Postsecondary Education

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Showing Results 1 - 50 of 140
Description: College Options for Students with Disabilities - College programs for students with disabilities are as unique as the students they support. Programs differ by awarded credentials, admission requirements, costs, and the levels or types of support, just to name a few. There are many different options for students with disabilities to access college. The three main categories of college options for students with disabilities are college accommodations, supported education programs, and Inclusive...
Description: Counseling on Educational and Training Options is one of the five pre-employment transition services (pre-ETS) categories. Providing students with counseling on educational and training options after high school opens multiple pathways for future career and financial stability and success. Students should receive guidance on the full variety of options available to them, such as college, vocational programs, and apprenticeships. Providing students with education and training guidance helps...
Description: College Readiness for Neurodivergent Students shares the results from the 2024 survey of 50 leaders of U.S. college austism and neurodiversity support programs. There is a Summary of College Readiness Survey that is downloadable for free and an e-Book that costs $17.99.
Description: Virginia's Collaborative Model for Pre-Employment Transition Services offers the resources necessary to enrich Pre-ETS initiatives in the state. We provide the tools for collaborating, communicating, and coordinating services with student teams to improve postsecondary outcomes for students with disabilities. Explore resources spanning all five Pre-ETS categories, and join us in empowering every student's journey to success! The five Pre-ETS categories include: Job Exploration Counseling...
Description: Virginia Parent Transition Survey - This updated survey is a way for parents to describe their expectations for their child/youth’s future and their expectations. Completing this survey before or during a transition planning IEP meeting will provide important information that can lead to improved planning and better outcomes after leaving high school. Not all of the sections or choices may be relevant to your child/youth, so please complete those that best describe your concerns and...
Description: Supporting the Educational Goals of Young Adults with Mental Health Conditions - College education or training can be the passport to economic self-sufficiency for young adults with a mental health condition. Research has shown that young adults with mental health conditions struggle to complete high school and college more so than any other disability group. However, post-secondary education or training is possible for anyone, especially accompanied by the proper accommodations, assistive...
Description: The Career Planning Toolkit is a resource for educators and counselors supporting students with significant  disabilities through the career planning process. The toolkit uses hands-on activities to help students plan for their careers as they prepare for a successful transition to postsecondary education or employment. The toolkit is acompanion resource for the Center on Transition Innovations’ Get Ready for Your Career course.
Description: Student Self-Evaluation Matrix - QIAT-PS has also developed a set of student quality indicators for assistive technology with an accompanying Student Self-Evaluation Matrix tool for students to rate themselves on their AT skills. The tool is useful to both students struggling to manage AT in higher education settings and for K-12 programs to assist students in enhancing self-awareness and problem solving with AT for better transition outcomes. (QIAT-PS = Quality Indicators for...
Description: Information on potential Postsecondary Training Options for students with disabilities: Postsecondary Training Options: FastForward Career Training Program Postsecondary Training Options: United States Military Postsecondary Training Options: Registered Apprenticeships
Description: A Resource Guide for Inclusive Postsecondary Education for Students with Intellectual Disability - This guide is designed to introduce inclusive postsecondary education (IPSE), or college options for students with intellectual disability (ID). This guide has everything you need to know about IPSE in an easy-to-read format, with helpful tips, information, and resources from the Think College website. Learn about what IPSE is, how colleges include students with ID, and how to find and apply...
Description: Level Up Virginia (LUV) is a statewide initiative led by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) and the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). Their mission is to increase postsecondary readiness, enrollment and completion for all students in the Commonwealth. They are committed to making college access information easily understandable and accessible for students of all backgrounds. Timeline: What Level Are You On? (Infographic)   Prepare - Students with Disabilities...
Description: Ever since it was first published, Teaching Chemistry to Students with Disabilities: A Manual for High Schools, Colleges, and Graduate Programs has served as a vital resource in the chemistry classroom and laboratory to students with disabilities as well as their parents, teachers, guidance counselors, and administrators. In a changing time of technology, rapid access to information, accessibility tools for individuals with disabilities, and publishing, Edition 4.1 is being published...
Description: Age 18 is considered an adult in most states. This means you can make choices in your life about your education, where you live, what doctor you see, what to do with your money, and many other things. This document lists some things you should think about as you become an adult.
Description: Higher Education Leaders Make College Possible for Students with Intellectual Disability -  College is possible for students with intellectual disability! A wide range of colleges and universities, including research institutions, teaching colleges and universities, and community and technical colleges, have opened their doors to college students with intellectual disability (ID) by creating inclusive postsecondary education (IPSE) programs. These programs are highly valued as an active...
Description: Project NEXT: A Cognitive Support Technology Randomized Clinical Trial for Postsecondary Students with Traumatic Brain Injuries - Pursuing postsecondary education is a cognitively demanding activity and the decided majority of postsecondary students with traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) report difficulties with the academic demands of their studies (Rumrill et al., 2019). A targeted approach like cognitive support technology (CST) is a logical framework for helping students with...
Description: Spotlight Virginians: Student Success Stories invites you to follow along the journey of several young adults with disabilities as they share their stories of successful transition outcomes. Highlighting successful postschool outcomes of young adults with disabilities is a way to raise expectations and showcase what's possible. Whether that's postsecondary education or training, independent living, or employment, each of these students has a unique journey that we all can learn from. Note:...
Description: Transition Assessments: Assistive Technology Virginia Assistive Technology, Tools, and Strategies (VATTS): Consideration Guide and Resources will guide the IEP team through the consideration and documentation process. (free) WATI Assistive Technology Assessment is a process based, systematic approach to providing a functional evaluation of the student’s need for assistive technology. (free) Transition Assessments: Career Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is an...
Description: This module defines and discusses the purpose of interagency collaboration and addresses the importance of partnering with agencies to improve outcomes for students with disabilities who are transitioning from high school (est. completion time: 2 hours).
Description: These specific tips can help parents/families make the most of their role as parent and partner during secondary transition planning.
Description: This module provides information for counselors and other education professionals to assist high school students with disabilities in the transition from the school environment to a post-school setting (est. completion time: 1.5 hours).
Description: Virginia Career VIEW (Vital Information for Education and Work) is recognized as the Commonwealth's Career Information Delivery System for all students in grades K-12 and Ages 18+ in Virginia.  We are located at Virginia Tech as part of the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences in the School of Education.  As part of the Office of Education, Research and Outreach, our mission is to inform, encourage, and support the education and career development of the people of...
Description: To prepare Virginia’s students for postsecondary education or to meet employers’ expectations of candidates for entry-level jobs House Bill 1299 and Senate Bill 738 (2022 General Assembly) charged the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) and the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) with collecting information that assists high school students in making more informed decisions about their futures after graduating from high school. This ensures that...
Description: Tips to prepare students with intellectual disabilities for college expectations - In this Grab and Go Practices, Think College focuses on three primary campus experiences college students needto be prepare for. Student may engage in these activities with little or no support from adults. These experiences include: Campus participation Academic preparation Personal responsibility Many skills students learn earlier in their education can be generalized to...
Description: Learning how to advocate for yourself could help you at school, at your job and in your community. Advocating for yourself means knowing what your needs are and speaking up for yourself to get your needs met. It takes practice! To hear tips from other students with disabilities who have learned to advocate for themselves in high school, at work, and at college.
Description: This extensive planning guide provides tools to successfully understand the college environment for students with learning disabilities, including a student's rights and potential accommodations. Whether it’s in-person or online college, this guide shows you where to find the best resources for achieving your goals.
Description: College is a time for kids to try out independence. For kids on medication, part of that independence is learning how to manage those meds on their own. Kids should start to practice managing meds well before they leave for college. The first weeks of school will be full of new information. That’s not the time to start figuring out what they need to be taking, when, and how to make sure they don’t forget. For example, kids can set reminders on their phone so they don’t forget....
Description: The question: My daughter has ADHD and is a B minus student. She struggles in school and has poor executive functioning skills. She will be looking for colleges next year. Are there any that have particularly good services for kids with ADHD? answered by A Ruth Lee, MEd, ET/P  
Description: Many teenagers with autism do well in high school and head off to college. When they get there, they sometimes run into unexpected challenges. But with the right tools and preparation, college students with autism can continue to succeed. Trouble with organization is common in kids with autism. Because college comes with so many new responsibilities, autistic students may have a hard time managing their time and staying on track. Living independently, taking care of daily needs, managing...
Description: College is an exciting time! You’re surrounded by new friends and new opportunities, and have more independence than ever before. However, college life also presents unique challenges to a student with ADHD. Managing classes, a social life, and extra curricular activities without day-to-day support from parents and a structured school schedule isn’t easy. But there are plenty of things you can do to set yourself up for success. This article provides top ten tips that are a great...
Description: The transition to college can be hard on kids’ mental health. Teenagers living away from home for the first time may experience academic stress while also trying to make new friends, build routines, and stay physically healthy. All these changes at once can be overwhelming for college kids. Parents can help kids prepare for these emotional challenges before college starts. First, try to avoid solving problems for your teen. Instead, let them know that you empathize and you’re there...
Description: Dyslexia is a learning disability that makes it hard for kids to read. The workload in college can be challenging for kids with dyslexia, but they can prepare by practicing using reading strategies and tools while they’re still in high school. College students with dyslexia need to be especially careful about managing their time. Keeping a detailed schedule and blocking off time to study can help kids make sure that they don’t get behind. It also helps them learn how much time tasks...
Description: This virtual training webinar was the third of a three-part series on supports for strengthening the transition from high school to postsecondary education and training. Presenters shared strategies for promoting social emotional preparedness for transitions to postsecondary. (Recorded Tuesday, October 13, 2020) To access materials from the first webinar in the series, Laying the Foundation for Postsecondary Success, which focused on strategies that support student and family understanding...
Description: Virginia Higher Education Accessibility Partners, or VHEAP, a member-driven organization was established in 2018 to promote collaboration and partnership between accessibility-focused professionals throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. Looking at accessibility from a holistic perspective, events and resources supported and offered by VHEAP are broad, encouraging collaborative solutions. Our focus is on offering shared opportunities for those who are tasked with improving access to...
Description: The Future Quest Island Teaching Toolkit (TT) is designed to provide teachers with information on how to successfully implement Future Quest Island, a project funded by the Federal Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). In this toolkit, teachers can access the recommended scope and sequence of teaching units, including lesson plans and supplemental lesson plans that promote college and career readiness with middle school students. Teachers should fill out the Implementation Checklist...
Description: Transition Planning (NTACT:C) - Transition planning is used to describe the very intentional, organized and coordinated process of guiding young people with disabilities with education, experiences, supports and services to help them have successful and meaningful lives beyond high school. It is planning that begins with the end in mind. While IDEA mandates specific documentation of transition planning and services in the Individualized Education Program (IEP) for students with disabilities...
Description: Transition to Adulthood Resources (PEATC) - As students who have IEPs get older and progress through school, his/her special education program is required to focus more intentionally on preparing that student for life after high school. In Virginia, this school transition planning must begin by age 14, but can begin even earlier. For students, and their families, the thought of TRANSITIONING from school services to the adult world can be overwhelming. Many are unsure of what is meant by...
Description: This webinar introduces the College Access Evidence Matrix, an informational resource designed to help college-access providers and educational leaders easily find proven interventions, aligned to the highest Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) evidence standards, that can increase the likelihood that students successfully transition to postsecondary education and training. REL Appalachia staff provide an orientation to the evidence matrix and demonstrate how it can be used for a variety of...
Description: Using a trauma-informed lens can help educators be better prepared to meet students’ unique educational and transition needs. Trauma informed care provides a common language and an understanding of how to approach situations in a way that is supportive. This brief provides an overview of trauma and trauma informed strategies to support students who have experienced trauma. These strategies are a sample of best practices and actions that can be implemented...
Description: View the Navigating Through Life Infographic Series - The youth leaders with disabilities from the Inclusion Project created the Navigating Through Life series. The six amazing graphics and text formats have different topics that a young person experiences as they move into adulthood. The youth leaders interviewed over 70 people with disabilities about their experiences when they entered adulthood. The Navigating Through Life series is intended to help youth start their own...
Description: The Translating Evidence to Support Transitions (TEST) project has created a series of practice guides to increase the use and adoption of 3 research-informed practices for the transition planning of high school students with emotional behavioral disturbance (EBD) who receive special education services: student-led IEP meetings, community agency representation at IEP meetings, and concentrations of CTE coursework along career pathways. Supporting Student-Led Transition Planning for Students with...
Description: This is a compilation of some of the postsecondary education programs and supports available for students with disabilities.
Description: Critical Decision Points for Families of Children with Disabilities - The Critical Decision Points for Families of Children with Disabilities guide was developed in order to assist families of children with disabilities with understanding keys to their children's academic success, as well as decisions that they will have to make throughout their children's careers in public education.  Information is provided that will assist parents with understanding not only what decisions will need...
Description: This collection of products and materials has proven to be valuable for practitioners as well as parents and others working with students on transition. Secondary Transition Auttism Spectrum Disorders Resources (STAR) Pocket Resume Interagency Agreement Toolkit Transition Coordinator: What Do I Need to Know? Rethinking College: The Film Independent Living Checklist And many more...
Description: 6 Fascinating Facts- The differences between high school and college - Going to college will be a big adjustment. It is important to prepare for the changes that will occur within the classroom and with receiving accommodations and services. Video- Understanding the Differences between High School vs College - This video will give you a glimpse of the changes you need to expect while attending college. What can you expect? You can definitely enjoy the freedom. No one tells you to do your...
Description: This Northern Virginia Family Resource Directory is provided as a free service to families and professionals by Formed Families Forward with financial support of SCAN of Northern Virginia. The Directory provides information and contact information for organizations, agencies and private practices offering programs, services and other resources for children, youth and families. There is a special focus on providers who serve families formed by adoption, foster care and kinship care who are...
Description: DO-IT videos promote the success of people with disabilities, particularly in school and work settings. DO-IT videos play in a custom accessible media player with audio description and transcripts provided. They can be downloaded, viewed on DO-IT's YouTube channel, or ordered on DVD. The Search Video Library feature enables users to search the full text of all videos and begin playing videos at specific start times from the search results. Most videos are accompanied by a brochure with...
Description: The Individuals with Disability Education Act (IDEA) guarantees a free appropriate public education to all eligible children with disabilities. Refer to Evaluation & Eligibility for more information. The steps in the special education process include: Identification and referral Evaluation Determination of eligibility Development of an individualized education program (IEP) and determination of services Reevaluation There are timelines schools must follow for each step. Timelines...
Description: This virtual training webinar was the second of a three-part series on nonacademic supports for strengthening the transition from high school to postsecondary education and training. Presenters shared strategies that can help students and families complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and college application requirements. (Webinar took place on Thursday, February 27, 2020.) Presenters: Ashley Campbell, REL AP, SRI International CJ Park, REL AP, SRI International...
Description: Agenda, Presentation, Handout, Webinar Recording -  This virtual training webinar will be the first of a three-part series on strengthening the transition from high school to postsecondary education and careers. This webinar will focus on postsecondary knowledge including strategies that support student and family understanding of the expectations and norms of postsecondary education and training, and expose students and families to career paths. (Webinar took place Thursday,...
Description: These Apps for Student Success cover the following topics: Productivity 30/30- Free from App Store - Task manager: simple, attractive, useful Campus Engagement Corq- Free from App Store & Google Play - Discover amazing events and groups around campus from your favorite mobile device. Mental Health and Wellness Happify- Happify brings you effective tools and programs to help you take control of your feelings and thoughts. Stress Management Headspace (Free trial available) - guided...