Early Childhood Investigations Webinar - High-Quality ECE Practices in Low-Resource Settings: Lessons for all, by Junlei Li, Ph.D. Feb. 19, 2025, 2:00pm
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Register for High-Quality ECE Practices in Low-Resource Settings: Lessons for all - Join this practical and inspirational webinar presented by early childhood researcher, Dr. Junlei Li to explore how you can idenitify the practices that support children even where/when resources are meager.
In this session, you will:
- Re-examine long-held assumptions about the relationship between "resources" and "quality (and quality ratings)."
- Introduce practical and theoretical approaches that help us identify and describe high-quality practices in low-resource settings.
- Explore what lessons we can re-apply to understand quality everywhere, support early childhood professions, and envision policies that appreciate people more than "stuff."
2/19/2025 2:00 PM ET - 2/19/2025 3:30 PM ET