THE MAKER SPACE MOVEMENT: ENGAGING STUDENTS IN HANDS-ON LEARNING (Grades K - 8) (Virginia School - University Partnership)

This is a completed event.


This workshop will prepare teachers, librarians and administrators to meet the challenge of incorporating “Making” into their curriculum in order to encourage creativity and independent thinking in their students. The conference will address commonly asked questions such as:  What is “Making”?, Why is this important?, How can you create spaces that lend themselves to making?, How do you infuse this into daily instruction?, What are options for low-tech making and high-tech making?, What resources and grants are available?, and What supplies are needed and how to get them on a budget?  Conference participants will engage in at least four different hands-on activities during the day (possibly including activities such as: littleBits, Squishy Circuits, Reclaimed Art, Bridge Building, Led Throwies, Wearable Technology). The goal of this workshop is to help teachers, librarians and administrators to understand the benefits of students using their hands and brains to create and explore as well as to enable participants to gain the skills and knowledge needed to create a culture of making in their schools. Participants will explore both low and high-tech materials and leave with resources and ideas for creating their own maker environments.


$139 for VSUP Members

$189 for Non-Members

Fee includes parking, breakfast, and lunch

Pre-Payment Is Not Required

Notification of cancellation must be received by the VSUP Conference Coordinator, Liza Scallet (, at least FIVE DAYS before the event is held, or you will be billed in full.

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, September 9, 2016


9/29/2016 9:00 AM ET - 9/29/2016 3:30 PM ET


1901 Emmet Street
Charlottesville, VA 22901
(434) 977-7700


Curriculum/Instructional Methods Elementary Instructional Strategies Instructional Technology Middle School Professional Development