HLP Instruction in Behavior and Academics

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Description: Each self-paced professional learning session is offered at no cost to Virginia public school educators and provides 3-5 hours of professional learning. These sessions guide educators in learning about specific HLPs through videos that model exemplar teacher behaviors. Educators may enroll in any of the following professional learning sessions described below: Enroll in School Leaders, Administrators, and Instructional Coaches: Strategies for Teacher Retention & Support...
Description: Based on the work of the CEEDAR Center and Council for Exceptional Children, the GMU TTAC Team has created High Leverage Practice Crosswalks in the areas of Math, Literacy and Transition to support stakeholders in developing personalized professional learning and targeted support, with the goal of bridging research into “practical” classroom practice to improve performance outcomes. The HLP Crosswalks are dynamic documents that will be periodically updated with the most current...
Description: Collaboration HLP Pillars: Rubric - HLP 1 Collaborate with Professionals to Increase Student Success, Rubric - HLP 3 Collaborate with Families to Support Student Learning and Secure Needed Services Embedded HLPs Rubric - HLP 2 Lead Effective Meetings with Professionals & Families DATA-Driven Planning HLP Pillar: Rubric - HLP 6 Use Assessment Data, Analyze Instructional Practices and Make Necessary, Adjustments that Improve Student Outcomes Embedded HLPs: Rubric - HLP 4: Use Multiple Sources...
Description: Collaboration HLP Pillars: HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 1: Collaborate with Professionals to Increase Student Success, HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 3: Collaborate with Families to Support Student Learning and Secure Needed Services Embedded HLPs HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 2: Organize and Facilitate Effective Meetings with Professionals and Families Data-Driven Planning HLP Pillar: HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 6: Use Student Assessment Data, Analyze Instructional Practices, and Make Necessary Adjustments that...
Description: Teaching Vocabulary - This article provides some excellent lesson models for teaching vocabulary, explaining idioms, fostering word consciousness, instruction for English Language Learners, and mnemonic strategies.
Description: Five Research-Based Ways to Teach Vocabulary - What Research Says about Effective Vocabulary Instruction: Vocabulary instruction must be explicit. Explicit vocabulary instruction includes an easy-to-understand definition presented directly to students along with multiple examples and nonexamples of the target word, brief discussion opportunities, and checks for understanding. Vocabulary instruction must include multiple practice opportunities for using words within and across subjects....
Description: Vocabulary words: An evidence-based literacy strategy - In this article, you’ll learn how to explicitly teach vocabulary using easy-to-understand definitions, engaging activities, and repeated exposure. This strategy includes playing vocabulary games, incorporating visual supports like graphic organizers, and giving students the chance to see and use new words in real-world contexts. The goal of this teaching strategy isn’t just to increase your students’ vocabulary....
Description: High-Leverage Practices Interactive Alignment Tool - Developed by the Council for Exceptional Children and the CEEDAR Center, high-leverage practices are 22 essential special education techniques that all teachers of students with disabilities should master for use across a variety of classroom contexts. Six of these practices are referred to as pillar practices—those most essential for educators to implement; and the remaining sixteen are embedded practices—those required to...
Description: Each checklist uses research to guide teachers through steps for creating an organized and responsive learning environment where all students thrive.  Resources for creating a structured learning environment that with class expectations and routines that are consistently reinforced with behavior specific praise are shared.  
Description: HLP 22 Highlight Tool 2024.docx - The High Leverage Practices (HLP) Highlight Tools were developed to acquaint educators with the key components of each HLP in order to begin implementation into their instruction and strengthen inclusive practices with students. Each Highlight Tool contains a brief description, video clips, suggested activities and a Plan of Action activity teachers can implement with students to help get them started. As teachers become more acquainted with HLPs, additional...
Description: This Rubric - HLP 22 is a tool that can be used during teacher observations to provide meaningful feedback to teachers about areas of strength and growth as they implement specific HLPs (High Leverage Practices).  Instructional coaches, administrators, and collaborative learning teams can use the rubrics for ongoing professional development and teacher support.  Each HLP rubric identifies essential components of each HLP and the teacher behaviors that facilitate HLP implementation....
Description: Explicit instruction is an evidence-based practice that any teacher can use in his or her own math class to engage learners and ensure that they are mastering the material. A key component of explicit instruction is making sure to ask a variety of questions, both low level and high level. In How to Ask the Right Questions in Math, Erica Mason, from the University of Missouri, discusses the different types of questions and why both are so critical to ensuring that all students are learning. In...
Description: The Reading League Compass: Providing Direction in the Science of Reading  - The science of reading marketplace is difficult to navigate and digest. It is often full of misinformation that makes educators, educational leaders, and decision-makers vulnerable to implementing practices that are somehow labeled as “science of reading,” yet they are not aligned with the scientific evidence base. The Reading League Compass provides reliable and understandable guidance for a variety of...
Description: The Providing Immediate Specific Feedback and Maintaining a Brisk Pace module is the third in a set of four course modules focused on explicit instruction. This module focuses on providing immediate specific feedback and maintaining a brisk pace. The module begins with a review of the explicit instruction model and describes how the supporting practices can be used to maximize student engagement. In this module, educators will learn about: How the supporting practices maximize engagement How to...
Description: 10 Key Policies and Practices for Social-Emotional Learning provides guidance for district and school administrators considering adopting a SEL program. Individual teachers in schools without schoolwide or districtwide programs will also find these basic principles helpful in promoting a positive classroom environment.
Description: Fostering Student Engagement - Sense of belonging and a supportive classroom and school community are the foundation of student engagement. Building onto that foundation with strategies to support SEL, cognition, and content factors is a great next step. Engage students in digital learning environments, either in-school or virtual, by supporting their social and emotional development, fostering relationships with you and classmates, involving families, and building practices such as...
Description: Management and Routines includes: Managing Materials Be Kind Beginning of the Day Communication Independent Work Time Safety & Transitions
Description: Resilience for Kids With Dyslexia, Learning and Attention Issues - Hear from Fumiko Hoeft, M.D., Ph.D., a psychiatrist and a cognitive neuroscientist, about how resilience can help kids with dyslexia succeed in school and in life. Learn how you as a parent can build resilience by showing support, providing mentorship, focusing on strengths, and building social/emotional resilience. With these tips, you can create a resilience framework for your child with learning and attention issues....
Description: Using Children’s Literature to Teach Social Skills - Children with disabilities, particularly learning disabilities, do not always make friends as effortlessly and easily as do their nondisabled peers. Through the use of children’s literature, children with learning disabilities can be taught valuable skills that will enable them to make and maintain friendships. This article (a) describes a strategy incorporating children’s literature for teaching friendship skills and...
Description: Using Read-Alouds to Support Social and Emotional Learning - In elementary school, interactive read-alouds are commonly used to build various literacy skills, such as students’ listening comprehension, background knowledge, vocabulary, and understanding of language structures. Beyond their academic benefits, however, read-alouds can also serve as a support for developing social and emotional learning (SEL) skills.  In fact, teachers can integrate read-alouds related to SEL into...
Description: In this practice-based learning opportunity (PLO), a description of how to use Mixed reality simulation (MRS) to teach candidates to use strategies for actively engaging students (HLP #18). Specifically, candidates play the role of a teacher in an inclusion sixth-grade science class. One of the students in the group is Nate; he has high-functioning autism. The candidates are asked to first complete pre-work activities and then plan an explicit instruction lesson that focuses on a science...
Description: Self-Paced Professional Learning - SDI: Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD): An Inclusive Meta-Cognitive Strategy for Solving Equations (HLP 14) -General and special education teachers will have the opportunity to learn a research based meta-cognitive strategy (HLP 14) for teaching students how to solve multi-step equations. The Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) for Solving Equations, a 5-hour professional learning session, provides all the materials and resources necessary to...
Description: Virginia Tech provides a variety of math resources for planning and information.
Description: What is SRSD?Self-regulated strategy development (SRSD) is a research-based six-step instructional framework that explicitly teaches meta-cognition while integrating cognitive strategy instruction (HLP 14) to improve students’ academic and self-regulation skills. Explicitly taught across multiple academic domains, SRSD improves students’ writing, mathematics, reading comprehension, and self-advocacy. The power of SRSD + cognitive strategy instruction occurs when instruction is...
Description: Enroll in Specially Designed Instruction (SDI): Assessment & Implementation HLPs 6 & 12 - By the end of this session, you will understand:  How to plan for and teach specially designed instruction (SDI) throughout all tiers of MTSS. The five step data based individualization process for specially designed instruction (SDI). SDI's three elements: Content, Methodology, Instructional Delivery.  The importance of continuous progress monitoring.  How to adapt SDI's content,...
Description: SDI Spotlight – Mathematics: Algebraic Concepts (VDOE TTAC at GMU),  SDI Spotlight – Mathematics: Geometry (VDOE TTAC at GMU),  SDI Spotlight – Mathematics: Integer Operations (VDOE TTAC at GMU),  SDI Spotlight – Mathematics: Place Value, Decimals, Percent (VDOE TTAC at GMU), SDI Spotlight – Mathematics: Rational Number Operations (VDOE TTAC at GMU),  SDI Spotlights in Mathematics: Whole Number Operations (VDOE TTAC at GMU)
Description: National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII) is housed at the American Institutes for Research and works in conjunction with many of our nation's most distinguished data-based individualization (DBI) experts. It is funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) and is part of OSEP's Technical Assistance and Dissemination Network (TA&D). The mission of the NCII is to build knowledge and capacity of state and local leaders, faculty and professional...
Description: This one page document is a compilation of HLP tools, guides, rubrics, videos and module with brief descriptions.
Description: This is a step by step instructional routine for addressing irregular or high frequency words.
Description: The goal of the scaffolds is to move the students to independent fluent reading, as fast as possible, and only as slow as necessary for mastery. The scaffolds are taught to the students, modeled by the teacher, and prompted during guided practice and independent practice (I do, we do, you do).
Description: Use this tool along with reading passages to expand in the oral expression of reading comprehension. The purpose of this tool is to expand student’s expressive language skills. Language is one half of the simple view of reading. Use this to scaffold student’s use of language during and after text reading, through modeling and guided practice. Developing oral language supports the development of reading comprehension.
Description: These are instructional routines to be used for daily comulative review: phonemic awareness, phonetic word decoding and phonemic word encoding.
Description: This checklist guides teachers through considerations that enhance teacher-family communication.
Description: This resource includes a worksheet for recording accommodations for a group of students, a worksheet for recording accommodations by group & SOL and a worksheet for recording Specially Designed Instruction (SDI).
Description: This profile includes: Student Information Baseline Skills Assessment Data Students with Disabilities - Norm Referenced Assessment Data IEP Goals Mathematics iReady Dat PALS Reading Data Behavior & Social-Emotional Skills Academic, Behavior, Social/Emotional Strengths & Areas of Growth Learning Environment Relevant Family Information
Description: This Informal Metacognition Inventory allows you to record each time the teacher models and/or student utilizes one of the metacognitive strategies.
Description: Video: Mathematics Explicit Instruction: Explicit instruction is a critical feature in teaching students who struggle with math. By walking through exactly what you want a student to know and allowing them time to practice, using explicit instruction in your classroom can help you reach students who may otherwise struggle. In this video, Sarah Powell from UT demonstrates how to use explicit instruction in the classroom. This video is part of the Project STAIR, a resource for teachers and parents...
Description: Literacy & HLP 12: Systematicaly design instruction toward a specific learning goal. GMU TTAC: A Quick Reference Guide To English Orthography GMU TTAC: List of Recommended Phonological Awareness Resources GMU TTAC: Resource List for Guided and Independent Practice Literacy & HLP 14: Teach cognitive and metacognitive strategies to support learning and independence. Zaner Bloser: Beyond Word Recognition Webinar Series GMU TTAC: Informal Metacognition Inventory GMU TTAC: Language...
Description: HLP 7: Establish a consistent, organized, and respectful learning environment. Project STAIR Video: Introduction to Classroom Management for Mathematics (3:58 minutes) Project STAIR Video 1: Class Expectations in Mathematics (4:49 minutes) Project STAIR Video 2: Mathematics Procedures & Routines (2:24 minutes)
Description: HLP 12: Systematically design instruction toward a specific learning goal. VDOE: Evidence Based Specially Designed Instruction in Mathematics VDOE: Evidence Based Instruction in Mathematics Webinar National Center on Intensive Interventions (NCII): Intensive Interventions in Mathematics Course Content Project STAIR: Mathematics Intervention Intensification Guide HLP 13: Adapt curriculum tasks and materials for specific learning goals. T/TAC at Virginia Tech: Virginia Essentialized Standards of...
Description: Quality Indicators for Delivering Specially Designed Instruction, SDI - The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, 2004) has the following two indicators that need to be met for a student to qualify for special education services: The student must qualify in one or more of the thirteen disability categories. The student requires access to Specially Designed Instruction (SDI). The Quality Indicators for Delivering SDI tool provides guidance for general education teachers, special...
Description: Project STAIR: Mathematics Intervention Intensification Guide provides suggestions for intensifying mathematics (math) intervention. It is suggested that you design an instructional platform and intensify the platform based on student needs.
Description: In these videos from an 8-part video series, Stacy Hirt, from the University of Missouri, describes the Great 8 universal classroom management strategies including procedures and routines to help ensure learning. Video: Introduction to Classroom Management for Mathematics (3:58 minutes) Video 1: Class Expectations in Mathematics (4:49 minutes) Video 2: Mathematics Procedures & Routines (2:22 minutes) Video 3: Positive Feedback (4:39 minutes) Video 4: Discouraging Inappropriate Behavior...
Description: This five-part webinar series takes a closer look at essential subskills of the language comprehension side of the Simple View of Reading—background knowledge, vocabulary knowledge, language structures, verbal reasoning, and literacy knowledge.
Description: Watch an excerpt from Keys to Content Writing training for teachers in grades 4-12. Gradual Release of Responsibility: an instructional approach that gradually shifts understanding and application from teacher to students. Listen to Joan Sedita, founder of Keys to Literacy explain this approach. Visit keystoliteracy.com for more information about us and our programs.
Description: Whole Brain Teaching, WBT rests upon the principle that teachers at every level share the same difficulties: students lack discipline, background knowledge and problem solving skills. From kindergarten to college, instructors face pupils who have difficulty with reading and writing. Nonetheless, our students respond to challenges, enjoy well-designed learning games, and can make, in the proper setting, astonishing educational progress. Whole Brain Teaching Professional Learning Videos Whole...
Description: High Leverage Practice (HLP 17)- Use Flexible Grouping acknowledges the power of the grouping students to improve student outcomes. The Flexible Group Lesson Plan Template guides.
Description: Teachers place students into groups to complete class projects, activities, or work on specific skills.  Teachers make decisions about the type of group, group participants and activities or skills. This document outlines considerations for flexibly grouping students.  Use flexible grouping is HLP 17.  
Description: Teachers and Administrators, do you and your team want to learn more about morphology instruction? Do you need classroom materials for morphemic analysis? If so, this resource is for you! The intention of this document is to compile resources for your professional learning and classroom use. It is broken into three sections that could be used for individual exploration, or as a collaborative learning team. Section 1 provides quick reads to build background knowledge and essential understanding...
Description: Structured Literacy Intervention Book Study - Comprehensive and evidence-based, Structured Literacy (SL) approaches place a high value on explicit, systematic, and sequential instruction. This book brings together leading experts on key components of literacy to help K–6 teachers design and target SL interventions for particular student profiles. Chapters identify effective features of instruction for supporting phonological awareness, basic and multisyllabic word decoding, spelling,...