Early Childhood Investigations Webinar - A Calm Brain is a Thinking Brain: Designing calm, engaging early learning environments, by Dr. Kathryn Murray, August 8, 2024, 2:00pm-3:30pm


Register for A Calm Brain is a Thinking Brain: Designing calm, engaging early learning environments - In this insightful webinar, you will learn the original Brain-SET Environments Formula™ that integrates an understanding of brain development with foundations of early childhood environmental design and why it is important to harmonize the 3 levels of the brain, Survival, Emotions, and Thinking (S.E.T.) to ensure calm thinking and playful learning. As Katheryn explores Brain-SET’s 3 Design Pillars and 16 Elements of Design, she will discuss photos that exemplify Brain-SET environments. You will learn how to create spaces that are purposefully curated to build skills using play and exploration as powerful motivators for learning. In this session, you will hearr about research, practical applications, and testimonials of successful Brain-SET learning environments from a range of centers. Learn how creating a Brain-SET environment ensures that ‘a calm brain is a thinking brain’ for teachers and children.

Contact ECI Webinars


8/8/2024 2:00 PM ET - 8/8/2024 3:30 PM ET


Curriculum/Instructional Methods Early Childhood Professional Development Professional Resources Social/Emotional