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Description: Transition Assessments: Assistive Technology Virginia Assistive Technology, Tools, and Strategies (VATTS): Consideration Guide and Resources will guide the IEP team through the consideration and documentation process. (free) WATI Assistive Technology Assessment is a process based, systematic approach to providing a functional evaluation of the student’s need for assistive technology. (free) Transition Assessments: Career Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is an...
Description: The VATTS: Resource Guide provides instructional strategies, AT solutions, modifications, accommodations, and examples used to address areas of need identified through the AT consideration process to support student success. There are two Resource Guide PDFs: an ADA Compliant version and a printable table version.
Description: E-Learning Modules - The VDOE offers free online learning experiences, or modules, that address a variety of topics in Special Education and Student Services. Certificates of completion are available for some learning modules. The VDOE does NOT maintain a copy of participant scores or proof of participation. Special Education Resources - The Federal and State definition of special education and specially designed instruction are: "Special education" means specially...
Description: Discovering Me! helps students helps students with significant barriers to employment find and maintain employment in careers that align with their strengths and interests. Discovering ME! uses a youth-focused and person-centered transition assessment to build a foundation of work skills and customized work-based learning experiences.
Description: Critical Decision Points for Families of Children with Disabilities - The Critical Decision Points for Families of Children with Disabilities guide was developed in order to assist families of children with disabilities with understanding keys to their children's academic success, as well as decisions that they will have to make throughout their children's careers in public education. Information is provided that will assist parents with understanding not only what decisions will need...
Description: The RFVII-3: Reading-Free Vocational Interest Inventory, Third Edition is a nonverbal measure of vocational interests of users from Grade 5 through adult. It uses illustrations of individuals engaged in different occupations to measure the vocational likes and dislikes of students and adults who have intellectual disabilities or learning disabilities, are struggling readers, or anyone who prefers a pictorial display. No reading or writing is required. The RFVII-3 is easy to administer and...
Description: Being a parent is the most wonderful—and hardest—job in the world. If you have a child with special needs, your job is no less wonderful, but it can be more complicated. Your child’s education is most likely an area of great interest to you. As a child with a disability, he or she may be eligible for special education services in school. If so, then it will be important for you to learn: more about special education; how special education services can support your child; and...
Description: AAIDD, is the publisher, copyright holder, and sole owner of the SIS, SIS-A. SIS-C, SIS-A Annual Review Protocol, and Person-Centered Planning With the Supports Intensity Scale-Adult Version™: A Guide for Planning Teams (2017). The suite of SIS tools also includes all associated interview scoring forms, user’s guides, training manuals and materials, and associated electronic software platforms, most notably SISOnline and SISVenture. The SIS-A is a standardized assessment tool...
Description: Community-based Skills Assessment Tool Kit - The transition out of school-based services for students with autism can be difficult. There is no "one size fits all" plan for the path to adulthood. The most important factor in creating a plan is to focus on the individual. His or her strengths, needs, challenges and preferences will be vital to a successful transition process. The CSA helps parents and professionals assess the current skill levels and abilities of students with...
Description: The Virginia Department of Education is the administrative agency for the commonwealth’s public schools. VDOE works in partnership with Virginia’s 132 school divisions to support and improve teaching and learning, set high expectations for all students, and promote student safety, wellbeing, and health.
Description: The POWER (Parent Organizer With Educational Resources) web app provides parents and families with online resources to answer questions about child development, disabilities, community services, Special Education, diploma options in Virginia and transition to life after high school. The questions and potential resources are separated into age levels: Early Childhood, Elementary School, Middle School and High School. This project is a collaborative effort between the Parent Resource...
Description: Transition Assessment and Goal Generator (TAGG) - Both TAGG-High School (previously TAGG) and TAGG-Alternate are available for use. All assessment items are derived from research identified student behaviors associated with post high school success, focused on employment and further education. The TAGG provides a norm-based graphic profile, present level of performance statement, lists of strengths and needs, and suggested IEP annual transition goals.
Description: As outlined in the W!SE Financial Literacy Certification Test Proctoring Guidelines, students may have three attempts per semester to pass the W!SE test. Also, students with disabilities must receive the testing accommodations specified in their IEP or Section 504 Accommodation Plans, following the specific instructions given in the Proctoring Guidelines document.
Description: Taking a full-length SAT practice test is one of the best ways to simulate test day. Eight official SAT practice tests are available for free, both online and on paper. Created by the makers of the SAT, each practice test has the same types of questions you'll see on test day. Six of the practice tests have even previously been given as actual SAT exams.
Description: Effective Practices - Transition education and services should be grounded in quality research. To do so, practitioners need information on which practices and programs are effective for students and youth with disabilities. Effective Practices in Secondary Transition: Operational Definitions This table lists (a) each effective practice in secondary transition, (b) the operational definition of the practice based on empirical research, (c) corresponding reference(s) used to establish...
Description: The Virginia Family Special Education Connection Website provides Local Disability Services information for all of the Counties/Cities in the Commonwealth of Virginia. These services include: Arc (The Arc) Autism Spectrum Disorder Resources Brain Injury Services Care Connection for Children (Health Department Program) Centers for Independent Living Child Development Services Program - Clinics Child Find Community Services Board (CSB) Department for Aging and...
Description: These research summaries covering instructional strategies and interventions offer information that includes level of effectiveness as well as the age groups for which a given strategy or intervention is designed. Links to the original reports are also provided for those who might wish to explore further. Summaries are available on the following topics: Assessment (includes progress monitoring), Behavior and Classroom Management, Content Instruction, Diversity, Early intervention/Early...
Description: The Process of Discovery surrounds a person-centered approach to gathering information about the prospective worker to guide the development of customized employment and work experience. Discovery answers the question "who is this student?", "what contributions can he/she make? and "where and when are they at their best?" This process uses portfolios, visual resumes, interviews and observations to uncover the unique contributions, skills and interests that each person can bring to the job. (VCU...
Description: The Transition Planning Inventory - Third Edition (TPI-3) provides school personnel with a systematic way to address critical transition planning areas that are mandated by the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act of 2004. It also accounts for individual student preferences, interests, strengths, and needs. Key information is gathered from students, parents, guardians, and school personnel through the use of core and specialized rating scales and open-ended questions. The TPI-3 can serve...
Description: Informal Assessments for Transition Planning–Second Edition is an assessment resource that school-based personnel can use to determine or confirm transition strengths, preferences, interests, and needs for appropriate transition planning in the IEP. This resource can be used as a way to extend and/or confirm information derived from the Transition Planning Inventory–Second Edition (TPI-2) or as a stand-alone material to do initial probes of strengths, preferences, interests, and...
Description: The Organization for Autism Research (OAR) was created in December 2001–the product of the shared vision and unique life experiences of OAR’s seven founders. Led by these parents and grandparents of children and adults on the autism spectrum, OAR set out to use applied science to answer questions that parents, families, individuals with autism, teachers and caregivers confront daily. No other autism organization has this singular focus.
Description: The Virginia Department of Education has developed a document on transition, “Autism Spectrum Disorders and the Transition to Adulthood,” that includes important information on transition assessment and planning, adult services, postsecondary education, employment, home living skills, and Social Security and benefits planning.
Description: Hey, Can I Try That? A Student Handbook for Choosing and Using Assistive Technology - There are many things that you can use to help with school tasks such as reading and writing and studying. If school tasks are hard for you, there are some tools that you could try. Learning about new kinds of technology can be fun and exciting. It can also help you to do new things that you may have thought were too hard for you. If you find the right tool, you may be able to improve your work in: writing...
Description: Virginia Department of Education's (VDOE) Assistive Technology Network (AT Network) addresses priorities of VDOE with centralized coordination, implementation, and dissemination of information about the laws which define AT devices and services, the process of consideration of AT by Individualized Education Program (IEP) teams, and AT assessment and resources. It includes a section on Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). In support of these priorities, the network has several...
Description: These chapters can be downloaded from WATI website's Accessing Students' Needs for Assistive Technology: Chapter 1: ASNAT Process Chapter 2: AT for Seating, Positioning and Mobility Chapter 3: AT for Communication Chapter 4: AT for Computer Access Chapter 5: AT for Writing, Including Motor Aspects Chapter 6: AT for Composition of Written Material Chapter 7: AT for Reading Chapter 8: AT for Mathematics Chapter 9: AT for Organization Chapter 10: AT for Recreation and Leisure Chapter 11: AT for...
Description: "Transition to adulthood" is a complex and ongoing process that starts as soon as a child is born and continues as the child becomes an adolescent, to early adult life and then through the stages of adulthood. While this process is complicated at best for any person, the individual with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) faces unique challenges that require specialized considerations. This set of guides will help the user understand these challenges and raise awareness of these important...
Description: Autism Internet Modules - Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have unique strengths and challenges. Understanding the underlying characteristics of ASD and effective practices that support their needs is essential. Designed for those who support, instruct, work with, or live with someone with autism, the Autism Internet Modules (AIM) guide users through case studies, instructional videos, pre- and post-assessments, discussion questions, activities, and more.
Description: Picture Interest Career Survey (PICS), Third Edition - Key Feature and Benefits: Being picture-based and easy to use, this inventory is the perfect resource for individuals who might struggle with more traditional, text-based career inventories, including: Individuals with limited familiarity with English. Individuals who are developmentally delayed or have a learning disability. Individuals with limited access to education. Individuals who are chronically unemployed. Uses the RIASEC...
Description: COACH is better than ever! Now with practical updates based on user feedback and a new streamlined format for easier use, the third edition of this bestselling guide can be the key to effective educational planning for students with intensive special education needs in inclusion-oriented schools.
Description: The Arc’s Self-Determination Scale is a 72-item assessment for adolescents with cognitive disabilities. The measure will aide students with cognitive disabilities and educators in identifying students’ strengths and limitations in terms of self-determination and allow researchers to explore the relationship between self-determination and the factors that either promote or inhibit it.
Description: AIR Self-Determination Assessment - The American Institutes for Research (AIR), in collaboration with Teachers College, Columbia University in New York City, developed the student, parent, and educator versions of the AIR Self-Determination Assessments with funding from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. The AIR Self-Determination scale: produces a profile of the student's level of self-determination identifies areas of strength and areas needing...
Description: CareerOneStop is… Your source for employment information and inspiration The place to manage your career Your pathway to career success Tools to help job seekers, students, businesses and career professionals Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor CareerOneStop Mission: To deliver integrated, easy-to-understand workforce information that helps job seekers, students, workers, workforce intermediaries, and employers develop their capacity and make sound economic decisions in the new...
Description: The primary purpose of FACTER is to assess and teach students with moderate to severe developmental disabilities. FACTER addresses the ability to perform typical everyday "routines" while incorporating essential "related skills" for living. All people engage in a broad range of routines every day in their lives. For example, eating lunch, academic seatwork, socializing with friends, and going shopping are all naturally occurring daily routines. These routines can be task analyzed into a number...
Description: The Zarrow Institute on Transition & Self-Determination at the University of Oklahoma strives to promote successful transition outcomes for all by implementing innovative research, putting findings into practice, and disseminating knowledge through high-quality products and professional development.