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Showing Results 951 - 1000 of 1153
Description: Education includes: Classroomo Lessons Digital Learning Resources Online Professional Development Teaching Artists Present Moonshot Studio Virtual "Field Trips"
Description: These Bullying fact sheets include: Bullying Behavior and Mental Health Bullying and Children with Disabilities-Health Care Needs Cyberbullying Types of Cyberbullying
Description: In over 30 years of clinical practice, Drs. Peg Dawson and Richard Guare have worked with thousands of children who struggle at home and in school. At the center of their struggles are weak executive skills, and through our writing and now this website, we spotlight these skills that are critical for school and life success. ESQ-R: A self-report assessment instrument that students complete to help them (and their teachers or coaches) understand their executive skill strengths and challenges....
Description: The Customized Employment 101 webinar will assist special education teachers, transition coordinators and employment specialists of middle and high students in considering person-directed employment beyond the confines of traditional job development. The outcome of customized employment planning is paid, community-based employment for students with complex lives. (VCU Center on Transition Innovations)
Description: The Process of Discovery surrounds a person-centered approach to gathering information about the prospective worker to guide the development of customized employment and work experience. Discovery answers the question "who is this student?", "what contributions can he/she make? and "where and when are they at their best?" This process uses portfolios, visual resumes, interviews and observations to uncover the unique contributions, skills and interests that each person can bring to the job. (VCU...
Description: In this article written for Colorín Colorado, Bright Ideas author Kristina Robertson offers an overview of WIDA's new Essential Actions handbook and shares a step-by-step process for using this tool as part of a professional learning community focused on meeting ELLs' academic language needs. (ELL = English Language Learner)
Title: ReadWorks
Description: ReadWorks is a nonprofit with the mission to support the growth of successful, joyful readers. As a FREE supplemental resource, we provide K-12 and adult educators with the largest, highest-quality library of curated nonfiction and fiction passages in the country, along with interactive vocabulary supports, text-dependent question sets, teacher guidance, and more!
Description: Early Childhood Mental Health Virginia (ECMHVA) is a statewide initiative focused on the development, implementation and sustainability of a comprehensive early childhood system of care for infant and early childhood mental health. The Early Childhood Mental initiative collaborates with early childhood agencies and representation across the Commonwealth to identify opportunities to increase access to resources and services by researching and securing funding for a continuum of quality in...
Description: People First Language is an objective and respectful way to speak about people with disabilities by emphasizing the person first, rather than the disability. It acknowledges what a person has, and recognizes that a person is not the disability. In putting the person before the disability, People First Language highlights a person's value, individuality and capabilities.
Description: Are you looking for information on a health condition or perhaps trying to find health services? There are lots of medical sites out there that explain conditions in terms you don’t need to be a doctor to understand. And there are sites that can help you locate healthcare services in your community.
Description: There are times when parents and schools simply do not agree on some issue affecting a child’s education. They may try informal approaches to resolving the conflict, such as reviewing and revising the child’s IEP or holding a facilitated IEP meeting (an approach emerging in the field). When these don’t result in agreement on what represents an appropriate education for a child, the law (IDEA) provides several approaches that parents and schools can use to help resolve the...
Description: Down syndrome is the most common and readily identifiable chromosomal condition associated with intellectual disabilities. It is caused by a chromosomal abnormality: for some unknown reason, an accident in cell development results in 47 instead of the usual 46 chromosomes. This extra chromosome changes the orderly development of the body and brain. In most cases, the diagnosis of Down syndrome is made according to results from a chromosome test administered shortly after birth. Just as in the...
Description: Since the 1960s, there has been a virtual avalanche of federal legislation that relates directly or indirectly to individuals with disabilities, particularly children and youth. These form the core of current protection against discrimination and current guarantees of equal educational opportunity that individuals with disabilities have in our nation.
Description: If you’re looking for information about disabilities in infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities, you’ve come to the right place! The Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR) offers information and connections to the full spectrum of disabilities in children, including developmental delays and rare disorders. Use the links below to learn about typical developmental milestones in childhood, specific disabilities and disorders, and the...
Description: Oh, the world of work! For many youth with disabilities looking ahead to life after high school, employment will be an immediate and serious consideration. And the time to consider it well and thoroughly is during the high school years, during transition planning, and through transition services that are carefully matched to the goal of employment. In the article Transition Goals in the IEP, we looked in some detail at how IEP teams might approach that task, with subsections specific to the...
Description: Welcome to the alphabet soup of special education! The disability community is full of acronyms that people constantly use in writing and in conversation, and it’s important to know what those acronyms stand for. Acronyms are used in order to abbreviate names or phrases. The CPIR is pleased to provide this list of special education and disability-related acronyms, and hope it helps our readers quickly connect with the meaning of pivotal acronyms in the field.
Description: Building effective communication skills is a critical component of the education of all students with ASD. It requires a systematic plan that ensures communication instruction is individualized to fit the short term and long term needs of the student. This involves individualized communication instruction, team collaboration, a system of communication that allows for effective and efficient communication, and implementation of evidence-based strategies and supports.
Description: All children are able to learn, just not in the same way. Autism is an information-processing difference that affects: communication, social interaction, sensory response, and learning and thinking. In part 1, we discussed academic strategies for the classroom. This presentation will address strategies for the unstructured time within the school day, environmental supports, social supports, and communication supports. Dr. Webb will also discuss strategies for managing behavioral challenges.
Description: If you have a child with a disability, the need to plan for your future, as well as your child’s, is important and the time to plan is now! The reality is that something could happen at any moment to leave you or your child at risk. It could be your death, or a chronic or debilitating illness or catastrophic injury that impairs your ability to care for yourself and your child. These events cause emotional and often financial hardship, so why not create a plan now while you can be...
Description: In order to implement any strategy to help students on the autism spectrum, we first need to understand the reasons behind some of their challenging behaviors and understand the feelings those behaviors provoke in their caretakers. This session helps caregivers manage their own emotions so they can help manage those of their children or clients.
Description: All of us can have meltdowns when we lose control and seem immune to reasoning. Having consistent rules and consequences for such behavior is important, yet there are times when such traditional discipline seems ineffective. When consistent discipline is not enough, we need to understand why these difficult moments continue. This presentation is designed to (1) learn ways to de-escalate a meltdown in the moment, (2) understand 7 common triggers to repeat problems and (3) create effective...
Description: Our goal in education must be to create a rich educational setting for all children. Special Education was originally designed as a "resource" to educational programs, not as a separate placement. Research indicates that removing children from their typical peers, undermines their capacity to learn the skills that will enable them to belong. Statistics from the CDC show a dramatic rise in Autism; therefore we must prepare our inclusive classrooms to create the educational setting to address the...
Description: 1. Value your child's questions. 2. Explore and find the answers together. 3. Give children time and space to explore. 4. Acceot that explorations are often messy. And more...
Description: The Cyberbullying Research Center is dedicated to providing up-to-date information about the nature, extent, causes, and consequences of cyberbullying among adolescents. Cyberbullying can be defined as “Willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices.” It is also known as “cyber bullying,” “electronic bullying,” “e-bullying,” “sms bullying,” “mobile bullying,”...
Description: Bullying is a serious problem with horrible consequences if left unchecked. The good news is that you can do lots to stop it. We hope that the resources listed in this article are useful to you in that effort. Facts about bullying: The federal government has a website dedicated to preventing bullying and informing parents, schools, and communities about how to recognize and treat bullying behavior. This page on the site provides definitions, statistics, targeted groups, and laws. What you...
Description: In this webcast, Tori illustrates her struggles, triumphs, and tools used to survive each day. This allows for an opportunity to walk a mile in her shoes as she journeys through life from childhood to adulthood. Tori's message will leave you curious, motivated, and with a heightened awareness of ASD. Just when you think you know all about ASD, Tori's story may surprise you! (VCU Autism Center for Excellence- ACE)
Description: Spina bifida is one of the most common birth defects in the United States, affecting some 1,500 babies each year. Spina bifida happens during the first month or so of pregnancy and means that the baby’s spine did not close completely. Damage to the nerves and the spinal cord may result. In general, there are three types of spina bifida. These are: Spina bifida occulta: In this mildest form of spina bifida, there’s a small defect or gap in one or more of the vertebrae (bones) of the...
Description: The first 3 years of life, when the brain is developing and maturing, is the most intensive period for acquiring speech and language skills. These skills develop best in a world that is rich with sounds, sights, and consistent exposure to the speech and language of others. There appear to be critical periods for speech and language development in infants and young children when the brain is best able to absorb language. If these critical periods are allowed to pass without exposure to language,...
Description: Has a child’s disability recently touched your life? Are you visiting our website today looking for information about that disability? Would you like to find organizations and people that can help address the disability-related questions and concerns you may have? We’re very pleased you’re here, because the CPIR has a great deal of information about disabilities to share. We hope this page will: give you a quick roadmap to the disability world of help that’s available in...
Description: Latinx Resources - El programa de Alcance Latinx de PEATC se enfoca en brindar educación y recursos a nuestra población Hispana/Latinx en el estado de Virginia, completamente en español. El objetivo de este programa es difundir información en el idioma con el que las familias se sientan más cómodas, pero al mismo tiempo teniendo en cuenta su cultura y creencias. Al brindar nuestros servicios en español, PEATC asegura la inclusión...
Description: In the U.S., schools and families work together closely to help children succeed. For example, you can contact your child’s teacher if you have questions, or you may be invited to events at the school. These resources describe how you can build a relationship with your child's school.
Description: Since 1979, Attainment Company has been helping people with disabilities achieve independence at school, work, home, and in the community. Attainment's print curriculum, software, apps, and videos compbine for a uniquely blended approach to accommodate individual student needs.
Description: The Library and Resource Center (LRC) is a component of the Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired (DBVI) from which two fundamental programs are administered. Library services are offered to persons who are print disabled. The Library and Resource Center service is provided to local school divisions to support education of visually impaired and blind children.
Description: AAIDD, (formerly AAMR -- American Association on Mental Retardation), is the oldest and largest interdisciplinary organization of professionals and others concerned about intellectual and developmental disabilities. We're tireless promoters of progressive policies, sound research, effective practices and universal human rights for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Description: Center on Transition Innovation (CTI) is a leader in providing resources and innovative models to support students with disabilities in their transition to adulthood. We help keep transition stakeholders updated on evidence-based practices that will assist students to reach their goals after high school. CTI's work is funded through the Virginia Department of Education. Since 2013, our team of experts has provided transition resources, professional development, and information for educators,...
Description: The Concussion Legacy Foundation's mission is to support athletes, Veterans, and all affected by concussions and CTE; achieve smarter sports and safer athletes through education and innovation; and to End CTE through prevention and research. Our vision is a world without CTE, and concussion safety without compromise. The Resource Center includes information on: Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS) Concussion
Description: Read This Publication If You Want to Know… How to have your child evaluated (at no cost to you) to see why he or she is having difficulty in school What the evaluation process involves and how you can contribute to it How special education can support your child’s learning, if he or she is found eligible for services How your child’s eligibility is determined and your right to participate in making that decision What happens next, if your child is found eligible...
Description: The central “Hub” of information and products created for the network of Parent Centers serving families of children with disabilities All the materials found on the CPIR Hub have been created and archived for Parent Centers around the country to help them provide support and services to the families they serve. The CPIR employs a user-centered process, gathering the perspectives of our experienced audience—Parent Center staff members and other...
Description: Colorín Colorado is a national multimedia project that offers a wealth of bilingual, research-based information, activities, and advice for educators and families of English language learners (ELLs). Colorín Colorado is an educational service of WETA, the flagship public broadcasting station in the nation's capital, and receives major funding from the American Federation of Teachers and National Education Association.
Description: In January 2013, the Virginia Board of Education passed the training standards related to this bill. The document, entitled Training Standards for Paraprofessionals Assigned to Work with a Teacher Who Has Primary Oversight of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (PDF) is now available. These training standards were developed in collaboration with VCU-ACE and feedback was obtained from stakeholders throughout the Commonwealth. Because behavior management is complex, competencies to be...
Description: The VCU Autism Center for Education is committed to providing resources for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Resources consists of items which may be checked out from our extensive Lending Library as well as electronic materials you can download directly from our website. The electronic materials include fact sheets, peer reviewed journal articles, manuals, website links as well as other materials and information that expand the knowledge of ASD and facilitate implementation of...
Description: The early years of a child's life are very important for his or her health and development. Parents, health professionals, educators, and others can work together as partners to help children grow up to reach their full potential. The site includes: Child Development Basics, Specific Conditions, Developmental Screening, Scientific Articles, Free Materials, Research, Positive Parenting Tips
Description: The Virginia Tiered Systems of Supports aligns academics, behavior, and social-emotional wellness into a single decision-making framework to establish the supports needed for schools to be effective learning environments for all students. We partner with school divisions throughout the Commonwealth to support the successful implementation of the framework.
Description: The Code of Virginia at section 22.1-129.1 permits any Virginia school division that has provided a “child with a disability” with an “assistive technology device” to transfer that device to another school division or a state agency that will be serving the child, or to the student or the student’s parent. The permissive transfer may occur when the student exits the school division and the device continues to be necessary to the student’s functional...
Description: CLASP is a national, nonpartisan, anti-poverty nonprofit advancing policy solutions for low-income people. We develop practical yet visionary strategies for reducing poverty, promoting economic opportunity, and addressing barriers faced by people of color. With over 50 years' experience at the federal, state, and local levels, we're fighting back in today's threatening political climate while advancing our vision for the future.
Description: The Grandparent Autism Network informs grandparents about autism and the medical, educational, legal and social issues that affect their families, enabling them to share how they may improve the quality of life for their children and grandchildren. Activities include social events for grandparents and grandchildren and advocacy efforts to increase support for autism causes. Networking together, grandparents are a vital resource for autism …and each other.
Description: An easy-to-read booklet on Bipolar Disorder in children and teens that explains what it is, when it starts and how to get help.
Description: Literacy Instruction for Students with Significant Disabilities offers information, research-based instructional approaches, and effective instructional and learning strategies to support school leaders, teachers, and other specialists working to better meet the literacy and communication needs of students with significant disabilities, including students with: moderate to severe cognitive disabilities complex communication needs multiple disabilities including deaf/blindness and/or...
Description: VCU’s ACE-IT in College is an inclusive learning and training program for transition-age adults with intellectual disabilities. With individualized support, ACE-IT in College students participate in five semesters of employment, college classes, and campus activities. These college experiences create opportunity and prepare students to pursue self-determined futures.
Description: Founded in 1990 by Don Meyer, the Sibling Support Project is a national program dedicated to the life-long and ever-changing concerns of millions of siblings of people with health, developmental, and mental health needs. Our initiatives include: Sibshops. Lively events for school-age siblings of kids with developmental and health concerns. Hundreds of Sibshops exist across the US & around the world. Find a sibshop near you Watch Video: Sibling Support Project and Introduction to Sibshops...