Professional Resources
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Description: Anne Beninghof presented two training sessions on Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) for the T/TAC at William and Mary on February 22, 2024 and March 6, 2024. (These recordings will be available for one year.) Note: TTAC Online does not provide certificates of completion for these presentations.
Description: Each self-paced professional learning session is offered at no cost to Virginia public school educators and provides 3-5 hours of professional learning. These sessions guide educators in learning about specific HLPs through videos that model exemplar teacher behaviors. Educators may enroll in any of the following professional learning sessions described below: Enroll in School Leaders, Administrators, and Instructional Coaches: Strategies for Teacher Retention & Support...
Description: VDOE's Virginia Literacy Act (VLA) webpage - With the passage of the Virginia Literacy Act (VLA) in the 2022 General Assembly, Virginia is taking the lead nationwide to improve early literacy outcomes for Virginia’s young learners. Through the VLA, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) will support school divisions through a multi-year effort with tools, resources, technical assistance and funding. Updates from VDOE **NEW May 2024** Virginia Literacy Updates Division...
Description: Collaboration HLP Pillars: HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 1: Collaborate with Professionals to Increase Student Success, HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 3: Collaborate with Families to Support Student Learning and Secure Needed Services Embedded HLPs HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 2: Organize and Facilitate Effective Meetings with Professionals and Families Data-Driven Planning HLP Pillar: HLP Highlight Tool - HLP 6: Use Student Assessment Data, Analyze Instructional Practices, and Make Necessary Adjustments that...
Description: Manifestation Determination Reviews (MDRs) Toolkit - PEATC has developed another Toolkit to help parents navigate complex special education processes. An MDR is a process used when a student with an IEP has violated the Student Code of Conduct at their school and a change in placement is being considered. The MDR review determines whether the student’s behavior is a manifestation of their disability. If it is, then certain protections under IDEA apply for that student. Our toolkit provides...
Description: Message from Virginia Education Update (2024-36) - In order to provide assistance to ensure that the appropriate students are assessed using this alternate assessment, school and division administrators are encouraged to review the School Leaders Series on including Students with Disabilities in Assessments. Information in this series can be tailored to meet school division needs and continue to support IEP Teams in their decision-making process regarding assessments and preceding academic...
Description: Self-Paced Modules; Behavior Progress Monitoring: Selecting Target Behaviors, Aligning Tools, and Creating a Plan is intended to help educators learn about behavior progress monitoring. By completing this course, you will be able to: Summarize the process for identifying target behaviors. Describe two behavior progress monitoring approaches that can be used across behaviors. Align a progress monitoring tool with a target behavior. Summarize the key features of a behavior progress monitoring data...
Description: The VDOE T/TAC at VA Tech will be adding new Spotify podcasts for 2024-2025. Their podcasts from 2023-2024 are also available.
Description: What should educators keep in mind when engaging with families of students with intensive needs? - In this video, Lindsay Jones the CEO of the National Center on Learning Disabilities, shares some considerations and strategies that educators can use to support partnering with families of students with intensive needs. Lindsay E. Jones is the President and CEO of the National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD), a national nonprofit organization that seeks to improve the lives of the 1 in 5...
Description: Strategies for Equitable Family Engagement - This resource provides an overview of evidence-based strategies that schools and districts may use to promote equitable family engagement practices. Organized around five categories of equitable family engagement strategies, this resource includes summaries of the research on equitable family engagement as well as examples of school and district practices across the country, linking to publicly available information where possible. School and district...
Description: Working with Families - The importance of collaborating with families to promote participation in educational decision-making has been identified as one of the key principles of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). IDEA provides for specific rights that enable parents to participate as equal members of the IEP team and to be involved in evaluation, placement, and special education and related service decisions. Family–professional partnerships have been defined as a relationship...
Description: Back to School 2024 - As we welcome students back to school, we can all benefit from a brief refresher on the basic practices that will set our students (and ourselves) up for social, emotional, behavioral, and academic success. This article provides the "Top Ten" Tips and Resources.
Description: CEC's Learning Library has always been a one-stop shop for live and on-demand webinars, collections and virtual events, but now, it’s even easier to find the content you are looking for. Explore the Learning Library to access content on hot topics, practical strategies for your work, or just quick refreshers that can enrich your practice and contribute to better outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities. On-Demand Webinars Virtual Events Live Webinars PD Collections...
Description: This Wandering Resource Guide includes critical resources to increase safety at home and in the community. The Autism Society hopes that the resources can help you, your family, and other trusted caregivers have open discussions about safety and find solutions that meet your family’s needs.
Description: High-Leverage Practices Interactive Alignment Tool - Developed by the Council for Exceptional Children and the CEEDAR Center, high-leverage practices are 22 essential special education techniques that all teachers of students with disabilities should master for use across a variety of classroom contexts. Six of these practices are referred to as pillar practices—those most essential for educators to implement; and the remaining sixteen are embedded practices—those required to...
Description: 25 Hands-on Ideas for Teaching Syllabification of Words - Rebecca from the blog Adventures in Speech demonstrates 25 different activities to make teaching and learning syllabication fun and easy!
Description: On Eating Elephants and Teaching Syllabication - Shanahan on Literacy presents this informative blog on syllabication. Shanahan states that “syllables matter in English. The consistency of spelling patterns and their relationship to phonemes and pronunciations is determined, in part, by where particular letters appear in syllables rather than where they appear in words (Venezky, 1967). The syllable is an essential unit in phonological processing (Ecalle & Magnan, 2007) and...
Description: The Big Five: Phonics-Teaching Syllabication - Many children have difficulty reading multisyllabic words. Some can decode fairly well at a one-syllable level but do not know how to read words accurately and fluently when reading longer words. Most decoding instruction stops by second grade; children are not being directly taught how to read multisyllabic words when they begin to become frequently used in text.
Description: 6 Techniques for Building Reading Skills—in Any Subject - Without a repertoire of reading strategies that can be applied to any text, students are being shortchanged in their education. In order to teach students to read effectively, teachers must be sure that they are not simply suppliers of information on a particular text but also instructors of techniques to build reading skills.
Description: Knowledge and Skills for Teaching Reading - The following is the proposed core curriculum for teacher candidates presented in Teaching Reading is Rocket Science: What Expert Teachers of Reading Should Know and Be Able to Do, published by the American Federation of Teachers. This curriculum can also serve as a roadmap for practicing teachers’ professional development experiences. The curriculum is divided into four parts. The psychology of reading and reading development Knowledge of...
Description: Beginning Reading - The National Center for Improving Literacy has gathered its best resources for beginning reading into one convenient link. Topics include: Alphabetuc Principle & Phonics Coaching Steps for Families Engaging Children: Interactive Literacy Activities for Preschool and Kindergarten Fluency with Text And much more!
Description: On course for reading success: Best practices for teaching beginning readers - The early literacy skills that students develop set them on course to gain reading proficiency by grade 3, which is a strong indicator of later academic success. This quick reference draws on What Works Clearinghouse™ practice guides to identify research-based instructional practices for supporting beginning readers, along with the level of evidence behind the practices and core literacy skills to target for...
Description: Each checklist uses research to guide teachers through steps for creating an organized and responsive learning environment where all students thrive. Resources for creating a structured learning environment that with class expectations and routines that are consistently reinforced with behavior specific praise are shared.
Description: After listening to and reviewing the thousands of comments and suggestions from Virginians about Executive Order 33, VDOE has developed draft guidance for school divisions on policies and procedures to establish cell phone-free education and remove cell phones and personal electronic communication devices from classrooms. That draft guidance developed is available for review and comment through September 15, 2024. The draft defines cell phone-free education in Virginia’s...
Description: This interactive module on Curriculum Framework aims to empower educators to confidently support children with Individualized Education Programs, taking into account their unique strengths and interests. Educators can enhance their effectiveness in the classroom by understanding the key elements of a curriculum framework and how they work in tandem to nurture children and families. This resource encourages reflection on how to implement these elements to create a supportive learning environment...
Description: The SETT Framework, developed by Joy Zabala, guides teams in gathering and organizing information about the Student, Environments, Tasks, and Tools that are needed to support student participation and achievement. The following SETT resources will assist you in utilizing a person-centered framework that promotes collaboration when making decisions about assistive technology tools and services. The SETT is one of the most important components of the Virginia Assistive Technology, Tools, and...
Description: The Consideration and Assessement section of the AT Network website has the following sections: Consideration of AT (2022 Virginia Assistive Technology, Tools, and Stragegies (VATTS) Consideration Guide and Resources) Referral Process Information Gathering Decision-Making Process Trial Implementation
Description: YouTube Video: What is Digital Accessibility? (2:40) (Deque Systems) Accessibility: It's About People (W3C Web Accessibility Initiative, WAI) View Office of Civil Rights (OCR) Video Series on Accessibility (20 short videos) 2023 Digital Accessibility Conference (North Carolina Higher Education Digital Accessibility Collaborative) Recording of Accessible and Inclusive Presentation & Presentation Slides Accessible and Inclusive Instruction Presentation - In this session, attendees...
Description: Nomination for Yes I Can Awards - CEC is proud to recognize children and youth with exceptionalities who have demonstrated their determination and achievements in multiple ways. Presented each year at the CEC Convention & Expo, the Yes I Can Awards recognize 12 outstanding students with exceptionalities in six categories: Academics, Arts, School & Community Activities, Self-Advocacy, Technology, and Transition. Deadline: September 27, 2024
Description: Legislation passed during the 2020 Virginia General Assembly session requires Individualized Education Program (IEP) Teams to consider the need for age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate instruction related to sexual health, self-restraint, self-protection, respect for personal privacy, and personal boundaries of others (§22.1-217.03). Under this legislation, the VDOE has developed guidelines to support IEP Teams in considering the need for this instruction when developing IEPs for...
Description: Call PEATC (703-923-0010) for free and confidential help with your special education & disability questions. PEATC's help is now available in over 300 languages!
Description: HLP 22 Highlight Tool 2024.docx - The High Leverage Practices (HLP) Highlight Tools were developed to acquaint educators with the key components of each HLP in order to begin implementation into their instruction and strengthen inclusive practices with students. Each Highlight Tool contains a brief description, video clips, suggested activities and a Plan of Action activity teachers can implement with students to help get them started. As teachers become more acquainted with HLPs, additional...
Description: VCU-RRTC Autism Center for Education (ACE) is conducting a brief Statewide Needs Assessment of people who live or work in Virginia AND educate or support autistic individuals. The purpose of the survey is to learn more about your learning and informational needs, such as specific topics you are interested in and the ways you prefer to get information about autism. The information gathered will help us design training and technical assistance for Virginians who educate and support autistic...
Description: Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits: Volume 18 Overview - The Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits (ATOB) journal was launched by the Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) in 2004 in effort to advance the assistive technology (AT) field and highlight new information on the outcomes and benefits of AT for persons with disabilities. ATOB is a leading, open access, peer-reviewed journal in the field of AT. Volume 18 includes all three categories of articles published by...
Description: Four-Part Self-Paced Course Collection: DBI 101: Getting Started with Intensive Intervention - This four-part course collection provides a guide to available NCII self-paced learning courses for those who are newer to learning about intensive intervention and the data-based individualization (DBI) process. The collection begins with an overview and introduction to intensive intervention and then dives deeper into courses focused on the DBI process and key components of the DBI process...
Description: Three-Part Self-Paced Course Collection: Academic Progress Monitoring - This three-part course provides a guide to available NCII self-paced learning courses that focus on academic progress monitoring. The collection begins with an overview of progress monitoring and the role of progress monitoring within the DBI process. The second module focuses defining two types of academic progress monitoring measures (general outcome measures and mastery measures) and considerations for identifying a...
Description: Self-Care Exercises and Activities- The topics provided cover ways to maintain your physical health, decrease stress, increase relaxation and equanimity, and deal with challenging emotional situations (including work situations). We invite you to find the ones that are applicable to your life and situation.
Description: The 3 R’s for Teacher Self-Care: Reflect. Release. Recharge Consider these prompts for your daily reflection: What has been a challenge for you today? What is one win or a joyful moment that you had today? Think about one person that helped you out today and send them a thank you email or text expressing your gratitude.
Description: 3 Self-Compassion Exercises - Self-compassion involves treating the self with care and concern when considering personal inadequacies, mistakes, failures, and painful life situations. This product contains 3 different self-compassion tools. Each tool is structured in the same way, consisting of abackground section, a goal description, advice for using the exercise and suggested readings.
Description: Here are some strategies to relax and reset this summer: Focus YouTube: One Minute Pinky-Thumb Breathing Sheetali (Rolled Tongue Breathing) YouTube: Colour Breathing Square Breathing for Stress Reduction Muscle Relaxation Progressive Muscle Relaxation Stress Management: Doing Progressive Muscle Relaxation Mindfulness Mindfulness podcasts Guided Meditations and Scripts from UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center
Description: Prioritizing your Mental Health with Summer Self-Care - Pause for a moment. Take a breath. You’ve made it to the end of a school year unlike any before. You’ve dealt with new developments, mastered new technologies, and likely found your students to be more resilient than you’ve ever imagined. You deserve this summer to rest, recover, and find new ways to further your craft as a valued educator. No matter how you are feeling, as an educator and as a person, this summer is a...
Description: This article discusses how a University of Virginia professor shaped Virginia’s Literacy Act. The new laws address teacher training, screening for reading risk, the provision of evidence-based curricula, funding for intervention services and other aspects of effective literacy instruction.
Description: VLA Implementation Playbook - The Virginia Department of Education is excited to collaborate with school divisions as they work diligently to implement the Virginia Literacy Act over the next six months. To assist school divisions in creating a vision for what literacy instruction looks like in every classroom, the Department of Education has created a playbook. This document will act as a framework for decision making and help provide a roadmap for a successful 2024-2025 school year. This...
Description: Transition and Court-Involved Youth: Workplace Readiness Skills Assessment is an informal assessment used to gauge early job assets and needs. This assessment can be conducted with a team or independently with a student, teacher, and parent/guardian.
Description: The Healthy Minds, Thriving Kids Pre-K Project is a video series, based on mental health research, created to make important mental health skills available to preschool children (age 3 to 5). These videos introduce important ideas, taught the way young children learn best: through entertaining, relatable stories set in a vivid, imaginary world. Each video features a memorable song that reinforces the key messages. We invite you to watch the complete series with your children or students. You can...
Description: This Rubric - HLP 11 is a tool that can be used during teacher observations to provide meaningful feedback to teachers about areas of strength and growth as they implement specific HLPs (High Leverage Practices). Instructional coaches, administrators, and collaborative learning teams can use the rubrics for ongoing professional development and teacher support. Each HLP rubric identifies essential components of each HLP and the teacher behaviors that facilitate HLP...
Description: Recorded Webinar: Instructional Practices for Students with Significant Disabilities - The Office of Student Assessment, in collaboration with the Department of Special Populations, is pleased to offer another resource for teachers providing instruction to students with significant cognitive disabilities. This resource is a recorded presentation, Instructional Practices for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities, featuring educators from three Virginia school divisions. The...
Description: This Rubric - HLP 5 is a tool that can be used during teacher observations to provide meaningful feedback to teachers about areas of strength and growth as they implement specific HLPs (High Leverage Practices). Instructional coaches, administrators, and collaborative learning teams can use the rubrics for ongoing professional development and teacher support. Each HLP rubric identifies essential components of each HLP and the teacher behaviors that facilitate HLP implementation....
Description: This Rubric - HLP 22 is a tool that can be used during teacher observations to provide meaningful feedback to teachers about areas of strength and growth as they implement specific HLPs (High Leverage Practices). Instructional coaches, administrators, and collaborative learning teams can use the rubrics for ongoing professional development and teacher support. Each HLP rubric identifies essential components of each HLP and the teacher behaviors that facilitate HLP implementation....
Description: This is a collection of featured resources from the Trauma Support for Schools Virtual Summit 2021. Selecting the Right Interventions to Support Students' Mental Health Needs (881 KB) PDF Menu of Trauma-Informed Programs for Schools (360 KB) PDF Common Trauma Symptoms in Students and Helpful Strategies for Educators (349 KB) PDF Community-School Collaboration to Address Opioid-Related Trauma (401 KB) PDF Glossary: Common Terms for Frameworks, Initiatives, and Approaches that Address Trauma (172...