Improving Inclusive Practices & Outcomes for Preschoolers (IPOP): A Systems Approach to Preschool Inclusive Practices

Improving Inclusive Practices & Outcomes for Preschoolers (IPOP) is a systems approach to increasing the quantity and quality of inclusion for preschool students with Individual Education Programs (IEPs). IPOP is designed to help local school divisions meet federal and state mandates requiring young children with disabilities to be educated in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). IPOP is developed by the Virginia Department of Education's (VDOE) Early Childhood Network. It provides a planning guide and accompanying resources to support school divisions’ preschool programs in implementing inclusive practices across the Commonwealth.

This guide describes how local school divisions and community agencies can form a preschool planning team to explore and develop a culture that supports inclusive practices and programs. The guide is flexible, thus enabling teams to plan for options that are compatible with local school division assets and priorities. Users of this guide are urged to also refer to their local policies and program requirements for further direction as they plan for inclusive programs. Since the purpose of IPOP is to guide systemic change, it is recommended that the school division contact the regional Training and Technical Assistance Center (TTAC) to learn more about IPOP and inquire about technical assistance.

The steps in this guide were developed over years of literature review, implementation, evaluation, and revision. The VDOE’s Early Childhood Network maintains the integrity of IPOP by frequently implementing and revising the steps and updating corresponding materials.

I. IPOP Planning Guide II. Appendix III. Module 1: Planning for Inclusion IV. Module 2: Teaming and Collaboration V. Module 3: Fostering Social Relationships VI. Module 4: Setting Up the Environment VII. Module 5: Self-Regulation and Control VIII. Module 6: Using Assessment IX. Module 7: Embedded Instructional Practices
X. Module 8: Performance Monitoring