Self-care for teachers: 5 strategies to prevent compassion fatigue (University of Massachusetts Global)


Self-care for teachers: 5 strategies to prevent compassion fatigue - Educators are some of the most passionate people you’ll meet in any profession, and it’s easy to understand why. Teachers get to introduce children to concepts, people and places that will shape their lives forever. When your lesson goes well and the class is engaged and attentive, it can feel like you’re on top of the world.

But teaching is also an emotionally, mentally and physically taxing job that puts educators at risk for compassion fatigue, burnout and even early resignation. That’s why self-care for teachers is essential and should be normalized as a routine practice. 

This articlle will provide a better understanding of the dangers of compassion fatigue and helpful teacher self-care tips that have the potential to make a big difference in your life.


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