What is Teacher Self-Care and How to Practice It (Waterford.org)


What is Teacher Self-Care and How to Practice It - Because teaching is such an intensive job, educators can greatly benefit from learning about activities for practicing self-care. Unfortunately, teachers may worry that taking care of themselves can lead to self-absorption and distract them from their students. However, despite the misleading title, self-care isn’t at all about selfishness.

In fact, practicing self-care can be in the best interest of everyone in your classroom. Self-care is all about taking care of your health and making sure that you have everything you need to thrive as a teacher. Without taking care of yourself, you won’t have the energy to help your students.

Self-care can keep you at the top of your game and ready to handle any challenges that come up during your teaching career. Read this article to discover what self-care is, why it’s important for educators, and how to bring it into your daily life as well as into your school.


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