Virginia Essentialized Standards of Learning (VESOL) and Instructional Resources (Virginia Department of Education, VDOE)
- Locate VESOL Instructional Resources for Reading, Mathematics and Science - TTAC Online (including Mathematics Vertical Articulation Grades 3-HS VESOL by Strand Concept and VESOL Educator Videos)
- VESOL Instructional Resources for Reading, Mathematics and Science - TTAC Online
- Find Additional VAAP Resources on TTAC Onlne
- Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) - VDOE (VAAP Test Plan Template)
The Department of Student Assessment, Accountability, and ESEA Programs and the Department of Special Education and Student Services at the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) are pleased to announce the availability of the Virginia Essentialized Standards of Learning (VESOL) on the Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) webpage on the Virginia Department of Education website.
The VESOL are the content standards for reading, mathematics, and science for eligible students with significant cognitive disabilities in grades 3-8 and high school who will participate in the VAAP beginning in 2021-2022. These content standards are derived from the Standards of Learning (SOL) and represent academic content reduced in depth, breadth, and complexity that is appropriate, accessible, and relevant for students with significant cognitive disabilities. The development of the VESOL represents the collaborative efforts of Virginia Department of Education staff, Behavioral Research, and Teaching staff at the University of Oregon, and Virginia special educators from 27 school divisions.
Instructional resources to support classroom instruction of the VESOL are available online at TTAC Online. These resources include crosswalks, information that addresses literacy, mathematics and science instruction, assistive technology, and alternative communication as well as sample activities. The instructional resources represent the work of the Virginia Department of Education’s Training and Technical Assistance Centers (TTAC) located at Virginia Commonwealth University, James Madison University, Old Dominion University, George Mason University, and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.