capitalizing the first letter of familiar names.
5E-WE 2a Writing Grade 5
The student will spell common high-frequency words.
5E-WE 2b Writing Grade 5
The student will use spelling patterns in words to spell words with the same pattern.
5E-WE 3a Writing Grade 5
The student will demonstrate capitalization by capitalizing the first word of a sentence when writing.
5E-WE 3b Writing Grade 5
The student will use end punctuation, and correct spelling when writing.
5E-WE 4a Writing Grade 5
The student will spell words phonetically, drawing on knowledge of letter-sound relationships, and/or common spelling patterns.
5E-WE 4b Writing Grade 5
The student will write routinely for a variety of tasks, purposes, and audiences.
5E-WP 10a Writing Grade 5
The student will write a short research report using two or more sources.
5E-WP 10b Writing Grade 5
The student will recall information from personal experiences or gather relevant information from print and digital sources to include in writing.
5E-WP 1a Writing Grade 5
The student will select a topic and use drawing, dictating, or writing to compose a message with one fact about the topic.
5E-WP 1b Writing Grade 5
The student will select an event or personal experience and use drawing, writing, or dictating to compose a message about it.
5E-WP 1c Writing Grade 5
The student will add more information to own drawing, dictating, or writing to strengthen the message.
5E-WP 2a Writing Grade 5
The student will use technology (including assistive technologies) to produce and publish writing.
5E-WP 2b Writing Grade 5
The student will write information related to personal experiences and answer simple questions about those experiences.
5E-WP 3a Writing Grade 5
The student will select a text and write an opinion about it and one reason to support the opinion.
5E-WP 3b Writing Grade 5
The student will select a topic and write about it including one fact or detail.
5E-WP 3c Writing Grade 5
The student will select an event or personal experience and write one thing about it.
5E-WP 3d Writing Grade 5
The student will revise own writing by adding more information.
5E-WP 4a Writing Grade 5
The student will select a book and write, draw, or dictate to state an opinion about it and one reason to support the opinion.
5E-WP 4b Writing Grade 5
The student will use spelling rules when writing by capitalizing the first letter of familiar names.
5E-WP 5a Writing Grade 5
The student will gather information about a topic for a written research report.
5E-WP 5b Writing Grade 5
The student will recall information from literary and informational text to support writing (e.g., "Use details from text to describe a character in a story." "Use details from the text to retell what the text says.").
5E-WP 6b Writing Grade 5
The student will sort information into two provided categories and write information learned about them.
5E-WP 7a Writing Grade 5
The student will write to convey ideas and information clearly by selecting a topic using related visual, tactual, or multimedia information.
5E-WP 7b Writing Grade 5
The student will write to convey ideas and information by selecting a topic and listing words, facts, or details related to the topic.
5E-WP 7c Writing Grade 5
The student will produce writing that expresses more than one idea with a logical organization.
5E-WP 7d Writing Grade 5
The student will plan by brainstorming and revise own writing by adding more information.
5E-WP 7e Writing Grade 5
The student will use technology, including the Internet, to produce writing.
5E-WP 8a Writing Grade 5
The student will gather information about a topic from two or more sources for a research report.
5E-WP 8b Writing Grade 5
The student will recall information from personal experiences and sort into provided categories.
5E-WP 9a Writing Grade 5
The student will list words that describe an event or personal experience to use when writing about it.
5E-WP 9b Writing Grade 5
The student will write to persuade by stating an opinion and provide reasons to support it.
5E-WP 9c Writing Grade 5
The student will write about an event or personal experience by introducing the event or experience, and following with three or more events in sequence.
8E-WE 1a Writing Grade 8
The student will use standard English rules when writing by using question marks at the end of written questions.
8E-WE 2a Writing Grade 8
The student will use standard English rules when writing by using ending punctuation when writing a sentence or question.
8E-WE 2b Writing Grade 8
The student will spell words phonetically, drawing on knowledge of letter-sound relationships and/or common spelling patterns.
8E-WE 3a Writing Grade 8
The student will use standard English rules when writing by using ending punctuation and capitalization when writing a sentence or question.
8E-WP 1a Writing Grade 8
The student will write to convey ideas and information including facts, details, and other information
8E-WP 1b Writing Grade 8
The student will write about an event or personal experience by introducing the event or experience, at least one character, and two or more events in sequence.
8E-WP 1c Writing Grade 8
The student will plan by brainstorming and revise own writing by adding more information.
8E-WP 1d Writing Grade 8
The student will use content specific vocabulary when writing about a topic.
8E-WP 2a Writing Grade 8
The student will write a research report to answer a question based on two or more sources of information.
8E-WP 2b Writing Grade 8
The student will identify quotes from print or digital sources that provide information about a topic.
8E-WP 3a Writing Grade 8
The student will write a persuasive report and support it with reasons or other relevant evidence.
8E-WP 3b Writing Grade 8
The student will write to convey ideas and information including facts, details, and other information as well as graphics and multimedia as needed.
8E-WP 3c Writing Grade 8
The student will write routinely for a variety of tasks, purposes, and audiences.