Recorded Webinars: Healthy Teachers, Happy Classrooms and From Burnt Out to Fired Up (Solution Tree)


Webinar: Happy Teachers, Happy Classroom -  Many teachers are simply and understandably burning out! The fire and passion that once sparked for teaching are simply becoming extinguished.

In this highly-engaging webinar, based on the book by the same title, educators will not only learn how to restore their passion for teaching, they will also explore 12 specific ways to look five to ten years younger, become and remain healthier, and live a longer life! This webinar has been called both personally and professionally life-changing and so much fun! 

Webinar: From Burnt Out to Fired Up -  You can be an amazing teacher without burning out. Drawing from the latest research and her own teaching experiences, Morgane Michael identifies five easy approaches to reignite your passion and replenish your well-being—reflect, reframe, refocus, reconnect, and reveal.


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