Webcast: Cognitive Support Technology for Postsecondary Students with Traumatic Brain Injuries: Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial (VCU RRTC), Dec. 12 at 2:00pm

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This presentation will describe the activities and outcomes of a randomized control trial investigation designed to promote the use of cognitive support technology among college and university students with disabilities. Sixty students across the US have participated in the program, which consists of assistive technology assessments and intensive vocational case management services. Results to date suggest that the virtually-delivered intervention has strong positive effects on particpants’ mental and general health status, use of technology to support their academic studies, grades and academic retention rates, paid employment activities, and career optimism.


12/12/2024 2:00 PM ET - 12/12/2024 2:45 PM ET



Employment Postsecondary Education Transition Traumatic Brain Injury