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Showing Results 351 - 400 of 500
Description: Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice - The Reentry, Education and Intervention Division is responsible for meeting the needs of youth committed to DJJ by providing them with quality education, treatment and rehabilitation and reentry supports to create a seamless transition to the community. The Reentry, Education and Intervention Division is composed of: Education – Responsible for providing quality instructional practices and programs to improve student performance....
Description: The Virginia Department of Education is the administrative agency for the commonwealth’s public schools. VDOE works in partnership with Virginia’s 132 school divisions to support and improve teaching and learning, set high expectations for all students, and promote student safety, wellbeing, and health.
Description: Magellan of Virginia was selected by the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) to serve as the Behavioral Health Services Administrator (BHSA). Magellan administers behavioral health services for members enrolled in Virginia’s Medicaid and FAMIS programs. This site is for members receiving behavioral health services in Virginia, their families and friends, and providers. Mission:Magellan of Virginia ensures quality behavioral health services are delivered to...
Description: The Executive Skills Questionnaire (ESQ) is designed to rank your executive skills. Executive function skills are mental processes that allow us to plan, focus our attention, recall instructions, juggle multiple tasks successfully, and self-regulate.
Description: The Arc of Northern Virginia (The Arc of NoVA) is dedicated to ensuring that the human and civil rights of people with developmental disabilities are protected. They have known and worked with thousands of families, in their more than 50 year history, who have taught them so much. The Arc of Northern Virginia has seen an increase in calls and concerns from family about interactions of people with developmental disabilities (DD), including intellectual disabilities, and emergency services and the...
Description: Conducting Appropriate FBAs - Part 1 The concepts discussed in this session are designed to augment the capabilities of personnel who do Function Based Assessments for children who display a wide variety of challenging behaviors. This training specifically focus on providing attendees: a) a theoretical background of applied behavior analysis, b) the knowledge to operationally define, record, and display behavior for appropriate data analyses, and c) the background knowledge of key concepts that...
Description: The ZERO TO THREE Policy Center is also delighted to announce the release of a new planning tool, Expanding Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Supports and Services: A Planning Tool for States and Communities.  This new resource provides a set of questions that can help to: inform and organize cross-system, multi-sector planning efforts; inventory existing resources, policies, and programs; identify gaps and missing linkages; and align policy with best practice. This action-oriented...
Description: In October, 2016, ten states convened around the topic of infant and early childhood mental health (IECMH), with a specific focus on strategies to improve assessment, diagnosis and treatment. Teams from Alaska, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Virginia participated, as well as a team of expert contributors from Minnesota. The summary of proceedings from that work, Aligning Policy and Practice: Mental Health Assessment and Treatment of...
Description: How to Identify and Support Children Experiencing Stress - Recent social and political changes have brought up feelings of fear and anxiety in many communities. In some communities, protests or even violent conflicts may be happening near children. It is not surprising, then, that these communities’ children may be exhibiting signs of anxiety. Child care providers can take steps to help children cope with worry and the uncertainty that change brings. First and foremost,...
Description: This guide provides human services leaders at the local, State, Tribal, and Territorial levels with information and resources on recent advances in our understanding of trauma, toxic stress, and executive functioning. It especially highlights what these advances mean for program design and service delivery. The guide helps professionals learn about trauma-informed care and helps those currently engaged in trauma-informed work to improve their practice.
Description: The new ZERO TO THREE publication, “Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation: Policies and Practices to Foster the Social-Emotional Development of Young Children” provides an overview of early childhood mental health consultation (ECMHC), current issues in the field, and possible future directions. The paper also provides a snapshot of current programs across the nation and highlights some of the challenges and innovations that are shaping the field. Thirteen states are profiled,...
Description: The POWER (Parent Organizer With Educational Resources) web app provides parents and families with online resources to answer questions about child development, disabilities, community services, Special Education, diploma options in Virginia and transition to life after high school.  The questions and potential resources are separated into age levels: Early Childhood, Elementary School, Middle School and High School. This project is a collaborative effort between the Parent Resource...
Description: BULLYING BASICS in Early Childhood: Bullying can emerge in early childhood. If you don’t know that bullying happens among young children, you won’t see it or stop it. If you don’t stop bullying, it will grow and spread. When early childhood educators are prepared, they can nip bullying in the bud. Find out how to stop bullying before it starts.
Description: The TBI InfoComics were created to educate survivors of Traumatic Brain Injury, their families/caregivers, and healthcare providers about common symptoms of TBI and how to manage them. Our InfoComics are written to be accessible to people who may have memory issues or trouble reading large blocks of text. They present the most vital and up-to-date information about physical, cognitive and emotional issues people with TBI may be dealing with. The content we present in our comics represents...
Description: Included in this video clip directory are a series of video clips that have been carefully vetted and selected by staff from the Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning (CASTL). Video clips on specific topics can be narrowed down using the categories on the left. Please note: The links below direct you to a website not associated with the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). The VDOE does not necessarily endorse the views expressed or the data and facts presented...
Description: Hyperactive, non-compliant, and disruptive behaviors in the classroom are often challenges for early childhood educators, regardless of whether a young child is diagnosed with ADHD or not. Understanding the rationale for and principles of behavior management and self-regulation approaches can help you support positive development for young children with challenging behaviors using evidence-based strategies.  This "Ask the Expert" video is full of information and strategies that you may find...
Description: Abstract This policy statement focuses on children and adolescents 5 through 18 abstract years of age. Research suggests both benefi ts and risks of media use for the health of children and teenagers. Benefits include exposure to new ideas and knowledge acquisition, increased opportunities for social contact and support, and new opportunities to access health-promotion messages and information. Risks include negative health effects on weight and sleep; exposure to inaccurate, inappropriate, or...
Description: A variety of one hour professional development archived webinars focused on early intervention and early childhood topics.  These are hosted by the Division for Early Childhood and can be purchased $35.00 for non-DEC members; $25.00 for DEC members.
Description: Virginia’s Medicaid Waiver System: Could you or your child benefit from services such as respite care, personal care, assistive technology, employment services, residential services, nursing care, and/or behavior supports? If so, you may want to check into Virginia’s Medicaid Waiver program. In Virginia, Medicaid Waivers pay for a variety of services and supports for children and adults with developmental disabilities. They provide these supports so that the person can live...
Description: The mission of the Center on the Developing Child is to drive science-based innovation that achieves breakthrough outcomes for children facing adversity.You can find useful scientifically based resources and videos on this site.  This center, based at Harvard, believes advances in science provide a powerful source of new ideas focused on the early years of life. Founded in 2006, the Center catalyzes local, national, and international innovation in policy and practice focused on...
Description: The National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) improves the learning and development of young children by producing and communicating knowledge that transforms policy and practice. We collaborate with a network of local, state, national, and international leaders to design, conduct, and disseminate rigorous research, evaluation, and policy analysis. NIEER also helps prepare the next generation of inspirational leaders and researchers in early education.
Description: This video shows how siblings of people with disabilities have a wide range of experiences and emotions that impact them in different ways.  There are personal stories of insight, appreciation and pride as well as examples of embarassment and fear/worry.
Description: These online training modules, created by Barbara Didona, MEd. (funded by the Allen C. Crocker Family Fellowship at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston, and by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center at the University of Massachusetts Medical School) were created specifically for paraprofessionals. The free, research-based modules are full of practical tips and strategies. The modules can also be shared by parent centers with the professionals and paraprofessionals for whom they...
Description: What’s the best way to protect your kids online? Talk to them. While kids value the opinions of their peers, most tend to rely on their parents for help on the issues that matter most.
Description: The Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities works with schools, businesses, and communities to achieve success by addressing prejudices, in all forms, in order to improve academic achievement, increase workplace productivity, and enhance local trust. Through workshops, retreats, and customized programs that raise knowledge, motivation, and skills, VCIC develops leaders who work together to achieve success throughout the Commonwealth. VCIC has compiled resources by topic for use by schools:...
Description: What can adult life include? Young people with disabilities look forward to adult lives in the community that include: Friends and family Relaxation and fun A home of their own Work or volunteering Lifelong learning Making choices Travel or move around your community Faith-based participation This is a good picture of the future. It can happen when young people have a team planning with them.
Description: You can play an important role in helping your children and teenagers recover from traumatic events. We have designed these pages for birth parents, adoptive parents, resource/foster parents, grandparents, caregivers, and all others who care for children and teens. We are using the words "child" or "children" to include adolescents. Although teens may not think of themselves as children, parents and caregivers most often refer those of any age (toddler, school-age, teen, youth, adult) in our...
Description: Research suggests that approximately 25% of American children will experience at least one traumatic event by the age of 16. A child's reactions to trauma can interfere considerably with learning and/or behavior at school. Schools serve as a critical system of support for children who have experienced trauma. Administrators, teachers, and staff can help reduce the effects of trauma on children by recognizing trauma responses, accommodating and responding to traumatized students within the...
Description: Child Trauma Toolkit for Educators - Information for Educators: Trauma Facts for Educators Suggestions for Educators Psychological and Behavioral Impact of Trauma: Preschool Children Psychological and Behavioral Impact of Trauma: Elementary School Students Psychological and Behavioral Impact of Trauma: Middle School Students Psychological and Behavioral Impact of Trauma: High School Students Brief Information on Childhood Traumatic Grief for School Personnel Self Care for Educators Information...
Description: All kids feel anxious from time to time. But kids who learn and think differently are more likely to struggle with anxiety. How can you tell whether your child’s level of anxiety is typical and appropriate, or something more? A chart is provided that can help you understand the difference between typical anxiety and an anxiety problem, and how to support your child in both situations.
Description: Virginia’s Definition of School Readiness describes the capabilities of children, families, schools and communities that promote student success in kindergarten and beyond. Each component – children, families, schools and communities – plays an essential role in developing school readiness. Ready Children are prepared socially, personally, physically and intellectually to meet literacy, mathematics, science, history/social science and developmental standards for...
Description: The I’m Determined project, a state-directed project funded by the Virginia Department of Education, focuses on providing direct instruction, models, and opportunities to practice skills associated with self-determined behavior. This project facilitates youth, especially those with disabilities to undertake a measure of control in their lives, helping to set and steer the course rather than remaining the silent passenger. Much of our work comes from research around three...
Description: Our understanding of how best to support the learning of individuals with ASD always evolving.  With new autism research becoming available, it is necessary for educators, medical personnel, parents, and other service providers to stay up-to-date on best practices, evidence-based interventions and strategies available to support those with ASD. Evidence-based practice (EBP) are those practices that have been researched and are widely accepted and recognized as effective techniques. ...
Description: Social communication and social skill difficulties are core characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Deficits in social skills often have negative consequences that impact individuals’ outcomes in inclusive learning opportunities in schools and inclusive engagement in the communities. Though this social component is a widely known hallmark of ASD, intervention to support individuals’ mastery of these skills is still emerging in classroom and community environments across...
Description: Inclusion and participation in the community are not always easy for individuals with ASD. At times, members of the community may not be accepting or supportive. However, community participation can lead to a better quality of life for everyone and make all the difference in an individual’s life. What do Teachers Need to Know?One of the best ways to engage students and promote independence is to give opportunities for choice making and problem solving. This helps increase motivation and...
Description: The Brain Injury Strategies App is intended to provide ideas for supporting an individual who is returning to learning. It addresses various areas of concern that can happen after a concussion, a type of traumatic brain injury. The end product is a summary of selected strategies that can be implemented by an educator for an individual student. (Note: To preview Brain Injury Strategies App, use 1234 as student ID.)
Description: Who We Are - The National Federation of Families: Bringing Lived Experience to Family Support is a national family-run organization linking more than 120 chapters and state organizations focused on the issues of children and youth with emotional, behavioral, or mental health needs and their families. It was conceived in Arlington, Virginia in February, 1989 by a group of 18 people determined to make a difference in the way the system works. Where We Come From Members of the National...
Title: ClassDojo
Description: ClassDojo's Mission: To bring communities together, and give their kids learning experiences they love. We think every kid on Earth should get an education they love. We don’t believe there is some “ideal” education, a one-size-fits-all model that all kids must fit. Instead, we believe every community of teachers, kids and families should be able to get the learning experiences that they want and love. And we believe the way to do that is from the ground up. This is...
Description: ATN/AIR-P Puberty and Adolescent Resource - Puberty can be a time of mixed feelings for parents and pre-teens. All parents eventually face the challenge of teaching their children about the natural changes of puberty. However, parents of pre-teens with autism may need the help of additional strategies to ease the transition. Our aim in developing this tool is to provide guidance on puberty that can be directly applied to pre-teens with autism. In doing so, we hope to increase families'...
Description: Mommies and Daddies in Jail Children, who are victims of their parent's crimes, are often afraid and confused by the changes in their own lives. Their questions and deeply felt concerns are not always addressed. A 16 page booklet, MOMMIES AND DADDIES IN JAIL, clearly and concisely addresses this issue. A scenario about a child who witnesses the arrest of a parent is followed by questions that are asked by the child and answered throughout the process from arrest to incarceration. It is designed...
Description: AWAARE Collaboration is a working group of seven national non-profit autism organizations whose mission is to prevent autism-related wandering incidents and deaths. NAA (National Autism Association) has created three digital safety toolkits that can be downloaded: Caregiver Toolkit, First Responder Toolkit and Teacher Toolkit.
Description: The VCU-ACE How To Series demonstrates evidence-based practices for students with ASD. These short videos are approximately five minutes and are intended to provide a quick look at implementing a particular strategy. The How To videos provide a short description of the topic with real life video examples of how to implement the evidence-based practice in the classroom with students with ASD. More How To videos will continue to be added so please check back often! (Videos on Prompting,...
Description: Bullying in the United States was once a silent epidemic which was endured by millions of children on a daily basis. The attitude “kids will be kids” was just part of normal childhood development. Today, bullying in schools is being recognized as a national health problem and safety issue for all students including students with disabilities. The prevalence of bullying in schools is roughly one in three students and can occur twice as often for students with special needs. Dr....
Description: Within the text of the Diagnostic Criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder in the DSM-5, the word “social” appears TEN times; indicating that social skills are, inherently, a significant area of need for students with ASD.  Learning to navigate social situations not only helps them understand their world, but also impacts a student’s ability to gain benefit from academics.  Our students, more often than not, find themselves alone during recess and lunch times, verbally...
Description: The VCU-ACE Statewide Goal Committee on Transition recognized that there are distinct domains that comprise this complex concept.  Appropriately named, “The Three T’s of Transition”, these areas are as follows:  Transition from grade-to-grade, level-to-level, teacher-to-teacher, transition to and from out-of division placement, and the transition that takes place when students leave from secondary education and embark into adulthood.    This webcast will...
Description: These are guidelines for conducting Functional Behavioral Assessment and developing Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports/Strategies.
Description: Prader-Willi Syndrome is a complex genetic disorder of the 15th chromosome; the most common known genetic cause of life-threatening obesity in children. PWSA | USA supports individuals diagnosed with Prader-Willi syndrome, their families, and care providers with critical information and resources. We educate medical providers, educators, and professional care givers about PWS and how to best support individuals with the syndrome. PWSA | USA seeks to support research projects with the potential...
Description: These research summaries covering instructional strategies and interventions offer information that includes level of effectiveness as well as the age groups for which a given strategy or intervention is designed. Links to the original reports are also provided for those who might wish to explore further. Summaries are available on the following topics: Assessment (includes progress monitoring), Behavior and Classroom Management, Content Instruction, Diversity, Early intervention/Early...
Description: AIR is one of the world's largest behavioral and social science research and evaluation organizations. Our overriding goal is to use the best science available to bring the most effective ideas and approaches to enhancing everyday life. For us, making the world a better place is not wishful thinking. It is the goal that drives us. Their vision is to: Inform improvements to education, health, workforce development, and related areas; Collaborate with organizations, policymakers, and practitioners...
Description: This section includes the following: The Bullying Problem: What You Need to Know, Bullying laws: Your child's rights at school, How to Help Your Child Defend Against Bullies, Bullying Fact Sheet 8 Steps to Take If You Suspect Bullying at School,  Signs of Bullying in Grade School And more