Postsecondary Education
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Description: For almost 20 years, SoundOut has been supporting students, teachers, principals, district staff, and education leaders as they take action to activate student voice, foster student engagement, and facilitate Meaningful Student Involvement.
Description: This One-Pager Library contains important information for families, including the difference between IEPs and 504 Plans, handling disagreements about your child's special education program, your Parental Rights and more.
Description: Youth Empowerment Interest Form - YET empowers Virginia students with disabilities, age 14-22, as they begin their transition from High School to Adulthood. Why Should You Join? Build self-advocacy skills Give input and help advise PEATC on issues that involve youth Create new friendships Learn to be an active member in your school and community Develop leadership skills
Description: The National Resource Center for Supported Decision-Making (NRC-SDM) builds on and extends the work of Quality Trust's Jenny Hatch Justice Project by bringing together vast and varied partners to ensure that input is obtained from all relevant stakeholder groups including older adults, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), family members, advocates, professionals and providers. The NRC-SDM partners bring nationally recognized expertise and leadership on SDM,...
Description: The Translating Evidence to Support Transitions (TEST) project has created a series of practice guides to increase the use and adoption of 3 research-informed practices for the transition planning of high school students with emotional behavioral disturbance (EBD) who receive special education services: student-led IEP meetings, community agency representation at IEP meetings, and concentrations of CTE coursework along career pathways. Supporting Student-Led Transition Planning for Students with...
Description: Think Work Stories - This site highlights the employment successes of people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) who are working in paid jobs in their communities. Through the use of innovative, front-line employment support practices, these individuals are earning money, forming networks, and contributing to their communities. Learn more about these people and the promising practices that led to their success.
Description: In this guide, you will find a rich array of ideas generated by parents for parents. It is neither exhaustive nor prescriptive. Rather, it simply offers a menu of ideas that can spur and encourage your own efforts. Indeed, we encourage you to draw upon, adapt, and add to the strategies in this guide in ways that best meet the needs of your child and family. Becoming self-determined is an ongoing process for all children and youth, whether or not they have a disability. And so the approaches you...
Description: The Self-Determination Inventory System (SDIS) Data Dashboard is a platform for measures related to self-determination. The SDIS Data Dashboard allows users to: create/manage user accounts, assign surveys to participants (e.g., teachers, students), produce summary lists of users, take surveys, and view survey results. Current clients using the SDIS Data Dashboard include school districts, schools, and researchers from across the U.S. A popular use of the SDIS is to gather data on changes...
Description: As a teacher, you recognize the need to develop self-determination skills in your students. You also realize there are certain skills and content you must teach. How can you do both at one time? As your students dip into their reading, you can pose questions, give writing prompts, and design assignments that will develop both skill in literacy and skill in self-determination.
Description: This webinar will introduce participants to the fundamental concepts of Self-Determination for students with autism and related disabilities. We will discuss how to teach these concepts, Power-Standards for IEP goals, how to include students in the IEP process, and other strategies for supporting students with developing their self-determination skills. The presenter will be accompanied by student members of a self-determination club. Self-advocates are encouraged to participate.
Description: Virtual IEP Meeting Tip Sheets (A Collaborative Effort Across OSEP-Funded Projects) Virtual Meetings: Strategies, Tips and Resources (The Center for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education, CADRE) Resources for Families and Students (Progress Center: Promoting Progress for Students with Disabilities) IEP Accommodations During Distance Learning ( Virtual Learning and Accommodations Guide (Assistive Technology Network of Virginia) How to Support Students in Virtual IEP...
Description: Supporting Survivors of Abuse with Disabilities- 7 Modules - This Module series is designed to help increase your knowledge and skills when supporting a survivor of abuse with disabilities. There are 7 training modules. CEUs and certificates are available. Module 1: Understanding Disability Module 2: Person Centered Thinking and Disability Etiquette Module 3: Disabilities and Abuse Module 4: Brain Injury and Abuse Module 5: Safety Planning and Accommodations Module 6: Disablity Justice,...
Description: Virginia Commonwealth University-Autism Center for Education, VCU-ACE, is continuing to provide resources for families. VCU-ACE provides an opportunity for parents to join us for Lunch and Learn. An interactive and secure Zoom meeting that will address different topics each week. There will be a short presentation with a time for Q&A.
Description: GMSA is a strong organization because it is run by and for self-advocates. We have created resources and training materials that should only be presented by people with developmental disabilities. We encourage staff, teachers, parents, and allies to support self-advocates in teaching this material. However, our resources and trainings cannot be presented or used without self-advocates leading the way. If you have questions, contact us! We are happy to help you learn how to support people with...
Description: The Our Lives: Safe and Strong Program Toolkit is a set of two web-based tools for abuse awareness, support, and safety planning. One is specialized to the abuse experiences of male-identified individuals, and the other for female-identified individuals. The programs feature people with diverse disabilities and identities speaking about their own abuse experiences. These tools can be used privately, or in the company of a trusted person(s). They can be used as educational information for the...
Description: If you receive a call, text, email, letter, or message on social media that: Threatens to suspend your Social Security number, even if they have part or all of your Social Security number Warns of arrest or legal action Demands or requests immediate payment Requires payment by gift card, prepaid debit card, Internet currency, or by mailing cash Pressures you for personal information Requests secrecy Threatens to seize your bank account Promises to increase your Social Security benefit Tries to...
Description: The Arc of Northern Virginia is pleased to provide these important resources on Supported Decision Making, made possible in part by a grant from the Virginia Board for People with Disabilities. As a condition of the grant, and, for reporting purposes only, the ARC are being asked to collect demographic information. Once you submit your answers, you will be redirected to the Supported Decision Making (SDM) Resource Library where you’ll find factsheets and handouts on SDM, SDM videos and...
Description: The K-12 Inclusive Practices Guide is an informational resource to support school divisions and parents looking to improve outcomes for students with disabilities by meeting their needs to the maximum extent possible in general education setting.
Description: Impact Feature Issue on Self-Determination and Supported Decision-Making for People with Intellectual, Developmental, and Other Disabilities - This issue looks at how people with disabilities are experiencing self-determination in the U.S. and other countries today, and at the emergence of Supported Decision-Making (SDM) as one way to support individuals with disabilities to exercise self-determination. Articles include discussions of self-determination and SDM in education and human...
Description: The Youth Leadership Academy (YLA) program seeks to empower young people with developmental and other disabilities to further develop their leadership skills. Students, serving as Delegates from communities throughout Virginia, participate in a wide range of activities and learning experiences during this summer program set on a university campus. The Youth Leadership Academy is Virginia's premiere opportunity for rising high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors with disabilities to...
Description: Self-advocacy is important for kids with dysgraphia in middle school. But kids this age can sometimes feel embarrassed about speaking up. You can help your child by rehearsing some common scenarios and responses. 1 of 5: Can I use Assistive Technology? 2 Of 5: Can I get a copy of the teacher's notes And more...
Description: This guide is offered as a free resource for attorneys who may work with people with developmental disabilities in the justice system. Our aim is to assist attorneys in understanding the possible presence of a disability in a client, how to fully identify that disability, and offer some ideas on appropriate ways to defend that person in a criminal prosecution. Cases are so individualized that this guide could never hope to be fully comprehensive, but it is meant to offer a solid foundation. The...
Description: We've broken down key ideas about how to support your child in their journey toward self-determination at school, home, and in the community. The interactive modules below can be accessed whenever it suits you! Being a parent is tough, and finding ways to support your child can sometimes seem like a big commitment. The Parent Path to Success gives you bite-sized videos that you can watch on your schedule. We hope these videos help you find small opportunities for success with your child!...
Description: Partnership for People with Disabilities (VCU) - More than 50 million Americans currently live with some form of disability. In Virginia, this means that one of every five citizens will have a disability or know someone who does. Everything we do at the Partnership is focused on supporting people with disabilities and their families to be fully participating members of their community. Our work focuses on the four major areas of emphasis of early childhood, education, health, and community...
Description: Finally, we come to the last of the IEP components—the transfer of rights at age of majority. This component is only needed in the IEPs of some students, as you’ll see. IDEA’s exact words What does age of majority mean? What IDEA requires How is the student informed?
Description: Goal Plan is a downloadable, fillable PDF file of the Goal Plan - a simple tool to help you set and attain goals. We are all striving to become better at something or to accomplish a goal. But how often do we actually sit down and plan out steps to achievement? Whether you are trying to improve your grades, or accomplish a life-long goal, the Goal Plan will help you get there!.
Description: The Good Day Plan is a downloadable, fillable PDF file of the Good Day Plan - a tool to help you design days that are perfect for you! Think about what a good day at school or work looks and feels like for you. Do you need coffee? Do you need to listen to music first thing in the morning, or do you need some quiet time to start your day? Does it happen now? If not, what can you do to make it happen? Who can help you along the way? The Good Day Plan helps you make and stick to...
Description: The One-Pager is a downloadable, fillable PDF file of the One-Pager - a tool to help others get to know the important things about you. Think about a time when you really wanted someone – a teacher – to know stuff about you but you really didn’t want to have to take the time and the words to explain it. Think about your IEP. How long does it take for anyone to look at it and find out the important things about you? The One-Pager was created as a way to cut...
Description: A Life 4 Me is a an online resource to help people with disabilities establish community connections, including social, employment, and volunteer opportunities. It was developed by youth with disabilities, in partnership with the Partnership for People with Disabilities and Virginia Department of Education. Video Tours Include: Go To College Get Services in the Community Live in the Community Work in the Community Friendship Support Entrepreneurship Economic/Personal Finance Mental Health...
Description: Virginia Family Special Education Connection provides a one-stop-shop for parents, families and caregivers of children with special needs to: Access local school system contacts and disability services in your community Explore an abundance of resources, including assistive technology and behavioral supports to help your child succeed. Learn about and plan your child's educational program Understand your legal rights and responsibilities POWER (Parent Organizer with Educational...
Description: Community-based Skills Assessment Tool Kit - The transition out of school-based services for students with autism can be difficult. There is no "one size fits all" plan for the path to adulthood. The most important factor in creating a plan is to focus on the individual. His or her strengths, needs, challenges and preferences will be vital to a successful transition process. The CSA helps parents and professionals assess the current skill levels and abilities of students with...
Description: This web app provides online resources to help famililies raising children and youth in foster care and kinship care, where children and youth are brought up by non-birth parent relatives. The following topics are covered: Trying to Enroll a Child in School? Concerned about Learning or School? Concerned about Mental Health or Behaviors? Need Public Benefits? Concerned about Transitions Through School and After? Concerned about Disabilities and Special Health Care Needs? Involved in the Court...
Description: Student-directed IEPs are quickly gaining momentum in schools across the country—the proven benefits include higher academic achievement, enhanced student motivation, and increased communication and self-advocacy skills for students with disabilities. Now for the first time, there's a book that gives elementary and high school educators in-depth how-to guidance on making student-directed IEPs work for students with a range of special needs. Packed with practical advice, helpful examples,...
Description: As you get older, you’re able to start making your own decisions about a lot of things that matter most to you. You may choose your own clothes, music, and friends. You also may be ready to make decisions about your body and health. Making healthy decisions about what you eat and drink, how active you are, and how much sleep you get is a great place to start. Here you’ll learn how your body works—how your body uses the food and drinks you consume and how being active may help...
Description: LIFE stands for Living Independently, Focusing on Empowerment. Project LIFE is a UMFS program, funded by the Virginia Department of Social Services. Their mission is to enhance the successful transition of older youth in foster care to adulthood by: increasing the capacity of professionals working with youth to engage in sound, evidence-based practices, and promoting permanent connections, effective preparation for transition to adulthood, and meaningful youth input into state and local...
Description: Services for Older Youth - Youth services (also known as the Independent Living Program) assists foster care youths ages 14-21 in developing the skills necessary to make the transition from foster care to independent living. Independent Living services include activities that are based on a written assessment of life skills. Areas of focus include personal development skills such as self-esteem, communication skills, decision-making, conflict resolution and anger management. Examples of...
Description: Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice - The Reentry, Education and Intervention Division is responsible for meeting the needs of youth committed to DJJ by providing them with quality education, treatment and rehabilitation and reentry supports to create a seamless transition to the community. The Reentry, Education and Intervention Division is composed of: Education – Responsible for providing quality instructional practices and programs to improve student performance....
Description: The Virginia Department of Education is the administrative agency for the commonwealth’s public schools. VDOE works in partnership with Virginia’s 132 school divisions to support and improve teaching and learning, set high expectations for all students, and promote student safety, wellbeing, and health.
Description: The Executive Skills Questionnaire (ESQ) is designed to rank your executive skills. Executive function skills are mental processes that allow us to plan, focus our attention, recall instructions, juggle multiple tasks successfully, and self-regulate.
Description: Helping your child through the process of choosing a college, applying and then getting ready to go can seem like a daunting task. Like everything, it’s easier if you break it down. Here’s information to help you get your freshman-to-be all set for his four-year adventure. You will find: 9 Steps for Easing the Transition to College Typs of College Accommodations and Services Checklist: What to Ask Colleges About Assistive Technology Video: College Students on the Best Things Their...
Description: EZPic2Txt is a texting app that provides a simple picture-based format for individuals with disabilities, who are non-readers or who are not able to text using a standard touch screen keyboard. The user can send important preset messages (created by a family member, caregiver, educator or employment specialist) to necessary preset contacts as e-mail messages or text messages with one swipe. Texts sent or received by the user can be read out loud using text-to-speech technology. Messages may be...
Description: The POWER (Parent Organizer With Educational Resources) web app provides parents and families with online resources to answer questions about child development, disabilities, community services, Special Education, diploma options in Virginia and transition to life after high school. The questions and potential resources are separated into age levels: Early Childhood, Elementary School, Middle School and High School. This project is a collaborative effort between the Parent Resource...
Description: This online Applied Studies Curriculum Progress Report generator enables teachers to document progress on the domains and competencies contained in the Applied Studies Curriculum Map. Domains: Employment English History and Social Science Independent Living Mathematics Science Competencies: Employment Career Awareness Employability Job-Seeking Skills Problem Solving Self-Advocacy Social/Communication English Community Literacy Composition Comprehension Documents and Forms Self-Selected...
Description: Age of majority is the age when children legally become adults. At this time, they gain the rights of adults, which include the right to vote, marry, apply for a credit card, make medical and financial decisions for themselves, sign contracts, live independently, and much more. In most states the age of majority is age 18. We invite you to read this tip sheet for parents to learn more about: Who decides the age of majority The age of majority in your state What the transfer of parental...
Description: Age of Majority Overview (PEATC) - It’s hard to think about your child becoming an adult. The age of majority in Virginia, when your child turns 18, means that the rights, and responsibilities of being an adult pass from the parent to the adult child. However, there are ways for parents of students with disabilities to stay involved and to help ensure that good decisions are made. First, we will talk about educational decision-making for those students with disabilities who...
Description: The Toolbox for Self-Determination is a resource for parents to learn more about self-determination. It walks parents through the ways they can help their child become self-determined, and shows examples of the One-Pager, Good Day Plan and Goal Plan templates that can be used to aid in self-determination.
Description: The Center for Disability Leadership provides people with disabilities access to information and training, so that they may lead the lives they want. The Center offers training and information on: Healthy Relationships (LEAP) Health Advocacy Training (CHAT) The Inclusion Project How to Find a Job Other Resources
Description: DMV has taken numerous measures to ensure our customer service centers (CSC) comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and that our customers with disabilities have access to the programs and services they need. Assistance for Customers with Disabilities Customers with disabilities can easily request special assistance or accommodations by making their needs known when they arrive at the information counter in any CSC. A customer service representative will assist the customer with...
Description: The Art of Impact: A Handbook for Self-Determined Living - This e-book is your guide to self-advocacy and healthy living in your community. It will help introduce you to self-advocacy. Those of you who already know about self-advocacy can learn more about it. You can learn how to practice and improve your self-advocacy skills. You can also learn tips from veteran leaders. In the first chapter of this e-book, you will read about what self-advocacy is. You will learn about how people from diverse...
Description: The I’m Determined project, a state-directed project funded by the Virginia Department of Education, focuses on providing direct instruction, models, and opportunities to practice skills associated with self-determined behavior. This project facilitates youth, especially those with disabilities to undertake a measure of control in their lives, helping to set and steer the course rather than remaining the silent passenger. Much of our work comes from research around three psychological...