Lever Switch Made from a Notebook
(This webshop was edited by Clare Talbert, December 2016.)
This webshop demonstrates an easy and simple way to create a homemade lever switch.
Start Here:
- Introduction
- The Final Notebook Switch
- Needed Materials and Equipment
- Preparation
- Preparing the Speaker Wire for Soldering
- Testing the Switch
- Continuing
- Cleaning Surfaces for Soldering
- Soldering Speaker Wire and Copper
- Poking a Hole in the Notebook
- Feeding Speaker Wire through the Notebook
- Stabilizing Copper Pieces
- Gluing Copper Pieces
- Gluing Foam Rubber
- Two Foams with Different Consistency
- Attaching the Miniature Phone Plug to the Notebook Switch
- Continuing
- Continuing
- Soldering Speaker Wire to the Prongs
- Continuing
- Continuing